Just tried to support a US business and got turned down...


Well-known Member
You folks in the Aberdeen, MD area must be enjoying a booming economy...
Buddy lives 3 miles from the stihl dealer there and I wanted him to pick up a saw and mail it to me. Can't ask/expect him to go out of pocket and use up a bunch of time, so emailed the dealer with my needs and they recommended a saw (MS170).... but I needed to call the store and talk... Had already tried almost 4 hours to call them. Just wanted them to have the saw ready, let me pay over the phone/email with visa or debit and let my bro go in, see the saw started, get the secret handshake, and leave....... Nothin doin.... Word of mouth is the best advertisement, so here's my advertisement for Aberdeen outdoor power equipment........
I'll be emailing stihl this evening with the details of why I won't buy another stihl....
And folks wonder why JD and BB stores are closing mom and pop places...

Done now......
Dave; Cheaper and better just get the saw in the original box , never fuel or oiled. No bar and more compact. Will take you less than 10 minutes when you get it to be sawing. Have two Ms 170s here on the farm for light work, have been real good saws.
Just an FYI Stihl dealers aren't allowed to sell online or over the phone. In the dealer contracts they are supposed to sell their equipment face to face, if they violate this they can loose that contract to sell Stihl equipment.
(quoted from post at 05:20:27 05/04/12) Just an FYI Stihl dealers aren't allowed to sell online or over the phone. In the dealer contracts they are supposed to sell their equipment face to face, if they violate this they can loose that contract to sell Stihl equipment.

I'll give em that, but customer service woulda covered the rest and not violated anything because it would have been physically picked up and demonstrated....
(quoted from post at 05:17:45 05/04/12) Dave; Cheaper and better just get the saw in the original box , never fuel or oiled. No bar and more compact. Will take you less than 10 minutes when you get it to be sawing. Have two Ms 170s here on the farm for light work, have been real good saws.

They wouldn't even deal with me, let alone let me have him pick it up in the box........ I'd prefer no oil or fuel because it has to be mailed.....
I thought Stihl was a german company so if you live in germany why buy in the US and have it shipped.Shouldn't you support the economy where you live?
(quoted from post at 05:40:29 05/04/12) I thought Stihl was a german company so if you live in germany why buy in the US and have it shipped.Shouldn't you support the economy where you live?

I support the enonomy here daily for 22 years... Just can't see paying twice+ the cost on a saw.......
Don't feel bad, Dave. That is the SAME treatment I get from Stihl dealers when I WALK IN to their stores!

You gotta know the secret handshake before you walk in, or the old phart at the counter will just give you the stinkeye from over the top of his newspaper while his narcoleptic buddy snoozes on a stool in the corner.

I love listening to people, "Oh your local Stihl dealer is the only way to go! They are sooooo helpful and sooooo friendly, and you're doing your patriotic duty as an American to support American small businesses!"

So far I have not been into a chainsaw shop where I've received anything even remotely considered as "service." I was looking for a brand new 044 at the time, and I was ready to buy, so it wasn't like I was going to be wasting the dealer's time...
(quoted from post at 09:14:26 05/04/12) Don't feel bad, Dave. That is the SAME treatment I get from Stihl dealers when I WALK IN to their stores!

You gotta know the secret handshake before you walk in, or the old phart at the counter will just give you the stinkeye from over the top of his newspaper while his narcoleptic buddy snoozes on a stool in the corner.

I love listening to people, "Oh your local Stihl dealer is the only way to go! They are sooooo helpful and sooooo friendly, and you're doing your patriotic duty as an American to support American small businesses!"

So far I have not been into a chainsaw shop where I've received anything even remotely considered as "service." I was looking for a brand new 044 at the time, and I was ready to buy, so it wasn't like I was going to be wasting the dealer's time...

