OT,... Answer to Occupy Wallstreet

John A.

Well-known Member
Guys Here is a 2&1/2 minuet video clip of Milton Friedman being interviewed by Phil Donahue.
31 yrs ago!!!!!!! The answer has been in front of us all the time.
Untitled URL Link
Sad thing is that the answers Milton gave are clear to you and me,but Phil seemed like he just could not understand this ? but yet he was living proof of it.
History does repeat itself. Thanks for the post.

You should look at the really bad buzz words created like "Fair Shair", "Corporate Greed", "Class Warfare" just to name a few.
IMHO there is a fine line between "capitalism" and "greed". He remarks ring true. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we...as a society...are on the wrong side of that line today.

Just my humble opinion.

If you are not breaking any laws is it capitalism or greed?

Which side of the line are drug dealers?
Milton Friedman was a great economist....I have read 2 of his books. The greatest anti-socialist I know.

The weasels that are protesting are protesting because THEY didnt get their hand out in the proportion that THEY wanted. Of course most of these people have never worked a hard day in their lives. These kids walk out of college and expect to get a good job handed to them, paying $50k per year. It doesnt work that way and THEY cant accept it because as children THEY were coddled from mommy and daddy and so on.
I do agree that the banks ran amuck for a long time and if you look at some of the past recessions and the great depression they were caused by banks making bad decisions, Banks closed up in the 30s, the S and L mess of 20 years ago and the BS of losers that could never afford a $300,000 mortgage getting approved anyway because someone wanted that sales commission of that house/mortgage.
I ask a guy from Bangladesh if he thought we Americans were greedy. He told me that everyone is greedy, didn't matter is it was for food, shelter, things or money.......

Great vid!

I didn't watch the video, and I ain't a protester, and I'm not even sure what their goals are, but I got a bank CD quarterly report in the mail yesterday and it shows that I'm earning a whopping 0.75% on that particular CD. I remember around 15 or so years ago when 6% earned interest was common. I don't have any notes, so I don't know what they're charging for note interest, but I'm pretty certain it's more than 2.75%. Our bank used to have an "earned interest plus 2%" policy if using a CD for collateral. Last time I asked about it they laughed. . .

My Edward Jones man thinks I should turn it all over to him to manage. He's not done so hot with the little money that I've put him in charge of already. At least with a CD, you never get in the negative interest, but you sure do come close. I hope somebody is getting rich. It sure ain't me, but I was born hungry, naked and broke, and probably will die that way too.

My good old banker neighbor once told me that everybody ends up with as much money as they are smart enough to handle. I kinda got a sinking feeling when he said that. . .
PJH, actually your .75% is more or less loosing money because the Fed is monetizing the debt which means our dollar is worth less each day. I don't know if it loses .75% per year, I think it's more like 3-4%.

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