Poor Sign placement


Sign placement should been thought through a bit more. F:\DCIM\100CANON\IMG_1249.JPG
That's not a link. That's the file name on his computer. To Allis G, You have to upload the picture to the web first before you can get it to show up here. Do a search for "posting Pictures" and get some instruction. There are several ways to do it.
Type your message.
Look below "Advanced Posting Tools" button... and Click on "Upload Photo".
Click on "Browse" button -- it automatically takes me to "My Pictures".
Find your photo and click on it to select it.
Click on "Open" button.
Click on "Upload Photo" (it takes a bit to upload and then will show your pic to the right).
Click on "continue" button to add additional photos (thought I NEVER get this to work, it always seems to replace my photo)
Click on "preview reply".
If all looks good, click on "Submit Reply" button.

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