You can buy LEHR over internet, at bog box stores, etc.
You'll just love customer service, too! Take it out of box, fire it up & drop a valve in first 45 minutes run time. Back to BB store, Lehr in hand. "Sorry, didn't you read your manual? We don't take them back or repair them,. It says right in the manual that if you have problems, call 1-866-941-5347, DO NOT RETURN UNIT TO RETAILER!" Guess what? That number does NOT get you LEHR.....it gets you some customer service company , thus giving LEHR greater isolation/protection/distance from the sucker buyer of their CHI-COM junk. Now, I know you are upset with Stihl, but compared to me you ain't got a leg to stand on. In the future, I ain't buying anything from anyone who doesn't accept return to the same store or who does not service what they sell. In the short term I'll pay more, but in the long term, such as with LEHR/Home Depot, I won't end up with a $200 POS suitable for absolutely nothing but the dumpster!!!!! Evil or Very Mad
(quoted from post at 06:13:33 05/04/12) They prolly red all your posts on this form and
don"t want your support.

If that's the case, they are pretty narrow minded and not worth supporting...

No big deal.....
Maybe I've watched to many crazy stories on 20/20 or Dateline but if I were running a store and got a call from Germany with a fella trying to buy a saw with a credit card with a fella coming to pick it up...well, I'd tell you to get off my phone too. :lol:
The world is paranoid of scammers, has to be what it is, cripes remember when you could walk into a bank and cash a check drawn from that bank without a friggin hassle ?

I'm not going to brag, but both the Stihl dealer and the Husqvarna/Echo dealer, (owner is a next door neighbor and friend) are very reputable, I can't see why either of them would not accept payment and or make a transaction like that, the Stihl dealer is also a Kubota dealer, and they were the closest (like a mile and a half away with a decent nut& bolt bin, welding supplies etc.) I support them both because of the good service, people at both counters are willingly helpful no matter what you need, it would suck not to have either business's, TSC opened up across the road from me, but the Husqvarna/Echo dealer will not lose much business, because of the service, expertise and product line.

I hate when those kind of things happen, makes me want to go pick one of those 170's up and send it your way, not like we don't know you or where you live, cripes I'd probably get paid sooner than the darned locals who owe me LOL !!!!
Try midwestunlimited.com
they sell rigging and safety equip aand a seal dealer they ship dont know about the face to face deal in lincoln Ne
Your "Buddy" has to use his time to get the saw, mail it, and he has to use his money to ship it. Why doesn't he just buy the saw, you pay him for saw and shipping, and you owe him a favor. I have a dozen friends that would do that for me, and I would for them. Then you won't be all worked up over a simple problem.
If you remove yourself from the story and just read it, then put yourself in the place of the dealer, you have to admit this sounds like you are a Nigerian Prince trying to cash a money order.

I don't think you would have gotten to talk as long as you did, if I was on the other end of the phone.

Just my opinion.

I would say if they don't want to sell it to me than they could shove it wher the sun don't shine. I would say that they are way over priced any way. They arn't built any better than the cheap ones as far as I'm concerned.
(quoted from post at 06:54:16 05/04/12) Maybe I've watched to many crazy stories on 20/20 or Dateline but if I were running a store and got a call from Germany with a fella trying to buy a saw with a credit card with a fella coming to pick it up...well, I'd tell you to get off my phone too. :lol:

If I could have got them on the phone to begin with, it may not have been a problem... Can you imagine the wait if you actually walked in the store??? You'd think that they'd appreciate the break and an easy transaction instead of bubba hanging out and telling his life story fingering over all the merchandise he don't plan on buying...
(quoted from post at 08:05:08 05/04/12) Your "Buddy" has to use his time to get the saw, mail it, and he has to use his money to ship it. Why doesn't he just buy the saw, you pay him for saw and shipping, and you owe him a favor. I have a dozen friends that would do that for me, and I would for them. Then you won't be all worked up over a simple problem.

