OT: Hurting like He!!

Richard G.

Well-known Member
Started hurting in my gut Sunday evening and by 11 o'clock Monday morning it was bad. Saw doc at 3 pm and he said it could be diverticulitis or air pockets in the abdomen which is very dangerous. Sent me for a CT scan. Fortunately, I think, it is diverticulitis. It is so bad that he wants to put in the hospital on IV antibiotics to get it under control quickly. I am taking two antibiotics by mouth, but if the pain keeps getting worse, I think I will go in for the IV. Never had this before in nearly 60 years. My dad had it for years.
Any others out there dealt with this?
To keep it tractor related, it is keeping of my tractors, away from my wood splitter and out of my farm shop.
My mother had it when she was in her late '80's. They operated on her and fixed it.

Don't know too many details.
E-coli inside your gut is good but if your colon perferates your in for a lot of pain if it don't kill you. Don't mess around with this stuff.
Don't rule out appendicitis - can have same symptoms you're describing. Although diverticulitis is very similar......
Well, 3 days of high powered antibiotics and I am feeling some better. Next week I learn what I can eat. On a bland diet now. Ain't getting old fun?

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