Tractor kills driver.

Oh that"s so sad . My heart & Prayers goes out to his family . Its so easy for things like that to happen , even if we are as careful as possible . Years ago when I was a teenage driver , my Dad contracted out his tractor & mower to mow along the highways & I did the mowing . I can recall a few times when a hidden cable or heavy fence wire caught my mower & brought me to a sudden halt . One time in particular I hit my chest against the steering wheel so hard , I hurt for a couple days . So we can never think or say it couldn"t happen to us or should we be judgemental of this poor farmer .Just Pray for his loved ones is all thats needed . Thanks for sharing this . God bless, Ken
it's sad to hear about any tragic accident, regardless if you know them or not, prayers go out to any family that has a loss.
kinda dont even make sense to me, unless he was standing up and slipped off the tractor. a mower behind that j.d. tractor , like what can it snag on ???. many people stand up on john deeres, maybe the wheel hit a hole and threw him off? like was the guy an inexperienced tractor operator? how can the guy get thrown 75 yards and then the tractor run over him? i dont think we have the correct story here!
I'll agree that the wording in the article was not well arranged. I'm GUESSING that he was (1)thrown from tractor, (2) ran over, and (3) the tractor continued on for another 75 yards. Tragic however you look at it.

Dave, where do you work out of? I know that area somewhat. Used to know one of the state police that worked out of Ft. Wayne and lived in Blufton.
It's a tragedy no doubt.
Yet in that same county I'll bet there were several people killed in auto accidents in the last year that didn't get reported as far and wide as this accident.
Something incongruous about that don't you think?

Oh, and I'm surprised that the subject of how dangerous the 8N Fords are hasn't come up in this thread yet. Maybe it's because this killer tractor was a John Deere?
Latest news in local paper says the guy was mowing in a field. Hit some stumps & was thrown from tractor. Tractor then continued on for several yards. Artical did not say if he was chopped up by the brush hog. If he was, it would be an ugly scene. Also, although I do not know him, in response to other posts, he was not a rookie tractor driver.
And heaven forbid someone crash land an airplane and walk away from it. What a circus. I guess getting hurt or killed in an auto is acceptable.

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