New one on an unlucky tresspasser


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Few years ago a a sheriff did some farming on the side (he was not much good at either job buttt) Some wingnuts drove across his crop and he happened to catch them, crop field was posted no trespass. Oh my, had vechile towed (impounded) summonsed for tresspass, Collected damages for crop and a couple minor vechile defects SUMMONS. Farmers loved him and he got labled a hard a!! real quick GUESS HE TOOK IT RATHER PERSONAL. Funny thing no one bothered his crop land again.
I called the sheriff on some trespassers last summer.They told the sheriff I pointed a gun at them.I got it more trouble than they did.

A friend has a utility line running through his property and through a wet area not far behind the buildings. The four wheeler kids kept riding outside the fenced and approved trail to get through the wet part. So one day he heard some of them down there and drove around to where the wet stretch crosses the road. he stood there holding a shotgun and collected $20.00 from each of them for damage to his fence and crop land. I told him that I thought that he was getting a little out on the edge.

Last week end some idiot drove his truck across a cemetary, causing $28k damages, also left some glass from his lights and some blue paint from his truck behind. Someone tipped off the cops and he is in big trouble for that, plus driving across somebody"s yard, plus damage to his truck.

Back about 1965 my brother was alone in the kitchen of our old farmhouse in Ohio. The house is about 500 feet off the road. He heard a door slam and saw a man leave his truck and walk across our yard. He thought he was broke down. It was almost dark and he watched the guy walk up and tap on the front door. He waited a half minute and tried to twist and push open the door. The guy went around and started peering through the kitchen window. He spotted my brother and by that time my brother had loaded my dad's trap gun, (Ithaca) and was headed out the side door. The guy was running full tilt towards his truck when my brother let go a round. The guy fell down and then got up and kept going. Later that night my dad called the sheriff who came out to talk to my brother. Told him to use OO shot next time. End of story. LOL
The sheriff don't know how to talk to the perps. The world is full of Barney Fifes. If I made a run like that the perp goes to jail if he opens his mouth once to often. Especially if he doesn't BELONG there. I loved making runs like that and listening to them complain about the homeowner "molesting" them. And then I molested them. LOL
One evening at about 10:30 we heard a car revving up outside the house. I looked out the window just in time to see a car go slowly out the lane and down the road. I put some clothes on, got a flashlight, went out to the lane and found the wire fence along the lane flattened. As I was looking over the damage I found a license plate. He had left his calling card! I called the local deputy, he came and I gave him the 'calling card'. The next day a very sheepish looking redheaded lad came driving in and told me he had done it. Got drunk and this is what happed when he went for a drive. He said the deputy told him he would get his license plate back after he built me a new fance. I made sure I got a new WHITE WOODEN FENCE to replace the old wire fence that wasn't very good looking in the first place. He wasn't a bad kid, he was working on a construction crew, but the deputy and I made sure he paid for his over indulgence. Jim
WI had the sherriff come by the house one morning and said that we had a hog that got hit on the river bridge. Went down and there was this sow sitting on the bridge. These people came by and decided they would run her over and throw her on the pickup. Someone came up and scared tehm off. Guess when they ran her over she knocked there tag off and tried to kill her with a screw driver. The law easily found them.
Neighbor of mine went out to milk one morning about 20 years ago. As he walked from the house to the barn, he kind of wondered where his two dogs were off chasing deer this time. As he approached the machine shed and shop, he noticed one of his fearless mutts at the door. As he started to pass, he noticed the other one inside, and heard some noise. He flipped the light on at the door to reveal two of the community low rents on the workbench, totally terrified by the two beasts which had caught them redhanded where they weren't supposed to be in the wee hours. They had been there for about four hours now, and were glad to get down when the sherrif came rolling in. If they only knew both dogs only really wanted someone to play with them--
My father-in-law worked at a feeder pig barn. One cold winter night, someone backed in and loaded up a pickup load of pigs. The next morning the sun was shining just right to cast a shadow of a mirror image of the truck license plate where they'd nosed into a snow pile as they turned around. They were an easy catch.

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