drs checkup

formerly ny bill

Well-known Member
i had my annual checkup today, with the doctor who dealt with my prostate cancer in 2004. things continue to look good and he doesn't want to see me again until next year.

i had a physical, including a PSA test, in 2004 at age 54. everything "felt" ok, but the PSA was a bit high. it was retested 3 weeks later and was even higher. the biopsy was positive for prosate cancer and when it was removed, the cancer was ready to break through the prostate sheath and into the rest of things. that would have been a major problem to say the least. a guy i went to school with had the same issues but waited too long to see a dr. he died the fall of 2004.

so the message is STOP PUTTING OFF GETTING A PHYSICAL, AND MAKE SURE IT INCLUDES A PSA TEST. if i hadn't done it when i did, i would have been dead a long time ago. and i have lots of farmalls that i would like to play with for a long time to come.
The VA sends me a letter every fall when it's time for my annual physical. The do a complete blood profile, PSA included. At my age, PSA is one of the first things they look at.

So far, at age 77, everything remains normal.
Dad had prostate cancer at age 44, still kicking at 74! Needless to say, I convinced my DR to check me well before age 50! He insisted on doing the actual thumb up the rear and a PSA the first time, so he knew better what my baseline was. Now he does the PSA once a year.
It'll be 10 years next month since my cancerous prostate was removed. Life changed, but it is life.
I agree on the PSA test. The "finger wave" by a good doc is also very important. The PSA score by itself is not as important as the change in the score from year to year.

At my physical in 2001 I had a 1.6 score. During my physical a year later the doc said "hmm" during the finger wave. I asked what that meant and he said "I'm sending you for a Truss Biopsy". The biopsy results were 11 out of 12 samples were positive for cancer with a Gleason Score of 7 with the max being 10. I had Stage III cancer. My prostate was removed about 2 weeks later. It was after that I learned my PSA score at the physical was 2.6

This is why I say a good doc, not one who says we'll just watch it for another year, is as important as the PSA test. This is really important if you have a family history of prostate cancer -- father or older brothers.
There is a blood test for colon and prostrate cancer, just had one. So, why do Dr's do a digital test too?
The psa test I had in 2001 saved my life. First check up I had in years my psa was under 4.0. Next year it was 4.013. Doc suggested a biopsy and said only 1 in 6 chance of cancer but said "if it is we'll have lost the opportunity to treat it early". Had no symptoms no family history of cancer. My friend Len waited to late and died at age 56 (I was about the same age when I got it). Watched him suffer & die over 1 1/2 years. Doc said if you get it when you're younger it can be really aggressive.

Get checked and don't take a chance.
Other than a blood test for prostrate and colon, is there another blood test that can find cancer in other parts of your body?

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