question on a outside water hydraunt

i am going to put in 2 outside water hydraunts in
the near future my question are the ones at lowes
/home depot and others any good or should i go to a
established plumbing shop to get one is the quality
the same.?
I have one at the well house my Dad put in when I was about 3 or 4. I have one behind my house I put in 24 years ago and had to replace it 1 1/2 year ago. Mine came from a huge Pluming and Electal Supply.
Depends on your water,but that's not something that you want to dig up again. I had one from the local hardware store that went to crap on me. Magnesium in the water ate the rod right off the plunger. That's one thing I just wouldn't cheap out on.
They all seem about the same. Make sure you have a good gravel drain area, and use a brass or steel elbow coming in. We had some trouble with pvc fittings.
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i found out first hand with outside hydraunts you get what you pay for, by american at extra cost and you can fix it if it ever needs it, by china brand and it will work ok for 6 months to 2 years, then you'll be digging it up because it wont seal and will let water force its way up to the surface and all over, usually when its cold and windy, or you also have 2 feet of snow on the ground, as already mentioned when you install it make a good bed of gravel down the hole, when you shut it off that water must drain down and away from the pipe
Second the motion on using steel or brass coming in. Use metal street elbow, plus about a foot of steel or brass pipe before adapting it to the plastic supply pipe. That long standpipe generates a lot of leverage, and a plastic fitting will eventually break from the movement of turning it on and off with that lever.
There is a Canadian manufacturer in Winnipeg, "Monarch Machinery " that makes one as good as you can get. Don't know if they sell in the USA. I would caution about using iron or steel fittngs underground. Unless they are heavy galvanized they will rust away. Nylon fittings are really tough and won't crack or corrode.
I got knee surgery comeing up next Tuesday. Fell last summer and keep hurting it. Doctor said
"You are 76 and got 50 year old knees" I said when they were 50, they didn't hurt so bad.
Sorry I got off topic. I don't know what kind of faucets mine are but they are painted blue. I second the don't use PVC fittings on the bottom.
Rick get an Iowa hydrant, dad put them in 50 years ago and they still work. I put them in 20+ years age and had to fix 1 2 weeks ago, dam horses got to messin around and bent it so it would not shut off, not the hydrants fault
yea thats what i was thinking also.put in a good name brand one and forget 55yrs old may never have to fool with it you just never know.i had 2 heart attacks last febuary 2 days apart dummy me ignored the first one was plugged up 99% so i am just glad to be around still doing most of the things i did before.had to slow down on the wood cuttin though them chainsaws will take it out of you pretty darn quick thank you all for the replys.

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