Maybe reality!


Well-known Member
Everyone was just talking about the Doomsday Preppers show, with these bad storms it makes u wonder. Hope all is well. Any storm could be Doomsday I guess?
Well to tell the truth if I could #1 find one of those shipping containers and #2 afford it I would buy one and then dig a hole and put it in and cover it up. But it would be more or less for a storm shelter and a simple place to store can goods and things like taters over the winter. Or in other words a big root cellar
Many box trailers not road worthy any more.. Old school buses can be bought cheap too. post and timber the roof before burying
A good idea old, lady on weather channel this afternoon said, maybe camp in your basement tonight, since some states will have tornados into tonight. Looked pretty bad on tv!
I have an old school bus but some but head has broken most of the windows out of it and believe me if I caught him he would end up behind bars. I had been using it as a place to hide out in the rain and hunt deer when in season
I have 3 caves on the place but all of them to far away from the house to be any good plus one is to small you would get sucked right out and one you have to go swimming to get in. I have wanted to build a large root cellar for a long time but to cost is just not what I can swing right now
Where I live the only two natural disasters that I have to worry about are high wind, (tornadoes and hurricanes,) and earthquakes. If I could afford it, I would find some land with a southern exposed hillside and build an underground house. I have always been intrigued by them. That would pretty well eliminate all but the earthquake risk. Well, you can't win 'em all.
There was a post a couple of days ago something like this one. It got poofed the next day. One of the replies to that post said something about an aircraft carrier and you said your old ship, the JFK, had a draft of 100 feet. Are you sure about that?
Pretty funny stuff, might just as well spend the money now and have a warm fuzzy feeling! The warm fuzzy feeling will be gone when "doomsday" does come. If it were to happen today the vast majority would not likely be around by tax day. This would include most of the best prepared for it as people know your prepared and they are desperate, don't kid yourself thinking that the law or your own arms stash will save you. What do you suppose those Chevy owners in the superbowl commercial are going to do for supper?
I guess my take is I hope I'm one of the first to go, I dislike waiting in line and I'm sure there will be a long one awaiting judgement.
It got dug up for scrap after the old man died but when I was a kid an old man up road burried an old cargo van in a hill side to make a shed for his goats. It's a wander there wasn't more wrecks in front of his house. Lots of folks would stop in the road and take pics. Kind of a local landmark for years.

Yep I was on the JFK. When on I was told it had a 100 foot draft. I do know when at sea the flight deck was around 100 above the water line the crows nest where I went up to often was around 260 feet off the water. I was on the JFK during a refit and walked under it more then ocne when in dry dock and did not measure it but it sure did look like it could well have 100 feet below water line. I know for sure there where a lot of ports we could not go all the way into due to had deep the area had to be for it to still float

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