Here comes winter


Farmington IL
Yesterday was in the mid fiftys and a beautiful day all around. Lots of guys have been doing tillage work, applying NH3 and tiling. We went to a farm sale on tuesday and it was the nicest day I have ever been to a farm sale in january. This is the nicest stretch of weather I can recall in the dead of winter but the tables are about to turn.
Todays forecast is 4-5 inches of snow with areas of more accumulation here. Winds 25-30 with gust to 35. The temp is 18 and dropping this morning with light snow on the ground and it is very breezy. I think we are ready. We made sure the cattle got bedded down yesterday and we will give everything a good checking over this morning and make sure the snowblower is ready to go. What a difference a day can make. Becareful out there everybody!

Get wrigley bundled up nice & warm and just keep that stuff there with you...... Trees along the creekbeds are starting to turn and things are just lookin like spring is around the corner.... Hope whatever we get doesn't last long.......
Hi bill ,the same type of weather that your area has been enjoying has also crossed over to our area on the east coast of Canada. Same weather pattern is about to change this evening. Snow changing to rain overnight. cheers, Murray//// Alway's enjoy your pictures.
Got caught with my pants down on the first round when we got over 10 inches . did not have the snow blower ready and it is a good thing we have a Dodge Durango or i would have never heard the end of that . Tuesday i worked on the snow blower and it is ready now but hoping that it will just stay under the tarp till spring . Changed the thermostat yesterday in my Dodge and flushed out the heater core .Got the feed ground and the feeders full for a week . So i can set back and stay warm thru this cold snap . Plan on making more termite food since it is warmer in the basement.

Old guy across the street says we won't have any lasting (more'n a couple days) hard weather..... Says it's too late in the season..... Hope he's right but it sure looks grey outside right now....... Trouble is, we are at 750-800 ft and usually just snows at 1600+ in this area.... If they get snow, we usually just get rain and ice.......

But, I's got new tires, snow chains, and almost a half ton of salt, and the wife and both bought new winter boots.... so we won't get any bad weather...
I like when you guys in the midwest post about the weather, most times its headed this way, YT early warning system.

It seems kind of odd not to be hemmed in already, though we seem to get seasons without lots of snow, last year was a stark reminder of how it can be, add working a ton of hours, always tired out, was not ready at all last year. I can't recall how many times my day started last year, tractor don't start, garage bay cluttered where it usually stays in the cold, snowblower would not run, can't even get out of the driveway, and there was 15 horses 30 miles away to deal with. Thankfully the other guy was nearby, finally get there, can't even get off the county road (well I'm driving a fuel efficient little car) Wade through the snow, get the tractor, (no cab) open up a path, then deal with the chores, time to go home, nope, have to clear the place out, then do the same when I get home, then it snows again. I guess some deal with this every year, then again, pays to be prepared, one thing is certain,open station tractors and 3 pt blowers suck in the winter LOL!

Fast forward to this winter, blower runs fine, tractor is back in a heated garage, starts fine, got one small shed up for wood put all the large round in there to be split for next year, just socked in 2 cords of small rounds near the stove from piles of logs I dropped off with my F600 in '09 ... try me now snow LOL ! Well, the doctor gave me some time off, and next week, they do surgery on my foot and I'm done for 6 weeks, no weight on it. I'd rather be out in the woods, getting ahead on firewood, seeing no snow cover this year, best time to do it, instead, be gimping around the house.
Last night, they said snow is comming in the morning.
When I got up it was 38 deg. and rain.
Just North of Boston on the Coast.
Record 57 for a high in SE SD on Tues. Wind and light snow yesterday and today more wind and a high of 8 this morning, -10 windchill.
Don't forget charging the camera battery in your preparations, Bill- we always like a few pics showing Wrigley living the "Life of Riley".

BTW, horse farm where my daughter virtually lived for several years had 2 Jack Russell terriers- Wrigley and Barkley. They were aptly named.
Here in mid Missouri we woke up to 2 or so inches of snow and around 20 and it is still coming down. Yesterday I worked in my shop with just a light jacket but that is not how it is today. But hey it is winter and we all know we need a little whiter stuff

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