March first! In with a bang.


Well-known Member
First day of march and we get 11inches of snow! The most we got all winter. Wonder what the rest of the month will bring? Lol
Poor man's nitrogen, how about some frost seeding clover ? LOL.

Wet packing kind of snow, the blower was not slinging it very far this morning.

Be nice if every winter was as mild, good for the spirit not be snowed in til mid March like last year. This winter sure went by quick, last year just dragged on. We did not get out of the high 20's or so from early December til St Patricks Day. Was definitely a real winter, cool, wet spring, which resembled what most winters seemed to be like. I do wonder though, how the insects will be this year, last year they would stop you in your tracks, never had mosquitoes so dense and other biting bugs, always thought 0 deg and lower on bare ground helped with that.
Here in South Central Michigan it's 38 and cloudy. Mud hind end deep to a giraffe. March is coming in very normal for us.

Wish you guys up there would quit bragging about the cold weather. :shock:

We haven't even had a winter. I've been in short sleeves during most of it. And now everything is leafing out and blooming, and 85°.

Send some of that down here. I would actually love some of your cold weather.
If it's another summer like last summer, I may just move up there. :wink:
It roared like a lion here in the Fingerlakes. Two long rolling batches of thunder. One just before and one just after midnight. I looked up a radar picture, and the storms were in the southern tier. I drove to Owego this AM and everyone there heard it too, but at all different times!

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