Whatcha doin for Thanksgiving??


Well-known Member
When I was a kid, we'd mostly go to a friend of the Family's Mother's place because Dad came from a big family (16 B&S) and didn't want to deal with the ones that'd show up for a free meal and all the kids..... There would be usually about 12-15 folks. The Guys and kids old enough went rabbit hunting (and maybe a grouse or two if you could keep your drawers clean and shoot one) in the morning while the women/girls done the cooking.

Since I've been over here, either went to someone's (soldier) place or the mess hall for a good meal til I got hooked up with the old bat. Not a German holiday but she always takes off work and cooks a big meal and we invite a couple folks over as regulars and I take a drive on post and look for a couple soldiers wondering around and drag them home for a meal....

Same this year....But the old bat just called me and told me to get a trailer ready for Thursday morning so we can go pick up my tractor cab that I bought a month ago and haven't been able to pick up (200 miles away)... while her friend starts the dinner and we come back and finish up/eat... Knew I kept her around for something :roll:
The boys and their girlfreinds are coming here. One of the girls works in an adult foster care home and has to work day shift,so we won't be eating real early. The daughter,son in law and grand daughters are going to his dads place this year.
I guess my mother's coming. She lives with one of my brothers and his wife,but she has to work too and says she ain't cookin,so the wife invited my mother here.
(quoted from post at 07:23:52 11/21/11) When I was a kid, we'd mostly go to a friend of the Family's Mother's place because Dad came from a big family (16 B&S) and didn't want to deal with the ones that'd show up for a free meal and all the kids..... There would be usually about 12-15 folks. The Guys and kids old enough went rabbit hunting (and maybe a grouse or two if you could keep your drawers clean and shoot one) in the morning while the women/girls done the cooking.

Since I've been over here, either went to someone's (soldier) place or the mess hall for a good meal til I got hooked up with the old bat. Not a German holiday but she always takes off work and cooks a big meal and we invite a couple folks over as regulars and I take a drive on post and look for a couple soldiers wondering around and drag them home for a meal....

Same this year....But the old bat just called me and told me to get a trailer ready for Thursday morning so we can go pick up my tractor cab that I bought a month ago and haven't been able to pick up (200 miles away)... while her friend starts the dinner and we come back and finish up/eat... Knew I kept her around for something :roll:

My wife & I are both the oldest in our families, and neither of her sister's had their own home until a few years ago. For the 1st 15 years, we had a lot of holidays at our place. Then her sister's started wanting to host. We like that, we can just go home when we want, and her sister's are very competitive - they want to host. And since we live out in the sticks, we travel farther than everybody else, so that is a factor also. Bottom line, I like going there, I don't have to work as much.
Miss MN and I are driving over to Duluth to hang out with
her sister. Nothing fancy...don't even know if we'll cook
ourselves a supper. Will be a nice change since her family
gatherings usually include about 20 people. Just gonna take
'er easy.
well First thing in the morning I am going BUNNY HUNTING with my buddy's till around 1-2 then coming home for dinner with the family , Sure hope that the War Dept does not treat me like a god and serve me a BURT OFFERING .
While I am from a good sized family, we were so spread out we never really experience the whole big get together thing. Few times we did/do it not anywhere near a holiday. And almost never included the whole family.

As my family is spread out too. (Washington, Tennessee, Maryland, Ohio) Most make it some time on Thursday, a few Friday and get left over’s. I do not take it to seriously, neither does the wife. That probably is why we do not do a big get together thing now. Generally I cook the usual stuff and let the kids come and go as they need to. Two of their spouses treat it like church and of course the times conflict and it a big head ach for them.

