tonites news


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Whitney houston is gone at age 48,wife upset by that news, so she switched to another channel to learn more ,, news There was the Agenda 21 idea about taking control of farmland for the sake of food security ?,,debated by talking heads that farmers want to be left alone , so they can produce wisely verses federal minds that want to control land and keep away from private investment in the name of rural developement and sharin the wealth ..SHOCK. the term"big communal farms" was used too much for my gut and blood pressure.. America NEEDS prayer for commonsense leaders to lead this country
(quoted from post at 22:40:03 02/11/12) Whitney houston is gone at age 48,wife upset by that news, so she switched to another channel to learn more ,, news There was the Agenda 21 idea about taking control of farmland for the sake of food security ?,,debated by talking heads that farmers want to be left alone , so they can produce wisely verses federal minds that want to control land and keep away from private investment in the name of rural developement and sharin the wealth ..SHOCK. the term"big communal farms" was used too much for my gut and blood pressure.. America NEEDS prayer for commonsense leaders to lead this country

The way I see it we will never have common sense leaders in this country unless the middle class rises to the cause. Once the ones that suck off of society reach a majority and find they are able to vote in the socialist people that promote their cause we are through.....
Whitney Houston, chose to stick that needle in, it was not pre-ordained by god, or genetics, it was a choice. Dolly Parton, who wrote the song, I Will Always Love You, that Houston performed, in the movie, made a better choice!
I keep reading about this "middle class rise up" stuff.

What, exactly, are we supposed to do? How, exactly, should we "rise up?"

Careful here. Most dictatorships and totalitarian states got started when the middle class "rose up."
care REFORM???? Occupy Wallstreet ??? Tax REFORM ???
Redistribution of wealth ???
(quoted from post at 06:16:28 02/12/12) I keep reading about this "middle class rise up" stuff.

What, exactly, are we supposed to do? How, exactly, should we "rise up?"

Careful here. Most dictatorships and totalitarian states got started when the middle class "rose up."

You sir hit the nail on it's head.

(quoted from post at 06:16:28 02/12/12) I keep reading about this "middle class rise up" stuff.

Careful here. Most dictatorships and totalitarian states got started when the middle class "rose up."

Most dictatorships and totalitarian states don't have a middle class. They have the elite rulers and the grunts.
Those in DC know what they're doing and nothin we can do about it. We can only elect or remove those in our jurisdiction, but there is NOT one damn thing we can do about them that ain't..

I don't know this Whitney Houston, but may she R.I.P:
Of course the Gov't knows better the Bureaucrats ran/run the farms in the Old Soviet Union and Cuba and look how properous they were(LOL)
Socialist/Communist countries always buy food from Capitalist countries ought to tell the Gov't Dummies something.
What a shame. There is no doubt drugs are the cause of Whitneys death. Don't know why people continue to do this to their bodies. when they see others dropping dead from drugs. Just a sign of the times I guess. Most of my favorite singers either died in plane crashes or car wrecks. Stan
Maybe them big government types need to go out to Hollywood and regulate those actor & music types. They keep snorting and injecting things they shouldn't, then they can leave the rest of us that exist on a lot less without requiring a chemical boost to get through the day the heck alone. Oh ya- implement a "creative tax" to fund baby sitting the abundant Hollywood types that are chemically dependent.
Me and the wife were discussing this, I can't figure why, when you have enough money to do anything you want, you would decide to do drugs. Life is so much fun to live. I'll never be in that situation but if I was, doing drugs would not be on the list of things to do. She was one of my favorite singers of all time. I really enjoy singers with natural voices that don't try and scream their songs and she was one of them that was like that. Her rendition of the National Anthem was one of, if not, the best ever. It's just sad that this government that wants to control everything anymore refuses to do all it can to stop drugs, they have to be on the take is all I can figure.

(quoted from post at 11:45:39 02/12/12) Me and the wife were discussing this, I can't figure why, when you have enough money to do anything you want, you would decide to do drugs. Life is so much fun to live. I'll never be in that situation but if I was, doing drugs would not be on the list of things to do. She was one of my favorite singers of all time. I really enjoy singers with natural voices that don't try and scream their songs and she was one of them that was like that. Her rendition of the National Anthem was one of, if not, the best ever. It's just sad that this government that wants to control everything anymore refuses to do all it can to stop drugs, they have to be on the take is all I can figure.


Jim when a great deal of money is involved criminal enterprise is astounding, heck the drug loards are building subs now.

Plus we cannot secure our borders. It's just that simple. We have neither the money or man power. So it's a question of how to get the people selling this junk off of the streets.

One solution would be just to make it legal and sell it in liquor stores. Then tax it on import and when it's sold. That at least would get the pusher trying to get kids hooked off the streets. Go take a look what the FBI, US Marshals, DEA, state and local law enforcement spend fighting drugs.......and they are losing.

Yeah, mine too......Jim Reeves and Johnny Horton. At least we still have George, though I'm pretty sure he skated by on a lot of opportunities to drive his car into a tree.
(quoted from post at 03:20:58 02/13/12) All the $$$ in the World can't cure stupid

Yep, an it can't buy happy neither.

When you worship the $$$, instead of your Creator, you got trouble.
(quoted from post at 08:16:28 02/12/12) I keep reading about this "middle class rise up" stuff.

What, exactly, are we supposed to do? How, exactly, should we "rise up?"

Careful here. Most dictatorships and totalitarian states got started when the middle class "rose up."

I think that finding a good leader and voting him into office instead of the current nnalert or nnalert joker would be sufficient. The system may be rigged so that anyone not a part of those parties is at a big disadvantage but it's certainly possible.

And honestly if you can't manage enough organization and charisma to get people to vote, I don't see how you're going to pull off getting together an army of rebels to fight and die for you.

Keep the gun in the closet as long as you can still vote.
Communal farms? I believe the correct word is "collective". Leastwise that's what the Soviets called them. Can't imagine why the new Soviets would choose a different name...
I don"t think border security is a matter of lack of money or manpower. WILLpower does come to mind. It"s a Federal responsibility, and that is not being delivered, thus the effort like that from AZ.
I hate it that Whitney lost her life due to alcohol and drugs. As much as you might dislike Mexicans it is a shame the number of them that are being killed due to the fact that US citizens are the market for their drug trade. Everyone in this country using illegal drugs has the blood of these people on their hands.
(quoted from post at 23:19:39 02/12/12) I hate it that Whitney lost her life due to alcohol and drugs. As much as you might dislike Mexicans it is a shame the number of them that are being killed due to the fact that US citizens are the market for their drug trade. Everyone in this country using illegal drugs has the blood of these people on their hands.

Not picking but...
The rich and famous didn't get there on thier own...The public put them there by buying thier products, listening to/watching thier music/movies. Those folks owe the public for thier fame/fortune and owe it to the public to be a good role model for our kids (regardless of age)... If they do drugs, get in trouble all the time, happen to die from trouble/drugs or commit suicide from the same, we should be feeling sorry for the public that looked up to them and not wasting a thought on them. That's just me tho....
(quoted from post at 12:10:29 02/12/12)
(quoted from post at 11:45:39 02/12/12) One solution would be just to make it legal and sell it in liquor stores. Then tax it on import and when it's sold. That at least would get the pusher trying to get kids hooked off the streets. Go take a look what the FBI, US Marshals, DEA, state and local law enforcement spend fighting drugs.......and they are losing.


That's right, legalise and tax it... Watch how the powers that be switch to pushers instead of condemers...

Presidential candidates sayin "hellyea!! I smoked dope in college, elementary school thing that ever happened to me......

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