O/T YT nicknames we use

Kow Farmer

Well-known Member
Hi everyone,
I was thinking recently when I was in the barn doing my cattle chores. How did everyone come up with or get their name/nickname they use as their "handle" if you will on the YT forums. I will tell you mine. I would be curious to hear your stories as well. I am the "Kow Farmer". My former boss started calling me this because there are only 3 of us farmers at my work out of over 300 people that raise beef cattle. So I really enjoy this name. I spell Kow with a K because my first name is Kurt, spelled with a K also. So, I look forward to reading everyone's postings soon. Take care and God Bless all.
Kow Farmer
I enjoy fixing, repairing, restoring. I fix GM products all day long, and farm tractors at night. Just love to wrench. Its my gift that GOD gave me. I natural talent and blessing.
well a lot of people have their name and state in there handle so why not so i put my name town and state and then everybody knows my first name and where im located.
I liked the names with their location in the name when I first started reading here.

Everyone knows where they are from without asking.

So when I choose my name I just took my state with my first name.

I came up with mine on another website. Someone already had Shadetree, (Although I have never seen them participate on the site), So since I am retired I added Ret on the end. (Some think it stands for retarded and I can't argue with that either) LOL
BTW, luv2wrench, I know what you mean. I do as much of my own work as I am able, and I spent 22 years repairing lawn and garden equipment. I enjoy taking a piece of equipment and bringing it back to life.
Probably 15 years ago a cousin of friend and poster TravisM called me "bill". For some reason it stuck. So my given name is eric, some folks call me bill but you all know my as billonthefarm, cause I am always right here
"on the farm".
Along with all of the normal farm Mkt. things that we grow, I have several Ac. of wine grapes and a large patch [500] of Currants for jelly and wine. I am about the only grape grower for 10 mi. in any direction. My mother named me Ed.
A few years ago I went off on a tangent buying old plows to keep the away from the scrapers. Had about 40 or so a one time. Wife was out back one day looking around. Said "you sure have a lot of rusty plows".
I didn"t get real imaginitive. Just my first and last name. Kinda wish i would have from time to time. Not so much as to ever change it.

My name is John and not farming now but grew up on family farm and milked cows for a while. I am 6th generation to live on property purchased by my great-great-great-grandfather in 1829. My grandparents lived in the same house with us and I was always facinated with his stories of old times and famiiy folklore. Grandpa often mentioned a favorite story from a gradeschool reader he had about a farmer who went to the city and experienced that life and was glad to get back home to the farm. The story was called "Farmer John" I adopted that name in honor and memory of Grandpa.
Out the back door of the fist house I lived in was a outside John and a train track... I was just old enuff ( in my 3's) to clime on a flatcar loaded with army Jeeps,,, My mom was taking a bath When the train started to move ( the slack from each hitch makes noise) she looked out the window and saw me sit'n on a jeep... Their was a truck shop up the street and one of the mechanics was able to get me off before the train got gone... The owner of the truck shop tagged me Hobo,,, I earned my nick name it was not gave to me... From then on I was called Hobo,,, theirs very few folks that know my real name...
wanted something that said Wisconsin, since there didn't seem to be many from the dairy state, and I'm one of a long line of Freds, including one who taught me how to drive an Oliver 66 when I was in the third grade....
Last name is Krusemark - But most call me Kruser.
Cept James Howell - then I'm James2.

Don't know how glennster got his name?
Not very imaginative. My first name is Paul and I live in Michigan. Last name is too long to print, I couldn't spell it until 3rd grade.
My first truck was a `69 GMC, used to be my dads, it spun a bearing when I was about 7 and sat out back, then when I was 13 he told me if I rebuilt the engine, I could have the truck. He taught me a lot with that old truck, now he wonders why I won`t get rid of it :roll:
Same here, easy to tell where a person is from when their state is in their handle.

My name is Rich, and I'm from Iowa.
My name is Joe, Wifes name is Nancy, Last name starts with K. So, Jonak cover it all. Have used that since first computer and E-Mail!!
I built this 2/3 scale ( LittleD ) about 9 years ago hence the nickname LittleD

Buckeye, a worthless nut from Ohio and a 1987 graduate of The Ohio State University college of Agriculture.
Guys, My handle here is simply how I am known by friends and family. First name & Middle initial.
My email address actually has my Nickname which is a conjunction of first and Middle name.
WHY,,, As a freshman Vo.Ag. student. We ordered jackets I put down all 3 parts of my name; John Alfred Smith!
Got my new Vo. Ag. Jacket with John Smith....Was I PI$$ED. I went by all 3! So as a Junior I had devised myself a plan....Make a conjunction of my first and middle name. Hence;;; "Jalfred" the rest of my email address is the local comp[any I go through.
John A.
PS, Through the years that has gotten me into many conversations with pretty girls after High School, and in College, Great Ice Breaker!!!!
Hey Gang,Picked my "handle" just to keep it simple,but my card says "Your Friendly,Local,Neighborhood Transmission Dyno. Technician an Part-time Farmer outstanding in my field"
Are ya sittin' down? Good, 'cause.........wait for it..........my nickname is......it's my name! Yes for real.....I was named after an Uncle from a far off land. That is all.
simple enough I guess, my names John and you guessed it I'm from Ohio. And by the way, I collect Farmall tractors.
I am with a lot of others on here. Just my first name and state. Jonak I was wondering if you were related to some people around here but I guess not. There is a man named Bob Jonak here in south east Idaho that has a farm equipment salvage yard.

