summer work clothes.... Shoes especially....???


Well-known Member
With this hot weather, I am real guilty of shoving my feet in sandles, tennyrinds, or just rubber garden clogs..... Pay for it with stoved up feet, ankles and knees.... Don't like bending to tie shoes...
Yesterday, had a vet here that is my size/build wearing (with 90+ degrees) two shirts, black leather pants, and a pair of boots from hell........ Think the may have been redwings because the logo looked about right....

Anyway,,, If I decide to tie shoes again, what is a good, comfortable, steel toed boot for summer??? I like muck boots, but am really hurting in the morning and when I get up from sitting awhile... f it weren't for feet, ankles, and lower leggs, I'd be like a 20 year old (from the hairline down).....
Whichever shoe you choose, try the Dr Scholls inserts. They have worked wonders for me, it's the machine you step on, and the computer maps your foot, and tells which insert works best for you. Don't know if any stores there have them, but here, Walmart and Sam's clubs do. Once I knew what insert to get, I buy them on fleabay, for 1/2 price!
You should be wearing a shoe or boot that offers good support. Most often that will be a lace up to guarantee a good fit. In your case you allude to problems with feet and ankles. A visit to a podiatrist is never a bad idea and in your case it would probably be a good one. When you get the correct size firured out, go to a manufacturer that actually makes the size you need. The podiatrist can also special order shoes and boots made to your prescription. The Army did that for my brother for over 20 years. When he needed a new pair of boots, he went to the podiatrist who made out a prescription for them.
Like I replied the other day under Nancy's post, Wolverines or Timberlands are the way to go, at least for me. I discovered the Timberland's myself about two years ago, but Dad turned me onto the Wolverine's 20 years or so back. About 23 years ago he had an accident where a large part fell on his foot. Given the way things happened, even though he was wearing steel toes, it crushed his big toe to the point they had to amputate it. That left him with alot of scar tissue on the bottom of that particular foot, and made it really difficult and painful for him to wear 'normal', cheap boots when outside on rocks, concrete, etc. He tried several brands before finding the Wolverines with the durashock soles. Th cushioning in the soles made it possible for him to go about the day, like normal, without the pain he experienced with the cheap boots. Like I said he turned me onto them too and I can guarantee you they work wether your on rocks or concrete. By the end of the day your back and feet will know the difference between you wearing a Wolverine or Timberland boot, either with their cushon soles, and a cheaper boot.
For summer heat I wear nothing but Merrill slides. I've even been seen wearing them dove hunting.
Clothes and shoes, what clothes and shoes?? You are in Germany, FKK!!! The only way to go!! LOL
A well "covered" Ralph in Oklahoma.
My summer clothes.. are basically jeans..Double H "cowboy" work boots..tank top.. I usually change into tenny shoes if im walking field throwin bales..I dont like wearing shoes with lases when im around pto's.. just a thought..
Yeah, and I bet the Vet was comfy and his feet
didn't hurt. Good heavy boots, lace them up and wear
them all day. Your feet will thank you.
(quoted from post at 06:47:26 05/11/12) You should be wearing a shoe or boot that offers good support. Most often that will be a lace up to guarantee a good fit. In your case you allude to problems with feet and ankles. A visit to a podiatrist is never a bad idea and in your case it would probably be a good one. When you get the correct size firured out, go to a manufacturer that actually makes the size you need. The podiatrist can also special order shoes and boots made to your prescription. The Army did that for my brother for over 20 years. When he needed a new pair of boots, he went to the podiatrist who made out a prescription for them.

I just have a bad habit of wearing out a pair of tennis shoes then wearing them for working around the place.... Stoves me up for a good week.... I've got some pull on work boots that support good and a couple pair of laceup... Just hate bending over to tie them.... Starting tomorrow, it's only leather pull on or laceup for a month and see what happens..... Then I'll look into some good shoes....

Dave you and I are not little fellows any more. I used to wear a pair of shoes out until the laces where about all that was left. I also was seeing the Chiropractor twice each month. My old Chiropractor retired and a younger man took his practice over. The first time I saw him he told me my old shoes where helping cause my back problems. I was a little put off by him saying that. The second time I went and saw him he flat out told me my shoes where the main problem with my back/knees. He told me to go buy a real good pair of lace up work boots with good insole support. If they did not help my back he would buy the shoes. I decided that if he was buying I was going whole hog. I went to the local shoe store that sold Red Wing work shoes. I told the guy there about me needing a good pair with good insoles and ankle support. He fitted me out with a USA made pair that cost over $250. They took me about a week to get broken in. Then I started to wear them every day. Within two days of wearing them all day I could tell a big difference in my back. It was not perfect but I was 100% better. By the second week I was actually feeling pretty good. I sent the Chiropractor a check for the same price as the shoes. It was worth every penny to feel better. I was spending several thousand dollars each year on doctor visits caused by poor shoes.

If you are a heavier person then buy better shoes/boots. There is a lot more pressure plus wear and tear on our shoes/boots than a lighter person.

Dave your laziness is causing you health issues. Get a good pair of TIE work shoes. Slip ons do not support your legs and ankles as well. Tennis shoes and slip on muck boots are the worst thing you can do to make your back/legs/feet hurt.
I'm a big boy myself Dave, the only work shoes I wear are lace up Red Wings. Comfortable, and give me a good base to work from. Throw away those pull ons before you break your ankle. I used to wear them too, but the only time I'll be caught dead in them now is when we go to town. I have one pair of pull on double h's for my Sunday go to meetin boots.
(quoted from post at 07:17:24 05/12/12) I'm a big boy myself Dave, the only work shoes I wear are lace up Red Wings. Comfortable, and give me a good base to work from. Throw away those pull ons before you break your ankle. I used to wear them too, but the only time I'll be caught dead in them now is when we go to town. I have one pair of pull on double h's for my Sunday go to meetin boots.

What style are they (yours)? I looked on amazon and was just flooded with boots and don't have a clue which ones... Saw some WORX by redwing and figure they are the chinese versions by the price.... Rest I just stare at cause I don't know which ones.... I need for a mixture of paddock, pasture enuvemn hardpacked to sometimes muddy (have muck boots for sloppy days)... Not crazy about lugs because of the mud.......

On a positive note, Wife went to work yesterday evening and got me a new pair of leather safety shoes from thier supply room...(below the ankle and a velcro strap but what they keep on hand for factory workers)
Brought them and a pair of insoles and I put them on this morning and used them while I put up a new fence and walked/repaired 3 others.... Hard to believe, but I could really feel myself getting better.... Not really crazy about 200+ buck redwings cause I can't go into a store and try them, but am at a point I'll try anything.....

953 the tried and true they have made forever. Mine run about 129.00, on my 3 pair in 8 years. The sole is smooth and they are not for sloppy mud or snow. I wear muck boots in the winter in the snow and have a pair of rubber boots for summer mud. But for everyday work they are great.

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