OT:Di-hydrous oxide mouse trap.


Well-known Member
Di-hydrous oxide is a clear, orderless, tasteless, non toxic deadly liquid. You can purchase it at your local grocery for about $1/gallon or turn your faucet on and put about 4 inches of it in a bucket or plastic trash can. I leaned my plastic trash can against wood that is stacked against the wall of my warehouse. In 4 days I've found 2 mice floating. I have a pic of a floating mouse, but thought it may be tasteless to post. Mouse trap won't work if the Di-hydrous oxide freezes.
If you suspended a piece of bleu d'auvergne above your device you may have had even more of them floating in the di-hydrous oxide.
gee, Instead of using a French imported blue cheese, do you think there is a brand I could use that is made in the USA. I would like to support made in America products. Unless there is a cheaper brand imported from China:)
(quoted from post at 14:31:14 11/28/11) gee, Instead of using a French imported blue cheese, do you think there is a brand I could use that is made in the USA. I would like to support made in America products. Unless there is a cheaper brand imported from China:)

Maybe you could substitute some American cheese?
our houses almost touch each other (neighbors) and I can't keep a cat without the neighbors on each side making it their housecat..... I catch mice like you are in a 5 gallon bucket and relocate them into an open window or just over the wall into their sheds......

Don't understand why you guys are being SO mean to those poor, little, helpless creatures by catching them in traps and buckets and such. I am NICE to the furry little critters. I FEED them. I KNOW they appreciate it, 'cause they send their friends back for more.
is this the same stuff you are talking about?

found this on the net. bill m.

Dihydrous Oxide


I was wondering how many of our members would support a ban on Dihydrous oxide. It is responsible for thousands of deaths and millions of dollars in insurance claims each year. Here is a short list of the dangers of dihydrous oxide.

*corrodes metal
*causes brakes to fail
*causes respratory distress
*distroys wood
*excessive amouts causes root rot in crops
*ruins electronics
*causes electrical shorts
*destroys your homes foundation
*causes damgage to roads

As you can see dihydrous oxide is very dangerous thousands of people die each year from excessive exposure to this chemical. Should this chemical be banned?
How do you lure them into the bucket? Inquiring minds want to know. . .

The big news around here this weekend is that my 5 year old grandson dispatched a mouse, while he and his parents were feeding our critters while Mrs. Mike(WA) and I were away over T-giving.

Seems that the new cat (barely past kittenhood) caught a mouse, and was playing with it in the garage. Mouse got away, went over behind the boots, son flushed it out, and it ran out of the garage into a mud puddle. It was swimming out of the puddle, and grandson Jack (sensing the need for quick action) grabbed a nearby squash, and threw it at the plucky rodent, scoring a direct (and fatal) hit.

Many high-fives all around, I'm told, and predictions that he would someday be a mighty hunter.

Query- should I get him a .300 Winchester Magnum for his 6th birthday, or drop back to the more practical 30.06?
Hello Mike(WA),
I would start him with a sling shot!
Mike, with an inquiring mind, mice get thirsty and want a drink. Perhaps they can smell the water. I think I may add a small amount of peanut butter to the inside of the trash can to attract them.

I grew up on a dairy farm and my job was to take care of the new born. There would be a new calf about every 3 days. Their water bucket was in the corner and the mice would climb up the wall and go for a swim. I had to empty the bucket every morning and dump out the dead mice, before I added fresh H2O.


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