OT: high school basketball fouls

The team should have had to forfeit the game, if not the entire season. It's obvious the coach has no control over the players, and the officials are blind.
I watched this and was disgusted. How that happened is beyond me. Furthermore the coach is supporting his player calling him a big teddy bear. The maroon shirted team did maintain their composure. I am afraid I would have not. Disgusting.

Yep, the influence of Professional Sports is filtering...no, trickleing down to Collegiate and High School Sports....the pros play a "rough house" game and the fans seemingly love it and pay big money to see it. The colleges and high schools just naturally "color up" their sports by allowing a more physical game...and it's especially evident in basketball. Another one of the changes our society is making...and we all know how essential change is.....
I watched it and yes he did foul the guys but he did not go over and taunt them plus trash talk like most of the "tanned" players do these days. When I played these would have been fouls but not that unusual. I don't see any reason to go all nuts about the deal. I have seen much worst fouls when guys under cut a guy while up in the air. This Vanderbilt kid did not even follow through on some of these that would have really hurt the other guy. If you watch the second one he hold his arm up where if he had followed through he would have really hit the other kid in the face.
At first I thought he was just a thug, but then I got to wondering if he's just a big ole dumbazz
who doesn't know how to play the game. Looks like he just came over from the football team.
Looks like me when I played. You could hardly get a sheet of paper under my shoes when I attempted to jump. I had no talent so I had to use my 5 fouls wisely,that means some gotta be intentional. If ball handlers knew that there was a chance of going to the hospital when they tried to drive the lane, guess what they found a alternate route to the basket. I was 6ft 2in and 230 lbs. Little dudes bounced off of me like bugs on a windshield. Alot of times I had position and the call should have been charging on the offense but few good refs would catch it. Crowd would go nuts when little dude laying flat on his back got the foul and I got to shoot. Most refs penalized me for being the fat guy getting in a superstar ball handlers way. Intimidation was the only real talent I had so I had to make the most of it. It takes a smart guy to push the limits but not go over. Looks like these guys got it figured out.
I had my share of haters too. Had players and parents make threats to me and my parents and younger brothers. All over a game. The more they whined the more it motivated me to push the limits some more. Lots of guys attemted to put me in my place. Some of them are my good friends today.
Most of the problem stems from the people in the crowd doing their armchair officiating. They always know better than the guys on the floor. Looks like a prime example here. Some helicopter parent with their nnalert in a wad because thier home raised superstar might get a bruise and can't get that D-1 scholarship.

Props to the coach for sticking up for his players. Rare trait in coaches nowadays. Pizz on the whiners. Get tough or go home.
It's folks with your attitude that turned me completely off to sports as a kid.

All the time and money I save by ignoring sports at all levels gets spent on tractors and farming.

Never liked HS basketball.....
The referrees need to be fired for not calling those fouls. Almost like Hockey....just fighting all the time.
all good fouls except for the last one.
he should have been warned after that. i played ball, we were taught to punish guys that come into the paint. that is the game.centers,forwards the paint is our house.
all the little pretty boys were guards.
i agree with one of comments, a couple times he just looked uncoordinated-lol.
I am glad things worked out for you. In 9th grade the coach told me to go home and farm cuz I sucked at bb. After that my attitude became; If you can't join them, beat them. Still my attitude today. Indirectly he became one of my biggest motivators.
Hah! I was 509 and 165 pounds and I ate big dummys like that for breakfast. I tripped them so much they had to wear kneepads. They ruined the game for everyone and the refs and coaches were worthless. Fat boy should have been ejected.
When I was in high school I went to all the bb games. I loved watching the cheerleaders do cartwheels! To short to play though.
I watched them all. 1 and 2 didn't look too bad. At least there was an attempt to go for the ball. The rest, well the big guy should have been thrown out of the game.

Just my opinion.

That's what I thought too when I first watched it. Looked to me like they were fresh off the football field. It happens to players trying to make the transition from football to basketball. When I was in highschool, we had a similar game where the opponents were fresh from football. That was one rough game! One of their players actually "tackled" one of our guys in the heat of the moment. I think he embarassed himself. This thug though seems intent on his actions.
What you saw there is a reflection of the coaches. My hat's off to the maroon team for
keeping their composure.

34 should have been benched after he the first couple muggings.
There was a mix of regular and flagrant fouls. As to the flagrants, there was no attempt to disguise them by the perpetrators. Going for the ball was the last thing on their minds. I think this is what touches the nerves of those that saw it.

I place the blame squarely in the hands of the officials. Any game can, and will, get as out of control as the officials allow. These young players are immature and lacking in self-discipline. The officials need to clamp down hard, not look the other way.
A couple of those were flagrant. A few others were floppers on the maroon team. The fact that 34 didn't go over and pick the kid up or say sorry means he didn't mind the outcome, which is a shame.

If you notice the foul at mid court, the kid from the maroon team sets an illegal block on the white team before the kid from the white team gets frustrated and pushes him. that illegal block wasnt called but nobody's talking about that.

It comes down to poor officiating. After the first hard foul from 34, he should have gotten a talking to from 1 or more of the refs.
They should have warned the big klunky guy once, and warned his coach as well. 2nd time, ref's left arm points toward Mr. Klunk, and right arm goes up, pointing to the locker room. End of problem.

He may just be uncoordinated, but if thats the case, he's compensating by just whacking the opponent. If you don't have enough talent to play the game right, maybe thats just as good a reason to have you watch from the stands.
I would agree that the first few looked like an un-coordinated lummox trying to block the ball and it took slo-mo for me to read into his actions. But the 2-handed shove from behind and the clothesline were obviously intentional and un-sportsmanlike on a first viewing. I was especially perplexed at the ref seemingly joking with the lummox after the clothesline and patting him on the butt. That kid could have been seriously hurt and the ref seemed pretty unconcerned with that. Plus the lummox struts around after each one like he's proud of his actions. Very unsportsmanlike, IMO. BTW, I was a youth soccer coach and ref for a number of years. I never tolerated behavior anywhere close to that on the video.

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