As far as what we do, we just sit back and enjoy each other’s company and play catch up, take pictures, and play with grand babies. My son is heading to Korea in December so we will likely be having Christmas and a few birthdays for his family at some point this weekend. Of course in between visits, I will be hunting and getting in some tractor seat time.
Gonna go to wifes daughter Joy's place for dinner,,Dave just a side note , I had another wife for 20 yrs . that old battalk will reciprocate with less favorable name calling ,, in my world ,, there JUST AINT no GOOD gonna come From that kinda talk ..Lets all give Thanks To Those That Help Us have a Healthylife ,, and strive to be a BLESSING and make a positive difference ,,Psalms and Proverbs provide quick antidotes to the pain of life and teach All who will imbibe in the Bible how to successfully et from one end of this life to the other and endure lifes strife with confident strain..We WISH You The Best this ThanksGIVING ...
Me and the Mrs. both have to work Thursday and Friday as do all our kids so she plans on doing the big dinner thing on Sat. My oldest son and his family lives in Okla. so they won't be here but we'll do the web cam thing so at least they'll be with us that way when we give our Thanksgiving prayer.
I left Michigan for the last time in '88 to do an overseaqs tour in Greece, havn't been able to get home for the holidays much since. This will be a thanksgiving of firsts for us, the first since my dad passed and the first our oldest daughter won't be able to be home, to much going on at college and in her life. Quiet day at home with the wife and younger daughter.
Got an army of folks coming to the farm over the next few days. 6 arriving today, 2 arriving tomorrow, and 12 coming on Thursday.

My wife, daughter, and daughter-in-law are all angels. They'll work their heads off and everyone (except them) will have a delightful time.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tom in TN
For 30-some years, my 2 sisters and I, and our families, got together at Thanksgiving. Finally had to call a halt to it last year- too many people, now that most of the kids are married plus all the grandkids. So now Mrs. and I, and our 3 kids and spouses and kids. Gets if down to a reasonable 12 or so- down from the upper 30's near the end. Going to daughter's place about 80 miles away, so her husband can participate- he works for Homeland Security at SeaTac Airport, and we'll plan around whatever shift he has.

Will miss the big get-together, because our family has always gotten along very well. Will still get the whole outfit together for Christmas, probably on Dec. 31 this year.
Milking cows, after I finish the pm shift I"m going to try and be home thanksgiving, guessing though I"ll get home at around 1am
Being an old fashioned old school conservative old fuddy duddy with like aged and like minded women folk.....

We go to the in laws,,,,,,,,,women cook,,,,,,,,,mean eat like hogs,,,,,,,,,women do dishes,,,,,,,men go watch football, belch, pass gas, take naps,,,,drink beer,,,,,,maybe play cards,,,,,eat pumpkin pie and whip cream,,,,,,,, AND THE MEN AND WOMEN ARE BOTTTTTTTTHHHHH HAPPY AND CONTENT

Now (only if over 50) tell me whats wrong with that lol

John T
My brothers and sisters live in Wi, Mn, In, and Ia and we are on the west coast. Even if I lived closer we probably wouldn"t celebrate together as they all have large families of their own. We have a single daughter, and a young family who adopted us as grandparents to their kids. As usual they will all be here for the traditional turkey dinner with all the fixin"s. BTW, we don"t pollute our cranberries with orange peel and other table scraps. Just cook "em with a little sugar and guess what. They taste like cranberries!
There were 4 of us older retired military that chased each other from station to station for 20+ years.
Each year we would get together at one or the other's house with family.
This year we are 1 shy...he passed in the fall, but I hope his family can make it.
This year its Baytown Tx.
John, sounds like classic gender discrimination and abuse of women, whether they"re happy or not. You might find yourself on Thursday with a bunch of NOW protestors out front!
Well for me it is going to be what ever I can find in the ice box. Wife no longer alive,son has to work. So I not much into the holidays anymore.
Yep I done left myself wide open for the NOW gang to toss me in the clink, Oh well let em come after me I reckon lol

John T
I will be going over to my sisters house.
7 kids total, including my son. 45 minute drive 1 way.
I would like to have turkey day at my house.....just one time. Maybe serve pizza just to be a jerk.
Family rents a hall. There will be 75 to 100 relatives there. We enjoy seeing brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and great nieces &nephews
Doubt it, most of them I've seen are awful homely lookin

