OT Theft alert

If it ain't nailed down, better nail it down and if it is nailed down, better put another nail in it. I get these scrap theft alerts in my email. It is hard to believe the brashness (is that a word) of some people. Taking copper right off a house.

Theft Alert

Theft of Copper Down Spouts
Date of Occurrence: 2/10/2012 0500 hours
Location: CAMP HILL, PA 17011 US
Material: Copper/Brass
Details: On Friday February 10th at 0500 hours, a white male 20-30 yoa stole copper down spouts from a residence. He was seen in a gray Chevrolet S-10 or Ford Ranger pickup. Camp Hill Borough and neighboring departments have had numerous thefts involving copper down spouts,
Reported Value:
Additional Info:
Law Enforcement Contact: Agency: Camp Hill Police Department
Phone: 717-737-1570
Contact Name: Douglas S. Hockenberry
Contact Email: [email protected]
Case Identifier:
ISRI File ID: PA1202100104512746
This was on the news the other night.


State police post is right down the street from this place. Someone has guts.

I've seen alot of vacant houses with some or all of the siding missing. I'd bet that plumbing and wiring has been plundered in these houses, too.

They fingerprint and sometimes photograph you like a common criminal when you take a sack of empties to the scrapyard. It stops no theives.

They"re stealing wiring off center pivot irrigation systems around here. One culprit did get caught due to the tracking and dilligence of a couple famers, recently. If I remember correctly, the damage was in excees of $1200. Not the first to be caught, and probably a lot more not caught.
They just caught a bunch down on the eastern shore (DelMarVa) heisting center pivot wiring. Big bucks for repairs, grand theft charges.
A friend of mine from work came home from church with his wife to find a couple of bums removing the aluminum siding from his house. Btw, the homeowner was black and the bums were white folks.
Got a customer that has been robbed numerous times over the past year or so. He had one property with ALOT of stuff lying around and they did a really good job of cleaning it up, to the tume of about $17,000 worth of scrap, based on what info he has been able to get from the scrap yards where some of the stuff was later found. The really bad thing though is that some of the ones doing the stealing have been caught and jailed numerous times for the same thing and all that happens is they get slapped on the wrist and let right back out on the street to do it again. Unfortunately given that much if what they take is nothing but scrap it's hard to get them 'nailed to the wall' over the scrap value of some of the items they take, even when the damage done by their stealing can run a tab into the thousands to fix......... Personally I say line them against a wall and give them all one small, final piece of 'scrap' lead and be done with the whole situation. One or two examples like that and most of the small timers are gonna think twice or three times before being stupid...
We have had a rash of stealing in this neighborhood this last week. They say a girl knocks on the door and if no one answers 2 guys kick in the back door and take PC, flat screens, guns and what ever they can sell. This is during the day time. We now have a neighborhood watch going on and have an idea what they are driving. I am home most of the time so am ready
The answer to this is the buyer, they pretend to help the police but they know the law better than the average cop. These scrapyards know who is stealing and what is stolen and how long it takes to move it off the lot. Here the thieves just go across the County line, it then takes officers from both counties to get them. Two cops, long weekend, junk on a railcar in 3days, forgetaboutit. BHDT
I've heard of thieves looking for houses with the owners gone but the garage door is up. The thieves then get access to the crawl space and cut all of the copper tubing out. They leave with water spewing all over. That's brashness!
Irragation units were a big target for thieves last year here. Haven't heard of any hit lately. It's too cold now, the crooks must want indoor work for the winter.

The high reward for a little risk is fueling the crooks. The high price of scrap copper/brass/alum./steel is only part of it. If caught, they'll be out inside of 5 years. If they get away with it, they can make a couple of weeks worth of an honest man's wages in a good night. No taxes, either.

Last year thieves took 250,000 worth of copper from a television tower in my area. I beleive it was 5" in diameter. They got caught when a neighbor of theirs called the cops to complain about a noise they were hearing. I guess the thieves were cutting up the cable with a chop saw in the back yard.
Two years ago at the county Farm Bureau meeting,one of the insurance agents said they had already paid out over $400,000 in claims for wire stripped from center pivots that year.
Great stories and posts from you all but it is going to get worse. And they probably won't be coming for your plumbing, or wire either.
Well, guess I am SOL on the back door, I have a underground home so no back door. If someone comes to the door that is unknown to me I take my time going to the door,just to see what they are up to

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