Life and Death , Grafic pics.

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
The wife and I usually take a ride around the farm, evenings. Ran across this dead dear that was drug about 20yds. out into a hay field, by cyotes. Tonight the carcase was spread out even further, but we discovered this fawn, still in the plasenta. Between the "wild dogs" and the Amish, our game population is becoming extinct. The posted signs don't seam to deture either of them. At least the Amish carry off the carcases.


you mean the amish shoot a lot of deer? The deer population seems to be growing by us in pa and is definetly out of control here in nj,we see them hit on the road every day, the town next to me in nj is way overpopulated with deer
Amish don't adhere to the huntng seasons by you? They do by us. As far as yotes go by me, they come around once in awhile, but not so much anymore. Its open season on them 24x7 by me for property owners on our property, except dens. Dens are off limits. We run whats left of them north across the state line up to them fellas, and they run whats left of them back to us, and back and forth like a pinball machine. Yotes are becoming rare by me. In a way, I kind of miss them.

More deer here in North Florida than all the old timmers and myself can recollect. I think it's due to a major crop shift from tobacco to peanuts and beans. It's not uncommon to see 5-10 does in the evening munching on my pnut hay. Fawns are nearby hidden, Ive stumbled across a couple in the brush. Good protein in the crop, one or two does will fill the freezer in the fall. They wouldnt dare come this close during doe week in FL (week of Thanksgiving) They have a calendar in the woods somewhere!
In the past 3 years, I've hit 6 deer with 3 of these hits totaling out the vehicle I was driving and the other three involving some fairly high repair costs. I've also had a dozen near misses. So how can I get these Amish to move into my neighborhood?
Near me the cyote deer and Amish poopulations have been going up steadly. The deer and cyotes are hunted with guns, but autos are the weapon of choise when it comes to Amish. Cars and buggies don't mix so good when the folks with the cars come from the city..
Whoa now! The NYS DEC says that coyotes are no danger to deer and fawns. (They also say that there are no cougars/mountain lions in NYS--when I and others down here in the So. Tier have sen them.)
Had to be something else-the DEC is never wrong!!!
All kinds of deer around here. Get to look at the dead ones on the road every morning and avoid the living ones running out in front of you. I've only hit one in the last couple of years but I'm pretty careful. Neighbour hit one in the morning a couple of years ago, called his wife to come back and get him as the rad was trashed, she hit one on the way to him.

If anyone likes Louis CK, he has a great rant about how his amazement at deer quickly faded after living in the country.
I hate poachers and have done my share to turn a few in. Sorry for you loss of wildlife and if people are shooting your deer I hope they catch them. This time of year it seems unlikely the doe fell to predation but possibly if there were complications in the birth.

It seems incredibly odd that the yotes haven't touched the fawn yet. I mean it looks like the doe is almost completely devoured yet the fond seems almost untouched. Strange.
Actually, I root for the coyotes on this one.Deer are a MAJOR MENNACE on the highways.We fight against terrorism, but we allow deer to run amok, killing , maiming,causing maybe billions in damages to cars and drivers each year. And, every one of us pays the price : higher insurance premiums, lost time, damaged vehicles, etc.
You're driving along BAMM a deer flies out in front of you, wrecking your vehicle; GOD help you if you are on a motorcycle.I strongly feel they all need to be done away with : we fight terrorism, but we allow deer to kill people every day.EVERY DAY.
I see their dead carcases about 1 per mile on my way to work;and that don't count the ones that made it into the weeds or underbrush to die. We have safety nazis everywhere, but no one is saving us from the deer.Deer only help the body shops; the insurance companies will raise rate to remain profitable; we, the consumers,pay.We don't need any deer.

Well put! I agree with you. In my area, almost every family has had a vehicle destroyed by a collision with a deer. It is necessary to drive very slow as soon as it starts to get dark in the evening and until it gets fully light in the morning or else there is a very good chance of hitting a deer. Of the deer I see hit along the roads, they are almost always fawns or does.

I have lived on the same property for over 50 years, and I would guess that there are 10 times the deer now around here than there were when I was a kid. I believe that this is because of a lack of hunting pressure (too many people and houses in the area now), the fact that except for a few exceptions it is illegal to harvest females, the fact that it is illegal and impractical to have a loose dog that would defend his home area, and because some people in the area actively feed the deer. I have found that unless I build high, tight fences, I might as well not plant anything, because the deer will just eat or destroy anything they come across, even right up by my house.

I hear coyotes fairly often, but I have not seen one for a long time around here. When I was a kid, I saw coyotes trying to get a newborn calf, which caused the cow to try to stomp the coyotes, but instead she stepped on and killed her calf. I hunted coyotes a lot that year, but only got 2. They move fast and are really hard to hit, if you ever see them at all.

I really doubt that the coyotes we have around here would ever try to tangle with a full grown deer, but they might go after fawns, which is fine with me. I think the coyotes eat rodents and other small animals and help the magpies clean up the various roadkilled animals.

I have heard of packs of dogs chasing and presumably killing deer. There was a write-up in the paper a year or two ago about a pack of dogs in the next county killing sheep, calves and other dogs, so they probably chased deer too, but no one really cared. That pack of dogs was hunted down and eliminated over the next couple of weeks.

I couldn"t quite bring myself to root for the coyotes, but I sure do hate the lousy deer. The stupid city people that make the rules that protect the deer so well should have to deal with the problems those rules make for the folks living in the country. But they don"t. So maybe I will root for the coyotes!!!
Thank you.And I was only discussing vehicle damage. Crops,landscaping,all the extra costs to try to protect those, too.
When those hooves fly thru a windshield,it's not pretty. Deer serve no benifit; they cost everyone.
I slow my speed way down at night and still come close to hitting deer. Had to lock up my brakes and still pumped a wild hog one night, didn't bend anything cause I was all most stop when I hit him. I then spent 50 bucks for a pair of those bright headlite bulbs for my supercrew. They do light up the hiway but I still slow down at night.
If you want more deer come and get some of the ones around here, you are welcome to all you want!!!!

Gooberment goats are nothing but large rats when they get too thick.


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