welcome to califonia


Well-known Member
my neighbor moved his daughter to california over the weekend with a pickup and a u-haul trailer. his daughter and husband are ex-air force and he is getting a job there. as soon as they get to california, the dept or agriculture pull them over and searches the truck and trailer. made them uinload all her furniture out of the u-haul. then a ways down the road, they missed a turn, pulled in to a parking lot to check the map and turn around. three squad cars show up and check them for dui. my neighbor is 60 yrs old. pickup has minnesota plates. sheesh what a weekend.
I think I saw them passing through.
Sounds like an isolated case, we have spent some time in CA the last 2 winters and had a very enjoyable time. No problems whatsoever with law enforcement. They do need to protect their crops, as that is one of their main industries. One difference was we were driving a small rental car with CA plates though!
I crossed the border coming from New Mexico towing a Farmall on a trailer, got stopped by the Border Patrol and Ag inspection folks. Turned out they wanted to talk about tractors, where I got it, how much seat time they had on one like it, we had a great conversation.
They're pretty careful about their ag inspections sometimes. Trying to prevent introduction of non-native pests. I wouldn't fault them for that.
If you ever saw what fruit fly infestations do to a nice crop of citrus in an orchard you might understand why they are kinda particular about what gets carted into their state once in a while.
I presume you mean the truck in the background. It's a White. Alot of them were sold to fuel oil dealers in New England. City freight forwarders also used them with short trailers.
Just because your hair is gray and your truck says you're from Minnesota doesn't mean you're not a criminal.

There's the very distinct possibility that your neighbor stumbled into a high-crime part of town and the cops bailed his biscuits out of the fire, too. It may have been a neighborhood where you don't want to stop and look lost, because you might never be found again. DUI check was just an excuse so the cops didn't look like they were staking out the lot.
I wish they were as dead set on keeping all of the BS that origionates in CA in the state, as they are keeping everything else out of the state.....
Yeah. Ok, those ag stations have been there since...well, before the 'grapes of wrath' right? They gave the Okies a hard time, in reality, because the just came off a dying farm, full of germs and sick cattle etc etc. Same today if you are flying into many countries- New Zealand comes to mind- they sprayed aerosols of insecticide inside the airplane, while you were in it. Good ol boys say it is against freedom, but if your state -or nation exists from farming, a tiny bug can put you into history- fast.
Did these people say 'oh we were just on a farm in Minesota, and our boots, saddles and other soil and vegetation and animal drool stuff are in the front of the trailer? Bad move.
And best to eat whatever food you have with you in Nevada or Arizona. Or lick it. A chick in one of these stations wanted to impound my chocolate cake. I sez 'no way, the state don't care about cooked food. you want to eat it!' She sez 'oh come on, it looks delicious' I told her I spit on it. She got huffy. So, feeling bad, I gave her my last one pound bag of peanut M&M's. She reached in the window and gave me a big kiss. She was 30 miles from a store, and candy there was a rip off. It takes all kinds.
As far as chips, well, where ever you are, if you seem to be lost or confused at a highway interchange- anywhere- especially where there are cameras, an alarm goes off, all patrol cars will come the spot. If you got on a ramp- in the wrong direction, there would be massive fatal head ons... with you at the front. my uncle found this out the hard way, at the top of the off ramp- out of nowhere mass state police boxed him in like a bank robber....and guess who failed his breathalizer test? An old feller was cursing me as I was going down a Vermont off ramp, the one he was going up... like magic, 2 Vermont highway patrol flew up behind me and boxed him into the guard rails... how did they know? how so fast? co incidence? Devine intervention? So ya got to drive like ya know what yer doin'.... even if ya don't....
That is a White 3000. Built in the early 50's, maybe thru 57 or 58? Our neighbor drove one for a local sausage company delivering to grocery stores in the small towns surrounding Milwaukee. Many times he said that he would have liked to have his short hood 1949 Ford truck back. The White had a bad habit of losing all brakes if the motor was not fully warmed up. Evidentally vacuum booster hydraulic brakes and probably no vacuum resevoir. He had a few accidents with it because of brake failure. I'm pretty sure it had a flathead White gasoline 6 cylinder engine. The gearshift linkage seemed to have a problem also. He was real happy when the company got rid of it.

Paul in MN

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