O/T Does this seam right?


Well-known Member
A few months back I had a attorney do some legal work for an estate I am connected with. It was over 4,000.00 for his time. A few weeks ago I called him for a simple yes, or no question. Not on the phone for more than 5 min. I just got a bill from his office for 52.00. He said his time was for 20 minutes. Should I just pay it, or question it? I was going to have him look over my trust to have it updated. Not now, this guy will never see me again. Stan
Considering the fact that you have already paid him a sizable chunk of change, I would let him know that I wasn't happy with the situation. However unless he is feeling benevolent, it probable won't do any good. He is holding the aces.
Around here lawyers are about $200/hour, so that is $3.33/minute x 20 minutes is $66+ and it may have been 5 minutes of your time but with their overhead and billing it was 20 minutes. NO I am NOT a lawyer and I think they are a rip-off and ruining the country, just saying the way it is.
Sounds about right. And if he sends any mail regarding your case you will recieve a bill for the stamp and envelope. Just how it is.
Face it now days the lawyers and the judges have it made. They get big buck to argue over stupid small thing that should never be a problem in the first place. Lawyers are like the politicians and they all need to lined up and shot.. Ya been fighting for a simple road right of way which we have been using now for 30 plus years but the new guy who got the land thinks he can do as he wants when he wants so it is costing us big $$ to get what should be a no questions asked thing but the lawyers have to talk talk talk and that all adds up to $$ that should not be and should be a simple open and shut thing but no to get it in court will be in the year 2013 if we are lucky
Mother in law's will states that my wife as executrix can sell all the goods as soon as possible so she told her sibs to hurry up and decide what they want. The storage bill is due again. We sold the house under value due to the market and I spent my own time getting it ready and they didn't like the price but they were to late on that. Now they are fighting my wife over NOTHING. Lawyer made out the will and then tells her she can't get rid of anything yet. I asked him what's the point? Remember, lawyers are politicians and vice-versa. They will be the first to go when the fightin' starts.
We will never be executors again if at all possible. We saved them thousands of dollars. I hope they choke on it. Anyway, Merry Christmas!!!
Neighbor told me years ago his lawyer drove past his place and they waved to each other. Two days later he got a bill for the wave.
About the only time lawyers work on a contingency basis is in personal injury claims. Some firms even advertise on TV no fee unless you win but it's a crock because they have to operate that way on personal injury claims. Just imagine how many more more frivolous lawsuits there'd be, especially when the lawyers know they're bogus claims. They wouldn't care because they could still bilk their clients for thousands even when the case gets thrown out. Even on contingency when you win, the lawyers usually take 35 to 40%, sometimes more and they charge you for every second, every stamp, every simple phone call etc. That's a big reason lawyers in general have such a bad reputation among the public. There are some very good lawyers but unfortunately, they are over shadowed by the greedy, ambulance chaser variety.
To sew up this question this question look at your contract. It will spell out the attorney’s billing schedule. A One-third hours increment seems odd but entirely possible.
I do work for free. Sometimes when doing a mowing or discing job. The owner comes out ,and says could you just do that little spot we never talked about. It don't happen often, but it has. I just do it, and don't say anything about extra pay. stan
That's probably about the same as the union rate for a 5 minute repair job from a plumber or electrician (yea, I know it's not a phone call but you get the idea).

If he didn't charge for that kind of phone call he'd be getting calls all day long from people wanting free advice.
Had a friend and his wife get a divorce recently. $80000 in home equity and About $20000 in savings/ checking. They both wanted a joint rat terrior pup and ended up with about $15000 left after the lawyers got paid. Had to go to a jury trial and she ended up with the pup cause he gave it to her for a birhtday present. They were in court for over a year.
Was this call connected to the estate, or was it entirely unrelated? Since you're changing the oil in my truck, how about changing it in my car too? You mean you want paid for the second one?? That's outragious!!

Just kidding, but I think that's kinda how it works. . .
So your a professional disker? And that's all you do? That's all the lawyer does,not talking about some fluke thing you did for free and expect someone else to.

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