Record breaking weather


Well-known Member
Here in eastern NY we broke a record from 1903 73 degrees then and 78 yesterday, some things are breaking bud already. Apple growers are worried about the trees budding out then getting hit with a late freeze. Real strange weather. There saying up to 80 today and tomarrow! Then back into the 50s and 30s days nights. Were 32 degrees above average!
Yes - we often still have a foot or more of snow on the ground around now. My pond has frogs barking and eggs laid all over the place.

Two records for this week. 1903 and 1874. I wonder where the bloviated Al Gore was back then with his global warming warnings?

Hey, if all the gaciers melt and the oceans rise by 1500 feet - I'll have shorefront property.
The end is near ya think?? I think its also said "the creeks will flow backwards" I doubt it will stay this warm this early and Im expecting a short term cold front maybe soon WHO KNOWS

Years back it was predicted were entering another ice age then years later it changed to global warming but when it cooled they called it climate change instead AGAIN WHO KNOWS

Old Mother Earth has undegone climate changes over millions of years (long before mortal men had any affect) and I see no reason why it wont happen again be it warming or cooling, "Let go and let God" hes in control NONE of us or our politicians, sorry AlGore.

John T
Only reason the creeks are flowing backwards around here is a couple of beavers in my lower pasture. There are some pics down in 'Tales', if you care to indulge. Temps are nice here in N Md., too. We're getting some grass about a month early, but after last years drought, we need it- I'm just about out of feed. Cows are lovin the grass-


Its nuts isn't it ? Funny as soon as the weather turns like this, it opens up so much work you can do, you're behind before you get started now. Darned mosquitoes are thick already, not as bad as a wet summer, bats were out last night after em. Its like a non humid warm summer day right now over here 25 miles west of VT. Ticks are abundant and out for a free ride, had one on me yesterday before he started drilling for oil, keep an eye out for those.

Well they just completed the back up power solar installation and its producing excess power already, at least that's done and working, taking advantage of all this sunny weather !
Anybody think we might have another dust bowl? I don"t believe in the end of the world crap or the al gore crap what I do believe is the weather follows patterns
I was just going to comment myself. I know my limit in the heat,and I just hit the wall. Finished two and a half days of manure hauling out of the calf barn,got it bedded and had to come in and sit down. 84 degrees at 2 o'clock and still rising. Had 84 yesterday too. They're predicting 87,but as early as it hit 80,one TV prognosticator said he could see the possibility of 89 today. Slept with the bedroom window open last night and kept kicking the blankets off. Started opening windows in the rest of the house as soon as I got up,but imight have to start closing them. It's 77 in here now.
Yes watch out for the ticks, health dept put out a bulletin that they will be bad this year since we had no real long periods of freezing weather.
Lol ha ha ha ......yes you will, so where does that put me, the highest point on this property, ( and it sure has a nice view ) is 650'-0" above sea level, maybe that's where I need to build the Ark ?

Your solar system must be loving this weather, finally got this one on line yesterday, now I have enough understanding of it to be dangerous, 48V gel type batteries in parallel, just 3 panels on the roof ( I can add more )690 watt ( 3 230's)and I can wire it in to my gen set(have a 1 line diagram) and charge from AC via the panel in case the grid is off, no sun for too long and they get low. He said you can charge from the DC side, but its more complicated than the previous. The confusing thing is operating it, well aside from normal say if you want to equalize the batteries, bull charge and things like that, so many items on the control panel menu, that you could screw things up. The installer definitely knows these systems, I would recommend them to anyone. The great thing is I can see the wattage being used on the load side by the read out on the control panel, that is really cool, will motivate me to keep those numbers down and see at the end of the year what the credit will be.

Now I await inspection and NIGRID to remove one meter, I have 2 200 amp services on the house, so one panel became a sub panel, installer labelled and made sure to make everything up to code.
Yes watch out for the ticks, health dept put out a bulletin that they will be bad this year since we had no real long periods of freezing weather.
My little kid and I are surveying some land and getting ready to build a large wildlife pond. Usually the hemlock woods on our dark mountainside keeps slow the longest. It would easily have 2 feet of snow this time of year -usually. Now? All dry. Trout creek looks the best I've seen in years and might even be worth fishing come April 1.

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Got home last night and my dog had 7 ticks that we found and my little boy had a deer tick on his back (black legged tick).

Wildlife in our pond - this is amazing for central New York in April. Note the frog eggs already laid.

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Newts all over pond . .

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Even polliwogs . .

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Frogs should be howlin' here by now, but we've been running at least 10 degrees below normal. 3 inches of snow about 30 miles toward the foothills of the Cascades from here this morning.

At least we won't be short of moisture- so much snow in the mountains that they've closed the back country areas because of avalanche danger.

Strange times, indeed.
Yep,my cows are out picking at the growing grass too. I've dropped back from 4 round bales a day to 3.
I think they call it climate change now because to many idiots don't understand what global warming means. Climate change is easier to realize I guess.

Regardless, I have a feeling this old rock has plans for culling allot of us.

These are interesting times for sure.
Heard on the news last night that 8 of the last 11 days set record high temperatures in Mankato MN. Mid and upper 60s forcasted for the next week which is about 20 degrees above average. It will be interesting to see what happens with the weather. Only 4 or 5 years ago it was snowing at the LeSueur Sway Meet on April 25th.
I had a case of Rocky Mountain Spotted fever a few years back. Doc said I caught it from deer ticks in our area. I used to mow under some low trees along our fence line, and ticks would fall down on me.
Going to plant oats tomorrow. Finished field preparation today. My Massey 180 was having issues with the heat, last few days. But got it done. May use the old Farmall C to pull the drill. Son and I were tag team plowing Sunday, it was so hot the gasoline was boiling in the sediment bowl on his JD B. Washed down the radiator, removed the thermostat, and it helped just a little. Flushed out the radiator several times last summer, but started with flushing process again today. New water pump last summer, so not likely that"s the probelm.... PS, I live just a few miles from rrlund, in Central Michigan. Seems a little early for planting oats, but the snow"s all gone, so have at it!
Bought fertilizer and alfalfa seed today - "Bout fainted when the gal presented me with the bill!
88 deg here today broke a 37 year record for high on this date. Everything in Tennessee is thrre weeks ahead. will try and post a photo ,had a large tom in full strut as I ate breakfast this morning. Really early spring.
You got it.. You must be near by.. Where the old grader sits by the road.. Surrounded on three sides by the federal government.. Sometimes is not good. Where are you located?

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