We better quit before Kim poofs this lol

John T
We will go visit my uncle Bill, he lives on the home place, in the house my great grandfather built. It is up on a hill overlooking the river valley. Timber up back of the homestead still, and the men will take a walk, scare up a rabbit or a pheasant. The view from the hilltop seems limitless.
The house is half timber and half stone. It is large, large enough to raise 8 kids. Original giant fireplace in the front room. The flagstone floor reaching out a foot five feet til it gives way to the 12 inch plank floor. The fire will be going, the tables all lined up clear into the front porch. The aunts each try to out do each other with the dressing, cranberries, relish dishes, and home made rolls. Usually a turkey and a ham, mashed potatos with light gravy. About 4 the pies are brought out, light and dark pumpkin, apple, custard, and sometimes some home made ice cream. Uncle Tony will bring some of his homemade wine, and the ladies will be serving a concoction out of a big punch bowl, which will be watched so it isn't spiked. By six in the evening the stuffed people will be dragging themselves out of the chairs, looking for coats and getting the cars warmed up for the drive home. Well a guy can dream can't he?
Come from a big family, but we all have our own now. Used to have a big feast on the wife side, but this year we are invited to the oldest sons wife's (she is a sweety) folks. Wife was the greatest cook in the country (years ago), so she was ask to provide her dressing that day. Our other son is leaving sometime before the week end for his second tour in Iraq. Hear all the troops are suppose to be out by year's end and he is headed over there. I quess I have a hard time sorting things out anymore.
Guess I'll try the same as a Buddy did last year He went to the local turkey farm .. got a nice plump hen ,, and walla !!
Well... the inlaws are making their annual thanksgiving appearance - with an extra guest.
Seems wife"s uncle Howard (2nd uncle?) who she has never met will be arriving in an urn.
Yup... ashes and all.
Evidently our place has been selected as the best place to scatter the ashes that have set in his sister"s basement for years. I was not a part of the selection committee.
Supposedly he liked the river, so I told her we can take them down to the creek and dump them - they should make the river eventually.
Any good ideas out there are also welcome...
Going to oldest daughter"s house just down the road. Better half had cancer surgery, starting five months chemo, so dau offered us her house. Another dau "signed" up for Christmas. Five of the six kids will be here, dau at Ft. Bragg will have time off at Christmas, her husband still in Qatar. Makes 24 without him.
Probably going to Mc Donalds for a gig mack. Daughter and her husband are both fire fighters for the City of San Diego, and work Thursday, so we have our Thanksgiving Friday. Stan
Three sons, wives,& grandkids all coming sometime Wednesday. Connie has been working on the dinner Thursday for three days and it's only Monday. My nephew and his family will come Friday for the rest of the weekend. We'll eat, drink, play cards, nap, shop, play, and just generally have a great family time. For my part, I just hope the sons & grandsons don't get too tired to help me haul enough wood to the house to last until February!! We started a new tradition a few years ago---Connie & I don't do dishes anymore, the kids do them. One of the best ideas I ever had, and it had nothing to do with an old tractor. It's our families biggest holiday, Christmas is catch as catch can. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, don't forget the god that provided all this stuff.
We are going to my in laws on Thursday since we were there for Christmas last year. Wife has agreed to make corn casserole and green bean casserole as well as candied yams since those are the foods I miss from my families get together. We had supper with my parents Saturday night.
Sounds like everyone has the plan..... Ours got a nice adjustment because the guy with the cab can't support a Thursday pickup so we go wednsday afternoon instead. No rushing to get back in time to cook on Thursday and I can prolly get the cab mounted Thursday morning....
Taking my mom over to a certain female friends place to hang out with her for the day. Then Im joining later. Should be about 15-16 of us. Usual stuff, stuff ourselves, socialize, relax.....

Going to my daughters later. Shes works 3-midnight normally and is a day sleeper.
Because my wife is a nurse and on call, we had ours Sunday. This give me the chance to put the magic low ash oil and 93 octane in my tractors, turn up my timing and put in hotter plugs and try to fiqure out why I blew it up!

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