Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Is there some newspaper that you can clip those from,or website to print them out from or what?
The reality is that our current President's goal has always been higher gas prices. His Energy Secretary Steven Chu famously told The Wall Street Journal in 2008, 'Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.'

Why are we surprised?
If we weren't such idiots the politicians might have to treat us better. Example Al Gore writes a book claiming the internal combustion engine is evil and automobiles must be eliminated. Then Michigan, a state whose economy depends on the auto industry votes to elect Al Gore president. Various political parties have let it be known that they want to make cars or operating them more expensive, want to limit our ownership of guns, want to make energy more expensive to discourage use and want the government more involved in our lives. We elect them and act surprised when they do all of the above.
Iran's got a heckuva lot more to do with gas prices than anything our government is doing right now.

Free enterprise at work, baby! The traders are using this as an excuse to run the price of oil and gasoline futures through the roof.

What? You say the GOVERNMENT should step in and REGULATE it so this wild speculation and obvious greed can't run amok and destroy our economy?

I thought you were all about free enterprise and less government.
I don't get out much,but I was pleasantly surprised yestrday when I hauled cattle. I always fill up at the Sunnoco on my way home so I have a near full tank of diesel in the truck when I get home. Two weeks ago when I went,I paid 3.79 for diesel. Yesterday morning when I passed the BP,it was 3.75. The Sunnoco was 3.85. I still filled up there though just because it's easier in and out with the trailer. I was expecting something closer to 4.50 for all the squalking I'd been hearing.
I hadn't been in town for a couple weeks until yesterday, so I was shocked at the price of gas. 10% ethanol was $3.45.9/gal. I was also expecting it to be MUCH more than that also, by listening to the news people, telling us how much it has went up.
Hey, scan the other side and I'll see if I can find some decent paper and we'll make some of those coupons. Yeah....right....
You're right - don't want to see the govt do anyrhing about it. Haven't ask for that for sure! Market will sort it out. We are exporting a lot of refined fuel, otherwise it's kinda piling up, won't stay that way for too long.


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