OT Skunk Furs

John B.

Well-known Member
I was just wondering if a skunk fur like this one is worth any thing. This skunk has a split stripe. My dog took care of this one. Sorry if any one is offended by this picture.
Why would that picture be offensive? Though the odor seems to be making it through the phone lines LOL.

less than ten, know a guy who runs traps all winter, coon hunts, coyote, occasional bobcat, at end of season gets maybe 300.00 for everything, if it was a good year, maybe breaks even on expenses for gas,trap repair, etc, just it cause he gets laid off every winter and cant stand to be in house
Worth a million laughs if you can skin it and tan the hide and use it for practical jokes.

As a kid, my brother, a friend and myself accidentally caught oe in a box trap. When we checked the trap, skunk. One of us opened the trap, and one of us clobbered it with a big stick, in theory to knock it out. We may have killed it because it never woke up. We decided to keep it as a pet, so we took it home to destink it. The oldest, my brothers buddy put it on the picnic table, got out his pocket knife to do surgery and remove the stink gland so it wouldn't stink anymore, but he cut into the gland and we all ran because it really stunk. That might have been when the skunk died too. I don't know. Anyway, we made it back to the picnic table, gathered up the dead skunk (by then), put it into a burn barrel, put papers and boxes in it, lit it in an attempt to get rid of the skunk. It smoldered for a couple of days. People were calling our parents for a mile or so threatening to kill us. And, we ruined the picnic table too. No pet skunk either.

Anyway, skin it, tan the hide, and do this, but instead of a park, maybe out from under a church pew during services just to lighten things up a bit...

Funny Skunk Prank
I'll take interesting. Brings to mind the famous Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
i think the part about trying to burn it was hilarious . laughed till i could barely see the screen . or was it the odor.
Our dog, a golden retriever, came around the house the a month ago with a dead skunk, (man did he stink), small thing, was and Eastern Spotted Skunk, strips kind of zig zagged across its back. Never seen one before. Talking to the DNR and they told us only 7 had been seen in the state since the 30"s. Been smelling em around for years, mostly nights, just never seen them.
A life-long friend of mine trapped until he passed away a year ago. He always said a skunk was worth good money... only a couple of bucks for the hide but Rendering the fat would give nearly a quart of skunk oil which at one time was $20 and the scent glands were worth something too, as they were used in the making of perfumes somehow (I could never imagine that part). He said a skunk could bring about $28 total. He never trapped the skunks tho' and I thought that was wise. When we were still in school he had set a trap in a culvet and got a skunk which took the trap up the culvert so the friend crawled up the culvert with the pistol and shot it.... of course the skunk in his dying moment shot back... the friend was out of school for 3 days.

When i was a kid, the local fur buyer told me skunk fur was one of the true black furs. the thinner the white stripe, the more the hide was worth.
the scent is what you want,its worth lots of money believe it or not.its used as fixative in high dollar perfumes and the like.skin is not worth a whole lot but they will sell.you wont get rich trapping them for sure.
oh and another thing,you really messed up by putting this picture on here,you can kill them anytime if the are doing damage,you cannot pick them up !If you do you are in possession of a furbearer out of season.(if of course its not trapping season where you are) all a law enforcement officer has to do is see this and your in a world of hurt ! Honestly,im not kidding,been there done it,be very careful what you do with that.Never EVER pick up a dead animal these days ,even if your dog did kill it,killing a furbearer under the depredation order is not in the least wrong,whats illegal is having possesion.Even one legaly trapped has to be disposed of in a certain amount of time after the season,after that date your legally in violation of the possesion laws.AND TRUST ME, lots of game officials believe very strongly about this, and its their sworn duty to enforce the laws even if they dont agreee.Like i say been there done it. people are crazy nowdays ,all you have to do is let someone see you with it,and they can turn you in for abusing a poor defensless animal.All they have to do is make a call the ranger comes out ,if you have it your in the wrong no two was about it,and theres not a court in the land that will see it your way!like the man with all the signs on here,no problem killing the coon,problem is he admitted picking it up and burying it,thats illegal.Even without some discharge of firearms charge!If you cant leave it lay where your dog killed it just bury it and dont mention it.just FYI
believe it or not they do make interesting pets,and they wont spray unless a dog tries to get them or you get really rough with them.had a cousin who kept them for years and never descented one.never knew one to spray and we played with them all the time.sort of like keeping a weasel,ferrit or something,except they are not as active i dont think they can see well.
Long deceased old time trapper/fur buyer said it was not unusual to find skunk pelts "dyed" by using black powder mixed with tallow(?) and combed into the fur to minimize the white as in his era the more black, the more valuable the hide. Far as I remember our talks, the fur was the only "part" worth anything at that time.
A few years ago when I was taking a shower I started smelling skunk. Finished the shower, dried off, opened the door going out to the deck to look around, and there they were, two skunks mating right under the bathroom window. They were wrestling around and the female was screeming like crazy. Marilyn stuck her head out the door to watch and started feeling sorry for the female, mumbling the words rough s#x or something like that. When they got done they went separate ways and it was over with. The smell stayed around for awhile. Jim
Another skunk story.. A long time ago but not to far away, I used to work in a minimum security prison (no walls or fences) on the 12mid to 8 am. One of the fellas I worked with, bald as an onion but everyone called him Curly used to dabble in taxidermy. He collected all the roadkill between work and his 35 mile away house. One night he brought in a stuffed skunk and put it in the foyer of one of the dormitories put a tunafish can under it's nose and waited for the Sgt. to make his rounds. He finally walked in the door and right up to the skunk spotted the skunk, turned tail and left the building as fast as his feet would carry him. Another night another supervisor and the prankster brought in a small stuffed bear and stood it outside of the door the supervisor used when when he left his office to make his rounds of the dorms. The Sgt came out saw the bear turned around went back in and tried to shoo the bear away while standing in the doorway. When that didn't work he got candy from the vending machine and tossed it out to the bear while he exited the building through another door to make his rounds.
> you can kill them anytime if the are doing damage,you cannot pick them up !If you do you are in possession of a furbearer out of season.

I don't think you'll find a game warden anywhere that says you have to wade through a sea of rotting skunk and raccoon carcases every day on your way to gather eggs. As I understand the law, you just can't harvest the pelt if you kill a nuisance animal out of season (or without a small game license).
trust me,after spending a night in jail,paying bail,missing a days work ,and another for a court date, paying a $250 fine,i understand this law!you most definitly have possesion if your carrying it,skinned or not. Doesnt matter if you have witnesses or whatever.IF you pick it up,your in the wrong,period.Kind of like someone carrying off your toolbox without permission, at what point does it become stealing? When they pick it up,or when they take it to the pawn shop? Just saying to be careful,people are really crazy these days,and theres so many folks that never see a animal except on some tv show like animal planet that they think they are all sweet and innocent pets.the old adage shoot,shovel,and shut up applies here.Its one thing to post a picture of your legal kills on the net taken during legal seasons,and one out of season.

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