semi tractor related . (Graphic pic )

Old Roy

Well-known Member
About 15 years ago I was rotary brushing paint off a tractor gas tank. one if the wires hit just beside nose piece if my glasses imbedding itself right beside my right tear duct.
I kept picking at it thinking I hadn't gotten it all out, but it actually was trying to heal and when it itched I would pick at it more. At that time it had developed into like a mole, and was just as bothersome. Fast forward 13 years...two yeas ago it was the size of a pencil eraser starting to travel towards the bridge of my nose, Last 6 months it has traveled to just on top the bridge I went to my Dr and he sent me to a surgeon today and he has decided he can't do it in the office so on Dec 1, I will be in hospital for removal of this...He says it is a nasty cancer. and is getting aggressive. He also added he has done over 1100 such procedures on the same type of cancer with all them being successful.

Now what scares me the most although I'll be asleep he has to cut off this growth that will extend into sinus cavity and go deep enough to remove all the cancer, then put in some type of filler then cover it with donor area skin about a 3 cm square from either my neck or forehead.

Prayers would be appreciated ... Thanks
Roy, I have never seen or heard of anything like that before. Of course I wish you the best. The nice thing is that your doctor says that he has done some 1,100 surgeries of just this same type of cancer, ALL successful. I have to tell you Roy, I like those odds.

I will say a prayer just the same.

Best of luck and wishes.

I had the same thing on my lip last spring.I cut myself shaving and didn't think anything of it.It started out as a small bump and grew.I was told it was cancer also.I had the mose(not sure of spelling)surgery done.That's where they take it off in layers to remove as little as possible and still get it all.They can test it onsite and just remove enough to get all the cancer and you go home knowing they got it all.6 months later i had the same thing on my chin.All went well,hope that's the last of it.I'm sure yours will work out too.
My brother had a cancer removed from his face. The doctor said he had it for many, many years and it just started bothering him. All went well with no scarring or problems. Today's medical people can do marvelous things.
Good to know that your doctor has so much success with this previous type of surgery.

As long as all the cancer cells are removed, you should be in good shape.

Most of the folks I"ve talked to had donor skin removed from their neck behind the ear.

You know that both Nancy and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
I had nose surgery some years back now for sinuses and a deviated septum in my nose. Not nearly as invasive but still, theres lots of important parts around that area of the head so I can understand your concern. Well wishes for a good surgery and get well soon.
You will be right, Digger, but there is a message there for all.Don't procrastinate.Get down to the Doc pronto and be checked out.

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