This rainy weather


Well-known Member
Does anyone remember the weather back 3 months ago?

Here in SE Iowa we had a lot of fog for 3 to 5 days back 90 days ago.

They always said heavy fog equals heavy rain 90 days later.

Worked again as it has many times.


You really suck..... :shock: We had a thunderstorm this morning.... got 3 mm of rain out of it... supposed to get another storm this evening with another 3mm... then 5-10mm on Saturday..... Looks like a sucky 1st cut for hay again...... Enjoy your rain.....
gary, i cant complain about the rain. we really needed it bad. corn has been in the ground a couple weeks now and this will really give it a kick in the pants. ground has been dry down a couple feet, none of my tiles have been running in a long time. we have been getting showers every day this week. prolly start beans in 2 weeks. we had the same fog you guys did too. there is truth in a lot of those old sayings!!!
I'm not complaining about the rain either.

We don't need it right now but we'll always take it.

We've had 4 inches in the last 2 weeks. And another 1/2 or so last night and more predicted everyday the rest of the week.

I hear ya Gary. I don't farm, but really enjoy antique plowing. I just got an old "N" series Ford with a 2x14 mounted plow and look forward to going out in the spring and attending a few plow days. Last year I had a guy call me and ask if I would turn 11 acres of winter rye. That was a great weekend for me. Took me a day and a half, but it was fun. He actually came out and went a couple rounds himself.
We're gonna be in the same boat as last year if it doesn't turn around. After that record week in March,we were below normal temp wise the whole month of April. Had another storm come throught this morning. It was already too wet to haul manure yesterday.
They were predicting a high of 72 yesterday,it hit 60 very briefly. They're saying 80 today,but it's about 55. Too wet and cold to even pull the planter out of the shed and put those new air cutoff pads in it.
According to the CBC weather prognosticator I saw on tv last night, the months of May, June, and July are all supposed to be hotter than usual this summer, because of the extreme high temps we had back in March, so it looks like they're reading from the same manual.........

I guess that answers my question about whether you finished planting corn. Here in SC I've cut some hay and had a window of opportunity to cut some today, but the tractor is now broken down.


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