car insurance claim??


Well-known Member
Anyone experienced this??
Have 2 vehicles with liability only... Backed into one with the other yesterday. Called the insurance provider today (same for both) and was told "they think" that only one would be covered and I should concentrate on the one with the most deductable.... Anyone ever had something like that happen and get covered??? I have an american insurance provider and 20 years with them accident free..... Worse case, I'll say I did it with the tractor and get it covered that way....
Sounds correct. The liability insurance is for 'the other guy'. If you backed into your own vehicle, the one struck would be 'the other guy'. I'm really suprised they even offer to cover it with both being your own. Many will require a state crash report filed.
Dave keeping in mind that you are in Germany and not in the US by law the car that was hit would be covered.

Claiming that you hit them with the tractor is fraud.

I backed into the car with my pickup.

I didn't turn it in to insurance. In stead I made my
wife pay for it.

She's the one that parked the car in the wrong spot.

I can see only one being covered as you only carry liability. By rights one that was backing up was in the wrong and other would be covered. Dare I ask? How much damage to each? Different deductables on each vechicle seems strange. I'd be looking at putting claim in on one with most damage if you can swing it. If you did it with tractor, what you gonna say? " Hit one with tractor then got flustered and backed up and hit the other one. Maybe i aint picturing this right so set me straight if iI aint. Rocko.

fraud, smaud :roll: Just kiddin.... only thing in my favor on this is 20+ years accident free.... Tractor & quad is covered under a german insurance and is pretty lax, just don't like to use them.....
(quoted from post at 06:20:25 01/18/12) I can see only one being covered as you only carry liability. By rights one that was backing up was in the wrong and other would be covered. Dare I ask? How much damage to each? Different deductables on each vechicle seems strange. I'd be looking at putting claim in on one with most damage if you can swing it. If you did it with tractor, what you gonna say? " Hit one with tractor then got flustered and backed up and hit the other one. Maybe i aint picturing this right so set me straight if iI aint. Rocko.

got 2 kia's.... Mine (denter) is 10 years older than hers (dentee) and I barely knockedr the dirt off.... Hers is ugly and pushed in a little.... Tractor is an easy fallback because conditions are so tight at the home places (have to show the working area when you set up insurance)... Actually backed a trailer into her car which wasn't supposed to be there....
(quoted from post at 06:26:58 01/18/12) Keep in mind that most insurance companies will raise your insurance premium for two years after filing a claim.
50 bucks a year for one accident free year in my case.....
Had the same problem with my wife while ago. Back up my truck up without looking and putta little dent just back of rear wheel well. Thought to myself, #@^&#@ what the @#^@ is that doing there. Wisely I kept my thoughts to myself. Rocko.
read your policy carefully. most likely, under the property damage coverages, your vehicle will be excluded as it is an owned vehicle. as both are only carrying liability coverage, and not collision or comprehensive, there would be no coverage.
By definition, "liability" coverage protects you from being sued for causing injury or damages to someone else. Can you sue yourself?
Liability insurance does not compensate one for damage done to ones self.

Collision insurance is offered for such situations.

Agreed. Your "LIABILITY" coverage is protection from claims made by third parties. As stated - you can't sue yourself for damages you caused.
I'm thinking the company will ice him- liability insurance protects you from the negligence of OTHERS, not yourself.

I think I'd just keep it quiet (well, as quiet as you can, after putting it on an international internet site)- and save yourself from the thigh- slapping laughter of the insurance adjuster: first, for the situation itself, and then for the audicity to file a claim against yourself.
Just trying to help you with your dialogue....

Adjuster: How did this happen?

You: Well, ya see, this guy I'd never seen before was trying to steal my car. He was so drunk (How drunk was he?) that he backed into one car with the other car. Then he got scared and ran away.

Adjuster: Would you mind repeating that into the microphone?
you'll have to get to the nitty gritty with your provider, but in most cases, liability only, covers your damage to the other guy, you hit juan, your insurance fixes juans car, your on your own to fix yours, in this case, you hit yourself, so, you might have to fix both yourself, unless you can convince them a drunk came in the middle of the night, hit both cars, and left, if you have a uninsured attachment on the policy
My mistake- brain freeze. Liability protects you from the claims of others, if you screw up.

Still gonna be dicey, suing yourself. Could make the suit Dave2 vs. Dave1, and claim split personality. Yeah, that's the ticket! Send retainer immediately, we'll let you know. . .

Lacking collision or comprehensive, uninsured motorist is the only possibility left. And I'd like to the the fly on the wall when you make an uninsured motorist claim against yourself, on your own insurance policy.

No problem....... one vehicle will be paid in full and the premium for the other will raise 50 bucks for one year, if no more accidents in that year, goes back to normal....... nothing to do with fraud... Have 2 vehicles insured, one hit the other. Whether it's my vehicle or yours, my insured vehicle damaged another vehicle.... Surprised me too tho......
I thought that's how it would come out. I had a friend who heard his wife start her new Mercury and gave her time to get out of the garage and gone while he waited in his old frost covered Ford pickup. After he had waited for what he thought was an appropriate length of time, he backed up and stuck the Ford trailer hitch through the passenger door of the Mercury. She'd ran back in the house to get her forgotten grocery list and wasn't gone after all. Ford liability covered the door repair on the Merc. Ford didn't know anything had happened. Hitch was made out of an old JD plow beam.
The vehicle that did the damage will pay for the banged up one with liability onlu. The other vehicle will be a donation out of your pocket I'm afraid. Thee one that DID the damage is the main covered one.
Depends on the state you are in. In most cases if you have no collision coverage you collect no dammages from a collision... In MI at least , with only liability , if someone else hits you and you catch them , a section of your coverage called " mini-tort liability" will automatically pay you up to $500. Your ins co will pay you and they will go after the others ins co to recover. As far as what your ins provider told you , that is BS! There is NO deductable on liabitlity ins as it does NOT pay for physical dammage to your vehicle and therefore is a mute point.Physical dammage to a vehicle is only paid for by "collision" , "comprehensive" or the formentioned "mini-tort" coverage. And you can't claim mini tort if both vehicles were owned , liscensed and insured (same company) by the same person. I think your ins co and you have a misunderstanding somewhere because they can't be that stupid.

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