O.T Snow day project for my son /pix

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Son got the garden all done except the plants. Good thing no plants as we had 3" of snow covering every mound. Wonder how the new garden seed will fair out. Any way while we are waiting on some plant shipments he decided to make his HIP HOLSTER. Already has made shoulder holster with clip holder attached. I bought a holster from a good source but they wanted an extra $100.00 for the needed 1" to cover his S A Long slide. Victor bought a cheap holster with the tilt position pad and took it apart and installed it in his home made one. Works Slick. He carried my rig and it conceals remarkable well hidden with just a long sleeve shirt.No printing what so ever. He saved a bundle with making his own hip rig. Now if the stand your ground law stands, it will be a good thing IMHO. Regards
LOU & VICTOR. P.s Made holster for wifes 9MM as well.

Thanks for the reply. Snow still on the ground and +30.o at this time.8:36 pm. Supposed to be warmer tomorrow. Sure hope we didn't rush the season. Looking forward to he rest of te plant delivery. Regards LOU .
Nice work! He did a really nice job. That had been one of my hobbies for years. Holsters,(belt slide, shoulder rigs) mag holders,knife scabbards,hat bands,cigarette cases, cellphone cases etc.I would make a pattern out of heavy paper and trace it onto the leather. I really enjoyed it. BUT, leather is so expensive now. I'm still using up what I have left. Whenever I think of something I need or someone wants, I will do it until I run out of material. Does he hand stitch? I do. Time consuming but it looks great.
Richard from SE AZ ,Thanks. It is his first years for trying leatherwork, we couldn' see paying the prices for some of the manufactured leather products.Not that we're best at it,but saves alot and still have a very good outcome. He hand stiches it also, couldn't see the price for a heavy duty leather sewing machine,plus by hand sewing if one stich breaks, it all doesn't come undone.We will be making a few other things,ammo magazine pouches,and etc. It is time consuming but is well worth the effort.
Thanks again,
Regards, LOU
Lookin good there Lou. Them's toe saver holsters... Much cheaper and more comfortable than titanium boot toes..... :shock:

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