OT, Very unlucky trespasser


Well-known Member
Several years ago, not too long after we had moved to our small farm, a man came to our front door and asked about going to one of our ponds and set some turtle lines. My wife didn't know him and would not give him permission to go to the pond. He took a drink of beer from the can he was carrying, backed up a step and told her that the man that previously owned our place had given him permission in the past and he was going to the pond. My wife didn't argue, just went back in the house and called my office and told them that I need to get home as quick as I could. (Forgot to tell you all that I was a deputy Sheriff at that time.) I got there before they left, charged the driver with DUI, the passenger with public intoxication, and both with criminal trespass. The one that went to the door tried to tell me that the lady in the house had given him permission. He about fainted when he found out that the lady was my wife. Both were convicted.
Love it!

Unfortunately, NONE of the officers in my area will respond to trespass complaints.

Sad thing is most of us that are not cops get a well ok we will send some one one and by the time they get to the place the guys who should not be there are no longer there so we get this thing of well we tried and that is about all that ever happens
Another shocker. Soon after my father died. Some salesman showed up. Trying to convince my mother. To pay for things he said my father had ordered. Well while he was in the house. Two Texas Rangers showed up to check on my mother and bring her lunch. Mom said the guy could not pack his things fast enough. Just about took the door off getting out of the house. All three had a good laugh that day.
Bingo, old! You nailed that! And heaven forbid if we tried to handle it ourselves.

Merry Chrismans to you and your family.
Yep. I was on vacation from the Louisville Police (1988 I think) and my take home car was being used as a pool car for a week. At 11 pm I let our Doberman out and he ran to the fence and barked. I know you guys know the sound of your "take with" tool box when you drop it or set it down. That's what I heard. I was in my house slippers and I ran around the corner of the dining room bump out and saw a big guy go over the fence. I yelled at him. My son was visiting us and heard me. He ran out and saw me chasing him and my slippers flying off. He had the presense of mind to bring the car, bring my portable radio and bring the hedge iron nightstick I keep on the refrigerator. It was really dark. No flashlight. We circled the block ahead of his general direction. Pretty soon he popped out and the fight was on. He would swing and I would pop him one. He would pull a socket or wrench out of his pockets and throw them at me. If I had my Glock he wouldn't be here today. Well, when it was over I lost a pair of slippers. He had 70 stitches in his head and faced PFO time in jail. He walked at his sentencing and was picked up on the Sherman-Minton bridge (walking back to Indiana) a couple years later to serve 3 years. He got out of the joint and promptly got picked up by the Secret Service for stalking congresswoman Ann Northup, who is meaner than I am. LOL. What a loser.
I always did. If you don't belong here, get out or I'll haul you out. Where else can you go if all that's left is your house and property? Your final sanctuary. Remember the judge in NY that fined and jailed people for having an unregistered gun or unlicensed gun? Well, he had one and shot a burglar. Tried to explain it away. I will always fight for decent people to own guns to protect themselves. PC has gone crazy. Merry Christmas everyone.

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