He holds down a fulltime job, has a family, grass to cut and property to maintain, enjoys a little freetime as well as the next guy.... He's good enough to help me out. Why would I take advantage of the hospitality... He drives by the place after work (when everyone else is getting off and stopping in to kick a few tires, visit, and waist store worker's time... He also drives by the postoffice. When he mails something for me, I usually order it online and have it sent to him. I already have packege weight and demensions and go online to the USPS website and pay the postage so he can print the lable and drop it off at the PO after work. Idea here was him to just stop in at the dealer, step around bubba and grab the saw that is setting there with his name on it.....
We ain't in the horse and buggy days anymore.....
(quoted from post at 08:16:43 05/04/12) If you remove yourself from the story and just read it, then put yourself in the place of the dealer, you have to admit this sounds like you are a Nigerian Prince trying to cash a money order.

I don't think you would have gotten to talk as long as you did, if I was on the other end of the phone.

Just my opinion.


I'da been tickled pink if I coulda got to talk with someone on the phone....
Maybe you missed the part about the almost 4 hours of busy signals or answering machine before I emailed them thru thier website.... Then, they had enough balls to tell me to call the store.....

If you were on the phone talking to me with that attitude, your business would lose all future business from me... If you were working for me and used that attitude with a customer, you'd be going down the road kicking rocks and talking to yourself....

Just my opinion........
Send your buddy a check with some extra for his trouble if he wants some and he can buy it with the money. He can then ship it to you. It doesn't have to be that hard. Everyone tells you those dealers can't make phone sales so quit trying to do that!!!!!! Heck I want you to have one, I really like my Stihls.

As a side story: Years ago I was in a speed shop in BF rural Nebraska and the owner was boxing up a very expensive order to ship overseas. He told me the buyer had tried and tried but nobody would do it for him. Seller smiled and told me how many hundreds profit he was making by doing the favor.

If it was me, I would send the money to my friend FIRST so there is no chance of him getting stuck and make the deal.
(quoted from post at 06:29:02 05/04/12) Sorry, but Stihl chain saws are built in Va Beach, Va., 90 miles SE of me.

Not all, but now I'm curious as to which ones are.. Any idea how to find that out?

(quoted from post at 10:49:33 05/04/12) Send your buddy a check with some extra for his trouble if he wants some and he can buy it with the money. He can then ship it to you. It doesn't have to be that hard. Everyone tells you those dealers can't make phone sales so quit trying to do that!!!!!! Heck I want you to have one, I really like my Stihls.

As a side story: Years ago I was in a speed shop in BF rural Nebraska and the owner was boxing up a very expensive order to ship overseas. He told me the buyer had tried and tried but nobody would do it for him. Seller smiled and told me how many hundreds profit he was making by doing the favor.

If it was me, I would send the money to my friend FIRST so there is no chance of him getting stuck and make the deal.

It's principal now and nothing else... I have a low tolerance for thick headed folks (ones at the dealer) ... read on the stihl website and tell me where it says they can't do what I asked. Only says that stuff cannot be ordered for shipment anywhere other than a dealer.
read on the stihl website and tell me where it says they can't do what I asked. Only says that stuff cannot be ordered for shipment anywhere other than a dealer.

The website doesn't have the complete dealers contract on it. My good buddy is a stihl dealer and they CANNOT accept phone or internet orders for saws. Technically according to their contract every saw sold is supposed to be assembled and test run/tuned before it leaves the dealer in the presence of the purchaser. And Technically I can't even have parts shipped to my house after I paid for them in the store.

So what your really trying to do is get the dealer to break the rules and possible get their contract (IE their bread and butter) pulled from them.
(quoted from post at 11:27:11 05/04/12)
read on the stihl website and tell me where it says they can't do what I asked. Only says that stuff cannot be ordered for shipment anywhere other than a dealer.

The website doesn't have the complete dealers contract on it. My good buddy is a stihl dealer and they CANNOT accept phone or internet orders for saws. Technically according to their contract every saw sold is supposed to be assembled and test run/tuned before it leaves the dealer in the presence of the purchaser. And Technically I can't even have parts shipped to my house after I paid for them in the store.

So what your really trying to do is get the dealer to break the rules and possible get their contract (IE their bread and butter) pulled from them.

