Don't fall for this scam


Well-known Member
Yesterday, I got a call from someone saying they are from microsoft. They say my computor has a problem, and they need for me to go to my computor and they will tell me what to. I almost fell for it. I realized this must be a scam. First clue this was a scam, the guy has a heavy middle east accent. The second clue it was a scam. I could hear others talking in the background. This is the first time I have talked to a real scammer in person. they are getting more bold. My wife fell for a scam on a bank account a month ago, and now some scumbag has all her personal info. Be acareful Stan
Its too bad these guys aren't as good at coming up with something usefull as they are ways of ripping people off.
Doggone it. You should have gone along with it. He might have had you take it all apart,put the pieces in a bag,then take them out in the street and swing the bag over your head while you cackle like a chicken.

Bet the neighbors would have loved that show!
Had the same call. Said your computor sent reports of problems. They would fix if you give promission in to your computor. Said no thanks. They got upset. David
I don"t claim to be intelligent, but the one thing that has protected me from scams - I treat my mailbox and my telephone exactly like my front door. If I haven"t invited you to enter, I consider the contact to be inappropriate until I have been convinced otherwise and I am not an easy person to be convinced!
Shamelessly stolen from KL, though it's been around for years:

Warning for Men!
Clever Scam...warn your friends!!
This is very serious stuff!

Women often receive warnings about protecting themselves at the mall and in dark parking lots, etc. This is the first warning I have seen for men. I wanted to pass it on in case you haven't heard about it. This will only become more commonplace as the holiday’s get closer. This is a 'heads up' for those men who may be regular Lowe's, Home Depot, or Sam’s Club customers. This one caught me by surprise.

Over the last couple weeks I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping.
Simply going out to get some simple Christmas gifts has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.

Here's how the scam works:

Two seriously good-looking 20-something girls come over to your car dressed as Santa’s Helpers as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start helping you pack your stuff into your vehicle. What catches your eye is the very short bright Red Santa helper miniskirts they are wearing and the tight fitting Deep “V” neck red top shirt with their breasts almost falling out. It is impossible not to look.

When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to McDonalds to get some hot cocoa and a snack.

You agree and they get into the back seat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen Nov 24th, 26th 28th 29th, 30th, twice on Dec 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and very likely again this upcoming weekend.

So tell your friends to be careful.!! What a horrible way to take advantage of men during this holiday season. Warn your friends to be vigilant. These girls will not give up, they have proven it over and over again with me.
I work in IT for a living, and deal with tech support every day. They are all Indian or Chinese, working in New Dehli or Shanghai.

Having a "middle eastern" accent and hearing other people in the background is NOT a dead giveaway that you are dealing with scammers. I deal with those conditions every day at work.

The key to knowing that it is a scam is the fact that YOU did not call THEM for support!!!

NOBODY is monitoring your own personal household computer for problems. That kind of support costs $1000's per year. You ain't paying for that on your pension/salary.
I probably have already mentioned the call I recieved at work from a scamer. My chief and CO were talking in the office, when the call came. The caller claimed to be making a social call, and said we were old friends, but no real info on where we knew each other, and nothing more then a first name. I asked, "you know me, and we are friends?" He replied that he knew me and we were friends. I said that I could tell he was lieing. No one knows me and still likes me. I pointed his attention to the two other people in the background that were at that point laughing. I told the caller that the laughing people knew me well, and they don't like me. If he knew me, he wouldn't like me or want to tell people that we were friends. He didn't have much else to say, I figure, but I hung up before responded.

On another occassion, a caller with a heavy middle eastern accent called claiming that I owed him money and that he was having an arrest warrent issued and the police were on their way to arrest me. I told him that all the people that I owe money to are very nice while they call to demand their money. If I actually owed him money, he would tell me to pay up in pleasant sounding nice tones, the way everyone else calls wanting money. Has anyone else noticed how nice real bill collectors sound on the phone? If someone calls all threatening, they are probably not really a bill collector, in my opinion. It turns out that he was a scammer.
I had a call telling me I owed money and the police were down the street and he wanted to give me one last chance to pay. If I would give him bank info he could draft my account and he would send them away. I ask how many police were down the street he said two. I then told him he was lying...... when they came to see me they allways send 6 or more and a couple of dogs....he hung up
I received a call and the caller said that to access my account she needed my SSN. You know I dang near gave it to her?


Felt a little silly.

They tried again the next day.

i had a phone call about an new oil company doing business in my area, wanted to give me $1000 in free gas coupons,[said I"m listening], gave me sale pitch about how their company was doing a promo with local gas companies, [asked what companies], gave me off the wall names, [still listening], all is needed is to give them my credit card no, for the mailing charges, [said] why do i need to give c-c number for mailing cost, send me invoice with info and will sent m/o then you can send me coupons,,,,no, we need c-c #, said not interested, they keep trying to convince me it was a good deal....i said yea, so is giving you me account #,, then hung was a 800#. when i tried to call # back, got busy signal which tells me its a one way number scammer use if i heard one...
One guy on here "goose" talks japenese or polish that must mess them up bad. A couple friends do that at malls etc they are german and french speaking. Most people stand there with a blank look on there face Of course they can speak english too. Been meaning to learn a few words!!
i have caller-id, if not a number i know, i let it goes to v-mail, if liget they will leave number, who they are, what they want,,,then i still don't call back,,ha,ha
A thick middle eastern accent isn't proof that what they say is a scam, yet, when it is added to the rest of the story, it does indicate that you should be suspicious when you recieve an unsolicited call from someone with a thick middle eastern accent. I understand your desire to be sensitive to "Others", yet, if three simular feloneys were commited by a pale white middle aged male with a rebel flag tatoo in your area, would you be as socially progressive about seeing a pale white middle aged male with a rebel flag tatoo. It wouldn't be proof that the guy you see is guilty, or even the same guy authorties are looking for, but, it is enough to look for other indicators. That is the same with Thick heavy middle eastern accents. It isn't proof that they are running some scam, but it does cause a prudent person to listen more critically for other indicators.
I don't answer any call with an 800 number or Un-nown name un-nown number, And if I answer and someone that I have trouble understanding ask for me of my wife. I hang up . If a company that I do business with wants to contact me they can ether send me a letter or hire an Amercian to call me not contract it out to some other country.
If you have a little time, you can have lots of fun with them: Make every 2nd sentence an apology, speak a foreign language, start screaming out of the top of your lungs all the sudden (spider crawling on you..)it will blast their ears, make them repeat things over and over, ask them in a suggestive voice what they are wearing, "remember" them all the sudden from last night and go on about it, or sloooooowly go for their pitch and when it comes to credit card info, tell them you need to check with your ward, ask them if they deliver to the mental hospital, ask if they could hold for a second and either let them "hang" or play music, radio for them checking with them to "hold just a little longer" (don't forget to apologize a lot), etc, etc.
Lots of fun!

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