NCWayne because my name is Wayne and I'm from NC....PLUS when YT started making us register our names someone else took my name of just plain "Wayne" that I had been using for several years previously.......and I honestly never remember seeing the guy post anywhere on here I routinely look.
In these parts where Im from the Ag.is all around the city, and most likely knowone ever sees a guy driven farm tractors out of his backyard to and fro.Been basicly reliving my teen age years.Restoring, collecting and using my equipment.Its kind of usual around here in town.So Ive been called Tractor Rob.Live in California where bunch of us REDNECKS still exist!
First name is Lyndon, and I'm from Alberta.

Years back I used to go by "Specter" here. Actually came from my computer gaming hobby. Come out of nowhere, then disappear just as fast. Didn't fit in with the old tractors, but couldn't think of anything better at the time, lol!
My front name is Ralph, and I wanted to have something that said Allis Chalmers. B-C-and CA, just didn't make that as clear as WD45 does, though I do use and love my B best, of 8 tractors.
Was kind of hanging round tractor tales one week while working on a old wood trailer, had to heat 16 wheel nuts that were rusted tight from the salt used on North West Pa. roads in the winter time, Thought DANG that a good name for a old guy on tractor tales. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!
Supposed to be Ben Doone, like Ilean Dover. Somehow there was a mix at regn. so I left it.
Ilean wrote "Tragedy on the cliff".
Back when I first started using the puter the kids told me not to use my name. I figured I coulden't forget what my favorite tractor is so I just used it & man. If I ever forget that combination I don't need to be posting anyway. lol It's the same on JP & GM just to keep it simple.
Skybow was my Dad's nickname....It didn't have a story behind it except one day when he was about 10 years old he and my grandpa were at the local store..His dad said,"Come on Skybow, lets head home for supper." It was just a nonsense name my Grandpa made up on the spot, but it stayed with Dad till he died at age 74. I use it to honor him.
Mine is rather obvious, initials and State. The . came as a typo when registration was required to maintain the username. I like to be logical, pragmatic, and notice so many instances where location is desired in a post. My email addy includes "ripcord 489"...referencing my service in the Army Airborne, but ripcord, including 1,2,3, etc. was used, so I tried my helmet number from jump school. 600 started our class, 240 finished.
I got mine from mom & dad. I would have prefered, Max Powers, Danny Dangerous or something super cool like that, but we are who we are.
I just figred that i mite be one of the older guys on here.My name clint, so just pushed the two together, Out came oleclint . Works for me.Birthday is Dec 25, will be 74. oleclint
Well Down under Most people round the world refer to that as from Austraila. And farmer because i live n work on the family dairy farm. Was going to use Aussie farmer but had trouble registering and then it was a reserved name when i got everything sorted out so went with down under farmer.

I had two old Ford rowcrops, and got it in my head that I needed a diesel SOS. So I found one that was just restored and was a good buy. Soon after a friend looked at it and said that it wasn't a rowcrop it was a showcrop. So soon after I was signing up on YT so I used it.
I dont know why I just use my name.I have always hated my first and middle name,but when doing paper work I always use James.I live in the Eastern Panhandle Of WV.My liscense plate says FARMALLF,becaues I enjoy older tractors and hand cranks

It seems we go through this every year or so :)
Got the handle in 1973 - USN, isolated duty in Sardinia Italy. Living like dogs, laying in the dirt on the pier drinking hot Carlings Black Label right off the pallet.
We were Big, Bad, Black, Coon, Rough, Super and Ultra dogs plus a couple of others. I still am in touch with a couple of them guys. Get a call a couple of times a year looking for that lousy Ultradog.
We've lost a couple already - guy from KS and one from PA
Mine stands for AG ON AIR. I used to work as a Farm Broadcaster on radio and TV hence the name. I have kept it even though I haven't been in that part of the biz for over ten years.
Contrary to what most people think, my middle name (or last name) DOES NOT start with a T, its just a nickname a workplace buddy gave me yearsssssssss ago that just stuck. Once a person tried to call me and looked all over the phone books and the base for John T or Tee or Tea etc etc never did find me till someone wised him up

Ol John T and all
Back when I was in 7th grade and my brother was in 8th grade, he went out for the basketball team, and I volunteered as a student manager. The coach required all of us to have short hair, so my brother and I got ours cut in a flat-top style. The next day, my brother's friends noticed a distinct resemblance between my brother's new look and that of Woody Woodpecker's nemesis, Buzz Buzzard. So we were tagged either "the Buzz brothers" or "the Buzzard brothers." I was known then as "Li'l Buzz"...until I grew taller than my brother; then they started calling my brother "Old Buzz," and I became "the Buzzman"...even though neither of us has had our hair cut that way since 1968.

And I graduated high school in 1972.
Back in the late 70s early 80s (before all the current excitement with the gas drilling in NE Ohio) I worked in the oil patch following the drilling rigs operating D6dozers and wrenching. The Rigs were Skytop Brusters and since my first name was Bruce, most of the rig hands just called me Bruster!
I was named Clyde Lee, Jr. and have gone by my initials (C. L.) all my life, and I'm from Texas.
C. L.
My wife's dad miked 26 cows all his life. Razed 2 kids, paid his bills. Allways had repect for him and liked spending time with him. Its my way to remember him. David
Mine is first name and my state. Made it easy so if I get lost I can just look at my name. LOL Len
Grew up on an old Ford tractor and still partial to them. My dad was a Ford man and said Fords were affordable and reliable. Still run an 861 and a 5610.
I am Hal because that has been my nickname all my life--it is a shortened form of my last name. As for the rest of my handle, it keeps changing because after a while, they won't let me post without a password, which I don't have. So I change it.
Duke has been my nickname since my Air Force days way back in the 1950's. About 25 years ago a friend of my son in law at the time started calling me " The Dukester". This was when Hulk Hogan was at his peak in fame and he was known as the "Hulkster". I didn't mind the name, I'd been called worse names, and more who heard him call me that started calling me that too.....and the rest is history......

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