Proposed pig ban in Michigan


Well-known Member
I just got a letter from a fellow member of the ALBC
(American Livestock Breeds Conservancy). She specializes in certain Old World pig breeds. She's afraid her State of Michigan is going to make them illegal.

I read the proposed law and to me it seems to vague to enforce. Who knows? I wonder how many of these politicians would know a wild pig when they saw one? Here's the story . .

The State of Michigan will be banning a very specific type of pig from private ownership: the “wild boar”. They are doing so by adding it to the Invasive Species list for that state. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources writes:

40.4 Additional prohibited species.

(1) Possession of the following live species, including a hybrid or genetic variant of the species, an
egg or offspring of the species or of a hybrid or genetically engineered variant, is prohibited:

(a) New Zealand mud snail (potamopyrgus antipodarum).

(b) Wild boar, wild hog, wild swine, feral pig, feral hog, feral swine, Old world swine, razorback, eurasian wild boar, Russian wild boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus). This subsection does not and is not intended to affect sus domestica involved in domestic hog production.

(c) The department shall consult with staff from the Michigan department of agriculture on the
development of a phased compliance protocol for the implementation of this section.”

As many heritage breeds are closer to wild boar than their domestic counter parts, it looks like they’ll be getting murdered much sooner then they typically would be, and probably not even eaten, let alone be sold. In a letter written to Representative Edward McBroom, Rodney A Stokes, Director of Natural Resources for Michigan, wrote that:

“The Ruling outlines how the prohibited species will be identigied; by phenotype, not by genotype.”

Phenotype means by physical characteristics. Genotype means by genetics. So, there is no hard science to fall back on when determining if a pig fits the bill to get a bullet in the head and get banned, or be allowed to remain alive and get sold. Rather, its the subjective viewpoint of someone from the Department of Natural Resources who gets the final word. As many heritage breed pigs have many of the characteristics of feral pigs, this law would, in practice, ban them from the state as well. What would be left is domesticated pigs, which are pretty much exclusively used in large-scale pig operations.

In a report from Interlochen Public Radio, a farmer said when talking of his pigs that, “They have erect ears, which I have heard that the erect ear is something associated with the Russian boar.” Which could mean being banished from your farm, whisked away to ban-land where pigs go to be banned by human beings.

Why Is Michigan Doing This?

The ostensible reason is to keep feral hogs from wreaking havoc to ecosystems around the state. A very legitimate reason.

But, as the classification of ‘wild boar’ is so wide ranging, and the interpretation of them so subjective under their ‘phenotype’ classification, the actually ramifications of this is ultimately detrimental to small-pig operations that often depend on special heritage breeds to develop and nurture their niche markets.

There are better ways to manage wild boar, such as creating a much more targeted ban on specific breeds, aka by genotype. Another way might be to manage feral hogs in their natural environment, rather than in a domesticated environment. More hunting licenses for feral hog could be encouraged, and better wild feral management could be put in place.
It is probably prudent to ban them now. The state of Florida thought pet pythons were OK, now they are taking over the everglades.
Yes, but Pythons are easy to identify. This pig law is very vague and many of the "wrong" pigs could be killed.

The law was supposed to go into effect April 1st but just got postponed with an injunction for being too vague to enforce.
sounds like locking the door after the escape place in the UP has been advertising boar hunts besides these critters pretty much go here they want to come down here to texas most of us ranchers can show you.
"More hunting licenses for feral hog could be encouraged, and better wild feral management could be put in place".
The state of Michigan encourages everyone that is seen to be shot on sight. What would would more licenses or better wild feral management do?
Michigan has OPEN season on any pig on public property. Any hunting license allows you to shoot any amount of pigs. If a farmers pigs get out of their pen and get onto state land, they are legal targets!
Where are all the wild pigs in Michigan, I have been looking for them for years while hunting. So far nothing.

In 05 or 06 a farmer shot one about 6 miles from my house. IIRC it was close to 500 lbs. Clearly it was a domestic that escaped. Bet it made for a whole lot of bacon.

