drought and fire


Well-known Member

Colorado is very dry. Couple of days ago we burned 25,000 acres of grass and two farms near Yuma. From down power line. Wind was 62 MPH all day and dust so bad I couldn't see 100 yards. Tanker planes are standing by here in NE Co. If we don't get moisture soon it's going to be a bad, bad year.
Same here on the western slope.The 'Grand Mesa' and surrounding mountains only have about 80% snow pack.Looks like a 'short water' year.
There's been a few in northern Michigan the last few days. 86 degrees in Traverse City yesterday,drying things out real quick. Nothing as bad as last years fires yet,but no rain in the forecast til late Friday.
i truly wish yall the best...been thru it a few times and the wear and tear on your nerves is the worst part...still gunshy from last year...everytime i smell smoke its instant panic mode...hang in there.
It's been same dry here in North Central Mn.
Had several fires last week in pasture brush type
land. I'm surrounded by National Forest land and they're pretty good about proactive burns anywhere the 2 legged hoodlums can start an easy fire.They had crews on stand-by all weekend. Recieved nice 1.5" rain on Monday night across large area of North Central. Were all hoping it's a jump start for spring green up.
We understand. Last year TX had the worst drought on record and exceptionally high summer temps. Had lots of wild fires.

Even though its been a wet winter, some lakes still haven't filled to the normal level yet.

Hope ya'll get some good, soaking rain.
hard to fight fires in that kind of wind - like being in a sandstorm from hades. hope you get some rain--we fought fires all year last year and know how you feel.
In my part Of south east Texas. We are still clearing out dead trees from the fires. Most of our small tanks are full. But the larger ones till have a way to go.
Having gone though the conditions you describe 2 different times here in Texas I sympathize with you. For 4 days this last year I could look to the northwest and see the smoke rising from a 10 mile wide fire heading for me. Never made it as the firefighters did a heroic job stopping it.

I will say you were the person who told all of us here in Texas to just live with the drought. I'll bet it's a little harder to look in the mirror and tell yourself that.
I'll pray for rain for you!

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