JR Frye

Good morning Guys:
How you all did?
Have any of you guys ever used barb wire fence stays, the long twisted wire that you twist
On to the barb wire and onto the woven wire. Do they work;
The problem that I have is I have a guy next door to me that loves to push down the fence between us and go hunting on our property: Pictures have been taken of him on our property and all so pushing down the wire and tying it down. The sheriff and the game warden have seen the picks and they say we can see the face we can not do any thing about it.
So my thought was to put the barb wire stay’s on the barb wire and lace another wire threw the top of the barb wire stays and nail or screw it to the top of the post sow they can not push it down.
What is your thoughts; O by the way One of our Cameras picked up a person on our property stealing a field camera .They do all of this at night in black and the face is covered up;
What is your thoughts:: MANY THANKS
You could have the guy next door arrested for treaspassing. On your cameras you could put some persian blue on them. If they get it on their hands it will take weeks to get off their skin. You might be surprised who's taking it.
Unfortunately, it sounds like you're doing all you can do, short of going over to the guy's house and starting something you may be sorry for in the end. I mean that there are a lot of people in prison (or dead) over this kind of stuff.

I'm in the same situation. I put up a field fence along the line. One neighbor was real mad about it as it's near his tree stand (on his property). Said he'd cross the line if he shot a deer on HIS property and it fled onto mine. I put a couple of 4x4 posts in with a section of field fence that he could swing back, a crude gate, with the understanding that he'd only use it in the event described above. Well, every time I go by it, it's open and I close it. (I want my dogs to roam free on MY property without worrying about them trespassing on the neighbors.)

A guy next to him (along the same fence line) just pulled a couple of t-posts last year to get access to my property. Stuck them back in kind of half-a$$ed.

I try not to let my blood pressure rise because of it, but it's a shame that some people seem to think that because they live in a rural area, everyone's field, woods or pond is their recreation area.

Good luck
It's all about reputation.
It appears you have the friendly nice guy rep. that tells them you won't do anything about it..
YOU need to change,
Got POSTED signs put up legaly?
The NRA has signs warning of a shooting range. Get some and post them along your fence, along with your posted signs.
set up a little target practice area, and use it once in a while.
when you know he's out there, go out and use your shooting range, scare the heck out of him.
(just dont shoot him..)
He'll complain, hopefully to the cops saying you were shooting at him. You can show them the signs, and where he knocked down your fence.
You've got Him admitting to tresspass....
If He doesn't complain, He'll thing a little harder about tresspassing the next time...

And remove the gate you gave Him, It tells the cops it's ok for him to tresspass..
My thoughts are you need a new sheriff. If he cant do anything about trespassing. But a simple day or two shooting tin cans under a tree stand helps also. Preferably on opening morning with tree stand occupied. Squirrel huntings good also especially with a dog. Chain saw works wonders also if you cut a tree for firewood and neighbors stand happens to be in it. I just dont understand folks who put up with being pushed around on their own property,I'm sorry. Why do you even bother to put a fence up? I would tell your neighbors to shove it somewhere uncomfortable. If they needed on my place to track a deer to come to the house ,and if they didnt you would prosecute them to the fullest extent! But thats me of course,but oddly enough my neighbors feel the same way. Doesnt hurt that the law here reads that way also. Very likely yours does also. Heres a tip, folks around you who will walk on you ARENT neighbors. No matter how close they live to you. And its not un-neighborly to demand some respect on your own land.
Is your land posted with the signs properly spaced?? Around here, I understand the proper distance between signs is 150 feet in the woods and 600 feet in open field.. Signs may not stop him, but when caught; the culprit will not be able to use a lame excuse like "I wasn't aware I wasn't welcome here".....

A landowner shouldn't have to go through the added expense and work of posting his property; but crap,,, well, it may help.

One of my boys has had a simular proplem with area hunters... He purchased his property for his OWN hunting enjoyment..... He has made it perfectly clear that if a wounded deer crosses onto his property; the other hunters are not permitted to enter his property and SCREW UP his hunting experience.....They are to call his house, and HE will go looking for the wounded deer and return it to them.. Way safer and civil for everyone.

Getting a little long winded and a little OT but I have to chuckle every time I recall my favorite treaspassing story from years past... There was a gravel pit over in Clay County, Mn that was a well known party spot.. Signs and even a log across the road did not hinder the party-goers... One weekend; a fellow drove his souped up 57Chevy down to the pit and turned up the stereo. Well, the party lasted into the wee hours of the morning, and the poor battery in the 57Chevy was too tired to crank over that 396CID big block the owner was soooo proud of.. Now dang!! nobody had jumper cables with them!! "OK, lets go home and get some sleep, and come back brite and early with some jumper cables" -- To this bunch of "partied out" guys, this sounded like a logical plan...They returned brite and early and staggered around looking for the 57Chevy,,but,, all they could find were ""Caterpillar Tracks"".... They NEVER found that 57Chevy..!
JR. I live 4 miles east of Winterset just off Hwy 92. If I can help you in any way with this let me know.
My grandpa was a farmer, he was very protective of his land and livestock. He was also very hot headed but would live up to his word. He had a few altercations with trespassers in his time. He would confront the trespasser man to man. In not such nice words he would make it very clear what might happen to the trespasser if he ever caught him red handed. It worked for him.

I remember a time we were turkey hunting early one morning. We heard shotgun shots up north. We hauled butt up to the north end of the property and there were two guys hunting on his property. He confronted them. Told the to get there you know what off his property and he better not catch them trespassing again. As they headed north to the fence one of the trespassers said, "and what are you going to do about it old man?" Grandpa shot his shotgun at the guys feet and said, "next time I won't miss!" We never had another problem....

Not that I condone this, it scared the pee out of me.
I wish I had a good answer for you . We have had two cameras stolen in the last yr. and a half and a tree stand stolen monday . My buddy bought a camera at Bass Pro I think that for $30 a month will send a text to your phone and a pic. to your e-mail everytime it takes a pic. so even if they steal it you have a pic. of them doing it . It works off of a AT&T signal and we are in a area that dont pickup there signal so it did not help us out . We was going to set the guy up that took the cameras with it .
It will cost a couple hundred bucks but get an high voltage fence charger (9 joule works wonders) and put current on that section of fence. If questioned you are thinking about putting some goats/cows in that area. If they continue to tear your fence down get a couple of briar goats and put them in there. If they continue to take the fence down, then I would think it would become a liability issue for them, and then you lazy sheriff would probably get more involed.
I personally seen lots of fence with the twist stays. Looks like they work good to me. Ive not used them personally and everything Im putting up now is 4 stand, spring loaded, electrified, high tensile.

There are times when a man must take a stand...

Either whimp-out or Stand Up and teach him a lesson..
Nothing wrong with Rock Salt either..

Good LORD, most "Men" are even afraid to strap their kids (when they need it)..
This Country was built on the backs of MEN..
NOW, go out and BE ONE...


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