Amish air water pump


Well-known Member
SE Il.
Does anyone on here know how they work? I have heard they are made out of PVC fittings. They seem to use a 500 or 1000 gal LP tank for a air tank. Air it up once a day with a 5 hp Honda. Seem to have 50 lb of water pressure and no other pressure tank. Sounds better than a deep well sumargeable pump. Thanks Vic
rail roads used air powered lift systems to pump for Locomotive filling. The efficiency was poor at best, but there were no other maintenance free deep well options in those days. All the moving parts were in the compressors and electric motors to drive them. Submersibles are far superior. Jim
Some of the Amish around here buy big LP tanks and use a diesel engine to pump them up,Some have a few hooked together. One well I noticed looked like a submergible and he told me it was air powered,He said it had an air line going to it. He has a machine shop and runs the lathe and drill press with hydraulic while the ceiling fan and wood stove fan runs off air.
I notice they are doing a lot of things you never used to see them do. But none around here have power lines going to their house...yet. But one rented a house from the neighbor and they did use the electric in the house. They have skid steers,lift trucks and tractors. plus rototillers and wood spliters
do a search on net for pumping water with air.lots of info comes i recall(been awile so dont quote me) it takes something like 3 cf air to pump a gallon of water. not real effecient,but there are windmills out there that turn compressors to do exactly this.

The Amish live by a verse in the Bible that says something like "be ye not unequally yoked with the world". They interpret electric power lines running into their home as a connection or yoke to the world. They also believe that to be like the world is worldly and sinful.

This is the reason behind the fact that some Amish around here have cell phones (no wires) but cannot have a land line type phone in their home. The Bishops in each church act as rule makers so each church can be different in how they view things.

I don't mean to say what is right or wrong here however, for me I find it helpful to know the thought process behind things.
My Amish neighbors have two propane tanks and big compressors ( 30 cfm ) driven with diesel motors from small tractors running a jack shaft.Every morning and every night while milking they run the motor and turn the shaft a couple hr.s
The shaft turns an alt. to charge batteries,air compressor,cooling compressor for milk tank. They cook on gas range and have gas refridgerator and use gas lights. No phone, no car, no electricity but they sure seam happy.
Went to an Amish auction last month. Seen lots of cools stuff. The thing that I just had to get a pic of was a sausage grinder with a hydrolic motor bolted to it. I wander how much that pulled down the only tractor they had, a 1855 (on steel.)


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