I'll give my local dealer another look and see if they can narrow the price gap enough for me to pick one up here.... Just saw some MFG list prices online and the ms170 is not that far off from the US prices (not enough to complain about)... The 192T's and bigger saws are the ones that are double+.... Curious what the difference is now.....
buy a t-435 husqvarna and we will ship and service it --stihl is just a hair ahead of a crosscutcall link_disallowed days
Been thinkin a little on this one

Say cub cadet though lowes, home depot, and other
box stores around here as to say a regular cub
cadet dealer. cub cadet dealer will service any
malfuntions at their store, and usually contract
work from box stores for their needed service.
Box stores are cheaper but sell you a warranty,
and it gets worked on only after dealer takes care
of his own.

That being said .. maybe if you bought one over
here your dealer may not recognize service for a foreign bought saw.
(quoted from post at 14:59:03 05/04/12) Been thinkin a little on this one

Say cub cadet though lowes, home depot, and other
box stores around here as to say a regular cub
cadet dealer. cub cadet dealer will service any
malfuntions at their store, and usually contract
work from box stores for their needed service.
Box stores are cheaper but sell you a warranty,
and it gets worked on only after dealer takes care
of his own.

That being said .. maybe if you bought one over
here your dealer may not recognize service for a foreign bought saw.

My MS250 was bought there. Used it a few hours and the wristpin clip came loose and shot the motor. Local dealer said they wouldn't honor the warrenty. Emailed Stihl Germany. next day the dealer called me to bring the saw in. They had a loaner saw waiting on me along with a stihl pocket knife, gloves, hat, and and a couple other goodies. Got a repaired saw back 2 days later... The more I think about it, I think I'll skip the top handle and just buy an MS170 from them. That 192T costs right at $670 (converted) here according to the MSRP on the website...

Dave ,

I live about 20 miles north of aberdeen.
30+ years ago I took down an old PX building
on post , used the trusses to build my shop.
Used the trusses off of another section of that
building to build a pole barn for my neighbor
for hay storage in one end and repair shop in
the other.The px had been WWII construction.

(quoted from post at 20:23:50 05/04/12)
Dave ,

I live about 20 miles north of aberdeen.
30+ years ago I took down an old PX building
on post , used the trusses to build my shop.
Used the trusses off of another section of that
building to build a pole barn for my neighbor
for hay storage in one end and repair shop in
the other.The px had been WWII construction.


I see you have a stihl dealer in Whiteford also.... Hope for your sake they ain't as backward as the ones in Aberdeen :roll: I was in school at APG 22 years ago then back visiting my bro 2 years ago.... changes were unbelieveable.......

The one in whiteford is the deere dealer, if
you need one repaired properly , there is a gal
just across the pa line that does really good
work she is about a mile from me. She and her
dad had a sawmill sales and service for years,
he has since passed away .She now has a shop in
the garage at home.They were a stihl dealer but
she will work on most any thing.They were in
delta ,pa ,business was montgomery's mill
supplies, when they were building sawmills I
planedall the base blocks for them and also
planed the old ones that came in for repair.

Small top-handles have always been the handiest for me - brush
cutting and limbing. Every few years I fell and cut up a small
copse of black locust for the shop wood stove and they get used
for that, too. Biggest tree is probably 8-inch diameter.

Don't care much for big chain saws. The dozer is almost always
a better choice than the old 031AV on the floor.

First top handle was a little McCulloch Mini-Mac. Got the 009
rear-handle on the right when the MM died. Too awkward so
wasn't long before I got the 019T top-handle in the middle. The
MS191T on the left is the same saw but a little newer.

The 009 rear and 019T top are older equivalents of the two saws
you're considering.

A friend owns the local hardware store and sells Stihl. Got a
string trimmer from him last summer and, as always, he
assembled, ran and demonstrated. Not that you're interested in
another testimonial.

Seems like every ware you go you have probloms..
ever think the PROBLEM MIGHT.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: beYOU...

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