The noise of mating season

Hay hay hay

Well-known Member
Ah, it must be that time of year when the Rubenesque females preen for the Thunderous males. All along our rural highways the raucous sound of tailpipes echoing through the tranquility makes me acknowledge that some selected females of our species equate noise level to virility. Never mind the rusted out fenders, the pot bellies, the bald tires or the 25 year old bikes. To some, noise equals manliness. No teeth, no matter, just keep on rattling the windows.

For these noisy birds when the echo ends, there will be no record of their passing, for noise is all they bring with them....or leave for another day.
We were gassing up at a convenience store this morning and at the other pump a young couple was in full lip-lock during the whole time their car was filling up. When their nozzle clicked off they just kept on a mooching. I don't think they heard any tailpipes right then. Jim
Well stated Edd! I live less than half a mile from an interstate and when they have a big meet at the coast all I hear the whole weekend is motorcycles.
yea,..i often wonder how they get away with no mufflers,..when i was growing up i was always ticketed for no baffles, now it's unusual to have em....
Nice piece of writing Edd. And I agree.
When they go by I'm reminded of a quote by the Dutch philosopher Spinoza -
"A man's intelligence is inversely proportional to his tolerance to noise."
One of the downfalls of a nice weekend in the country here is that it brings out the righteous harley bikers, who seem to think we all want to hear it, too.
Why do city folks think that when they move to the country that there shouldn't be any noise?Rural areas for the most part are far more noisy then cities.I love the load trucks,bikes and farm equipment maybe it'll make some of the Yankees move back North
We agree, very annoying. Especially Harleys or those high pitched crotch-rocket bikes. You can hear them coming a mile away. And there are a few really loud trucks roaming the world. We too, always wonder why in the world they are permitted to be so loud. Kind of makes you wish that when they reach a certain decibel level... they would just vaporize themselves.
Donno, Brother-in-law pulled in to a family party yesterday on his almost new Harley. Didn"t even hear him coming in. They DON"T HAVE TO BE LOUD AND NOISY! What bothers me is since the state lifted helmet laws in Michigan, all the fools that have retired their helmets. Seems they have a death wish!
What gets me is the idiot bikers in KY will ride when it's 30-40° out and wear three layers of leather, gloves, boots, and NOTHING on their head and face!
Only reason or excuse for loud pipe is on bikes. The noise is the only reason most four wheeler drivers ever notice a bike. Four wheeler drivers are noted for not seeing bikes and pull out in front of or cut bikes off.
The funny thing is the engine will run better and go faster with some mufflers. I just traded a '64 Sportster to a roofer for a roof job . I gave him a new horn and a nice bracket I machined to mount on any one inch tube. He told me the other night he never mounted it instead he put straights on it. Then he was telling me he picked up a hesitation when shifting into high. He does think of it a safety thing so cars will hear him coming. Noise laws are actually not enforcable without a decibel reading to prove the non-compliant is in violation. That and the fact that now every cop has a Harley with straight pipes himself.
I'm living in the people's republic of Wisconsin, you don't have to wear a helmet if you're riding a bike, if in the course of riding said motorcycle you become a road pizza they aren't allowed to discuss if you were wearing a helmet or not at the civil suit where someone is getting sued for the "damages". Yet heaven help you if you try driving a car without a seat belt.

You know our saying here in Wisconsin "free choice for anyone that can afford the bribe"

This is not sour grapes, I wouldn't think of riding a motor cycle without a helmet and wore seat belts long before the law. Went for a ride in a friend's Studebaker pick up truck, no seat belts- gosh I felt naked!
(quoted from post at 10:39:44 05/28/12) The funny thing is the engine will run better and go faster with some mufflers. I just traded a '64 Sportster to a roofer for a roof job . I gave him a new horn and a nice bracket I machined to mount on any one inch tube. He told me the other night he never mounted it instead he put straights on it. Then he was telling me he picked up a hesitation when shifting into high. He does think of it a safety thing so cars will hear him coming. Noise laws are actually not enforcable without a decibel reading to prove the non-compliant is in violation. That and the fact that now every cop has a Harley with straight pipes himself.
If buddy dialed he fuel flow up to match the increased airflow. The lean bog would be eliminated.
Just another way to lessen the social security load since unfortunately a lot of them are newly retired baby boomers. Thought our generation had more brains than that.
If you don't put a larger main jet you will hole the pistons. He took it to a shop where they put on the pipes and added a thunderjet which is a midrange device drilled into a perfectly good new S&S E carb . now they have him rich on the mid range device to make up for too small a main.The shop owner knows his stuff but has all younger mechanics . He had to test it out after picking up the bike and go back for more changes. Least they could have done was a test ride. He doesn't listen to reason [or until the next guy gets to him]. He lives too far for me to help him . I can only advise but that doesn't mean he will listen . The pipes he took off where black and heat wrapped to unrestrictive mufflers . Now it has shiny new chrome pipes . Except one fell off on Rt 80 and was crushed by a truck. I told him by phone to have at least two mounting points. Main thing is he is very happy and I got a new roof plus a basket case 73 XLH in trade. My friend who ,lives closer tries to help him but only gets through until he talks to someone else usually convincing him something to spend money . Apparently his second set of new pipes are on order.All in all it was a win /win deal for us both.He is putting alot of miles on it .
Traditional Farmer,

"Why do city folks move to the country and expect it to be quiet?"

Not sure. Born a country girl - still a country girl - plan to die a country girl. Love the sound of tractors and combines rumbling over the land, the sound of a diesel truck, the kttttshhhhh of air brakes, cows mooing, horses whinneying, etc. But husband and I just don't like it when we are out in the shop with the doors open and bikes/trucks go by that are so loud you cannot converse until they are a half mile past your place - and some of them actually hurt your ears. No reason for that level of noise. A lot them don't even hear their own noise pollution because they are wearing headsets so they can communicate or listen to music... so why be that loud? If all motorized vehicles were that loud you couldn't even hear yourself think.

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