What's for supper

Erik Ks farmer

Well-known Member
We haven't done this in awhile so here goes. It was a beautiful day today so I picked up some charcoal and grilled kc strips for the wife and I, she made some homemade german style tater salad, some steakhouse style busch grillin beans and we picked up some fresh strawberries for dessert. And I had to crack open a coors light.
Sunnys caught by friend last summer. Fried in olive oil. Peas, jello with cream. Glass of red wine. Then after supper I baked a banana coffee cake for breakfast tomorrow. Just took it out of the oven. Hope it tastes as good as it smells.
Erik, you are a good ol farm boy if you call it supper instead of dinner. We eat dinner at noon!LOL.

For SUPPER I didn't serve up anything glorious. Just a slab of beef roast put in the micro for 30 secs with cheddar cheese on top, thrown between a couple of slices of bread with Mayo and BBQ sauce. That was the extent of it. If I want to sleep I don't eat much for supper. But after reading about what the rest of you guys ate, I AM getting a little hungry. Jim
is this the galloping gourmet show ?
oops forgot the tractor was needed to haul the manure to the garden.
Well, it was feeling kind of like good weather
outside. Even had the windows open. So we decided on
BLT sandwiches. Including FRESH spinach right out of
the garden. Ah yes, the first veggies of the year
from overwintered spinach.


shake-n-bake stuffed geese breasts,baked potataos
cream corn,home made buns, and a salid, with a
slice of pie on the side.
Well, Friday night I was alone at the new place since the family was scattered over three counties doing different things. I decided to pop the top on a cold beer and ate a nice steak right out of the pan as it was frying. lol.

Soupy beans wife started last night and cornbread from homeground cornmeal. Simple meal but one of my favorites, fit for a king!

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