I agree that the goverment is too invasive but.....The Michigan gov. may not want to have the same type of situation that exists in Texas. Go on youtube and type in "hog hunting from helicopter" You can go down to Texas with a semi-auto rifle and the farmers will pay you to shoot the hogs. (very cool footage)
I'm more worried about the New Zealand mud snail (mentioned in the law). I think they shoot be shot on sight as well. :lol:

in fact, I think we need a "Department of New Zealand Mud Snail Eradication" here in Michigan. Could hire a bunch of bureaucrats to administer it, pay them a good salary, pension, health care for life, all the usual state benefits.

Seriously, the law just needs a little tweaking. I do agree that once any law such as this is enacted and you give the power to some DNR guy to enforce, common sense will go out the window.
(quoted from post at 22:20:28 03/13/12) Michigan has OPEN season on any pig on public property. Any hunting license allows you to shoot any amount of pigs. If a farmers pigs get out of their pen and get onto state land, they are legal targets!

If you have a valid CPL you don't even need a hunting license
The wild feral hog problem that many states are faced with stems from the importation at some point of european hogs, or so I'm told. They're the ones that cause the problem. We don't have a feral hog problem in Wis and yet we've been raising hogs for over 100 years. Once you get feral hogs they're just about impossible to get rid of and they do a lot of damage.
To "question" the wisdom of politicians geeeeeeeeeeee JD. They all know they are smarter then us mere subject peasants right????

Its called the law of unintended consequences I think when know it all pompous politicians delve into an issue (they must legislate mind you) without knowing all the science and unforseen consequences take place. Oh well so whats new

As an attorney I can say for a fact a law can indeed be found invalid for being too vague as you suggest and the State needs to show an over riding compelling interest.

Ya know the greenies and PETA gang are complaining that cow farts are producing too much methane and thats destroying the planet so whats next ?????????

John T
All I'll say is,I'm DAMMED glad the state had the guts to stand up to the so called "sportsmen" in this state and ban those destructive pains in the azz before they got to be the problem that those TB infected deer became. They could have saved us all of the expense and agrivation of that mess with a few well placed gun shots a few decades ago too. It was looking like Kevin Daley,chair of the House Ag Committee was going to cave for a while there,but he deserves a HUGE pat on the back and maybe even a big donation to his reelection fund for getting that ban passed. Anybody that farms in this state knows the expense of trying to farm while being over run with wildlife without the introduction of an invasive species that's known to be as destructive as hogs.
Anybody wants to argue,you'll have to look far and wide to find a farmer in this state that will take your side.
And by the way,it's not a "proposed ban". I believe the deadline for anybody in possesion of them to get rid of them is April first. After that,it's open season on them,even on private property.
I wonder what Michigans most famous sportsman, Ted Nugent, will do with those 100% pure strain Russian hogs he raises on his fenced hunting operation in Mich. He d*mn sure better not try to take them to Crawford Texas, where he moved to.
You mean to tell me you are not the least bit "honored" to have the "Teddy Bear" residing in your state?? I think he overstayed his welcome here in MI and knows it. Nothing but a swingin' "Richard" that has caused more problems than ever solved. He needs to be down on the Mexican / Texas border since he thinks he has to shoot anything that moves and sure to tell everyone how great he is for doing so. Good riddens.
Bmaniac, you read me wrong or I wasn't as clear as I meant to be. I'm no fan of TN and far from it. He managed to avoid service during the Viet Nam war by taking a student deferment while he was really touring with the Amboy Dukes and by using other methods, when he took his draft physical, that are so gross I can't post them here. I volunteered to go and went. Now when he claims all the patriotic stuff he professes, it makes me want to puke. I used to like him until I found out what a hypocrite he is. Alledgedly, one woman had to take him to court to get child support for the kid he fathered while married to his childrens mother.
I'm not from Texas, not that there is anything wrong with that. I heard through the grapevine that the folks around Crawford, where TN moved, ain't exactly happy about him settling there.
This Ban would also seemingly Ban everything that isn't domestic mass production Hogs. People with rare breeds and Heritage Pigs are likely to have their pigs taken away.

It also opens up a can of worms when the DNR can enforce this vague law on anyone/any hogs they want to. Overreaching power to takeout anyone that are not fully cooperative.

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