Questions for the Canadians.......


and the folks on this side of the border that are familar with these darn things....

1. Who the heck left out the road map so these things could find their way down here to South Texas?

2. Why are they so darn noisy?

3. Is it true they taste just like chicken?

View of our backyard:

Trumpeter Swans ? Don't see them much around here. Certainly hear them flying over. Anybody with swans are glad to have them. Very territorial and will drive the nasty Canada Geese out of the area
Looks like snow geese to me. They are very noisey birds. Don't know what they taste like, I've never eaten one.

We used to get them thruough here by the thousands, in spring and in fall on the way back south. It was nothing to see 40 acres of a stubble field, pure white with geese.

The migratory pattern seems to have changed here. We don't see the fall run like it was even 3 years back.
If they are quiet, then they are texan geese. If they are noisy, they are canadian geese. Wont be long till they are here. :)
(quoted from post at 10:32:47 01/23/12) If they are quiet, then they are [b:4d7a4df524]texan geese[/b:4d7a4df524]. If they are noisy, they are canadian geese. Wont be long till they are here. :)
ust other name for ostriches :wink:
Yes sir, they are indeed those loud and very annoying snow geese straigt from Canukland. The field was corn that was harvested a few weeks ago and then disced under. The dove were having a great time out there until last night when these nasty and noisy turd droppers came in. Guy down the road let his dogs out and they cleared out a bunch of them, but of course they came right back. Might be time to fire up the BBQ.
Absolute pests on the eastern shore, they'll decimate the wheat crop. Don't see as many here on the western shore.
The problem is "Do Gooders" All the bleeding heart conservationists,anti hunters,anti gun people who convinced governments to restrict hunting,thus Canada came up with the "Migratory Bird Laws" It limits when these birds can be hunted and it limits the daily bag Canada Geese, Snow Geese and Blue Geese(Wavies) have dramatically increased in population to the point where they are a nuisance to farm crops,parks,beaches a matter of fact there is virtually no natural method of controlling their numbers as the fox population has dwindled and a fox is no match for a Canada Goose. Conservation gone wild is responsible for this. Now you can call them Canada Geese but they have dual citizenship,they flourish in the USA through winter months and come back to Canada to breed. And as mentioned the patterns of migration have changed with milder winters and do Gooders feeding them corn all winter and actually encouraging them not to migrate,not to migrate as far south as they used to and not staying as long.My observation is that when people get involved and develop plans for conservation they never have an exit plan,ie) what happens when the population gets out of hand.People who used to hunt them have given up and the natural predators have been on the decline...roast goose is pretty good with stuffing and mashed potatos and gravy. I used to hunt them but havent for probably 20 years.They do make a good meal!
Buick and Deere..go for a walk on the boardwalk in Goderich on a summer's day,watch out for the goose droppings all over the place..we get them by the droves on the beach in front of our cottage just north of Bayfield..would love to just sit and shotgun a bunch,but wouldn't know what to do with the carcasses.
Somebody below mentioned that the migratory patterns have changed. Big change around here- they just quit migrating! It does seem like a lot of useless flying around, but generally species don't just quit something they have done for millenia. Don't know what happened- but somebody apparently wised up. Maybe like our house when I was a kid- we always had oatmeal for breakfast, but one day Dad said he was tired of it, and as far as I can remember, we never had it again. That remains one of the best days of my life.

We never had geese overwinter (or summer) here when I was a kid- but about 20 years ago, they just decided to stay. Goose hunting used to be a big deal- get a bunch of decoys, freeze your butt out in the field tring to call them down, etc.- now that they're here all the time, everybody seems to have lost interest.
Sounds like they are about like deer here in Southern Michigan. At first they were a novelty, then they became a bit of a pest, now they have become a menace that, in the eyes of many, needs to be eradicated. A lot of people living in towns and cities...and even some who live in the country think that virtually all animals are cute creatures that have every right to live wherever they please. A lot of these people do however get a little excited when they show up in their shopping centers and wander into their homes and eat from their gardens and flower beds. Our county seat, Hillsdale, MI, has had legally sanctioned rifle and bow and arrow hunts..within the city limits, no control these things that were once so nice to see....ocasionally.... but not draped all over the hood and through the shattered windshield of your car....or in the produce section of the Super Market.
Generally I shoot them while standing on the back deck of my house.
Too bad the Goderich Tornado didn't pass over a flock of Canada Geese.
Do you know of any Bayfield kids on the hockey team?
Can't say I do, Bayfield Clinton and Hensall go together for a minor hockey system and they have done quite well over the last few years.BCH!
one goose says to the other as he passes over.. "I just dropped everything i had on buck." ;) Guess its all the excitement.
I have a 40 acre pasture behind the yard with a small slough in the middle. The geese spend alot of time on that pasture in the falltime.

They fly out morning and evening to eat on stubble fields around me and back to the pasture to rest for the night. After spending several weeks on the grass, they leave behind alot of manure. I think this is great fertilizer for my pasture land. They pick the feed off other fields and deposit the rich fertilizer on my grass. To me, thats getting something good for nothing. I can live with that.

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