How long have you carried the same pocket knife?

I have been carrying A pocket knife all my life. Started real young, like my Dad, he always caried one. Out on the farm, in the Country it comes in handy. As I am sure most all of you do too.

I have been carrying the same pocket knife A little over 32 yr. It has many miles on it right in my pocket.
I cannot read the name on it, just A symbol 77, USA. It has been A good one. Just to show I have use it, A photo.

Hammer Man
I havn't been able to keep one that long. I have been trying to grow them by loosing them in the field but none have grown. I now carry a Leatherman multi tool. I have planted 2 on those in the last 16 years as well.

I do wear the same belt everyday that my now wife gave me for my birthday back in 1974. So that would be 38 years.

It became my everyday belt back in about 1980.

I have a folding box cutter with interchangeable blades to cut tine from round bales. I have had it now for 15 years. Also carry a Leatherman Wave very handy, carried one for 10 years. They have replaced it free 2 times when I broke it.
XXX Case since 1978 with the exception that I left it under the house somewhere in there around 1989 for over two years then went back and found it. My pants just don,t feel right if it is not there.
I too started carrying a knifeas a boy of 7 or 8. I'm now 65 and about the only time i was without one was bootcamp. I typically carry one for a couple years and retire it. Nearly all were Case. Currently carrying one my dad had when he died 20 years ago.
Would have carried the same knife for the last 37 years except for the fact that I lost two and one just plumb wore out. One got lost as I was getting twine off where wrapped around the bill hook; cut some, use pliers some, knife got lost; one got lost cause my pocket had a hole; one got so the blade would bend back the wrong way!

Sears "Lineman's knife..used to be "Craftsman", but they dropped that Warranty..
They used to replace them free..but I gt about 10 yrs out of one and do not mind, I guess..
Really handy knife/Screw driver combo..

I can keep one for 4 or 5 years before I plant it. The Buck I carry now was lost in the garage for two years(I need to clean up more often).
I have carried the same Craftsman pocket knife everyday for 24 years.You can still read the name on the big blade if you hold it just right under a light.
I've got a Buck that a friend gave me for standing in his wedding. Not sure what year it was, but I know I was driving a 1970 Impala in the wedding parade. It disappeared one Christmas after using it to open gifts, and I thought it had gotten thrown out with the wrapping paper. Two years later I tumped the recliner over to see why it wasn't working smoothly, and the Buck fell out. Broke one blade off trying to remove a glass fuse from my old truck (who'da thought?) and I sent it to Buck and they repaired it. I was afraid they'd just replace the knife, but the lady I talked to assured me that they would send the original back, since it had sentimental value. Later broke the tip off of the big blade, doing something stupid again. Just re-ground it that time. There was about six of us standing in that wedding, and I'm the only one who still has the knife that the groom gave to all of us.

A good knife can become like an old friend over time.
Never buy an expensive knife. I lose them in about 2 weeks. Buy a cheap one they"ll last for years. Last two knives I"ve had I just found on the ground. Current one looked like it was brand new. Just proves what I said about buying good knives, just didn"t happen to me this time.
I got my first knife at 10 years old and now 65. I have had only 3 work knives so far and the last 2 have been Buck stockmans 3 1/2" long. The first Buck lasted 32 years before I wore it out. For dress I carry a 2" 2 blade Rosewood handle Buck.
My dad had one that his dad bought for him as a boy at the hardware store that actor Jimmy Stewart's father had in Indiana PA. He carried it through high school, in the service in Europe, and back home again. One day he was drilling oats, opened a fertilizer bag with it and laid it on the drill wheel and forgot it. Never did find it.
Found a Leatherman on the street about 14 years ago. Have carried it almost daily since. Use it several times a day, would be lost without it. Went back to Leatherman for repair recently, I suffered withdrawl symptoms. Even though I carried a knock-off, it wasn't the same, not as handy. PS Leatherman completely rebuilt mine, returned it within just a few days - free of charge. If I ever loose mine, I'll buy Leatherman.
I've always had a knife on me for about 25 years, but now working places you can't take a knife Its amazing how quick you lose them when you have to take em out in the am and find em in the pm.

Latest batch was a bunch of serrated cheapies with composite handles. They have been excellent, I regrind the serrations every so often. Nothing better for cutting baler twine out of stuff!
I am presently using a Craftsman three blade 4" long closed. I don't know what style it's called. When I was still working at Sears catalog center, I needed a knife so I strolled over to the location where they processed the Craftsman tools that were replaced under warranty. Told one of the guys what I needed and he handed me a box with about 25 knives of all sizes and said, pick out what you need. One of the shorter blades on this one was broken off to about an inch and a quarter, which was just what I needed. I rounded off the end of it and ground it down just like the cutting edge and used it to cut boxes for the duration. I have been carrying that same knife for about 25 years now. For the last 10 years before I retired I still used it to open boxes in the parts dept. of an auto dealership.
For work I've been carryng the same Buck 112 for going on 18 years now. Before it there was another 112, that I bought aboard ship while in the Navy, that I carried for nearly 6 years before it, and the sheath it was in, somehow disappeared off my belt one day. Got another Old Timer that was given to me by my grandpa when I was about 13 that I carry when I 'dress up'. It doesn't get much use but it's been mine for 31 years or so now.
I carried a Schrade drop point locking blade for 20 years and just lost it in the fall. I have carried one knife or the other since the mid 60"s I still have the one I carried in grade school. I replace the Schrade with one I got in a box of tools from the flea market, but still feel like that Schrade will turn up. I also feel half dressed without a knife of some sort in my pocket. I have bought cheap ones when on vacation and given them away before flying home.
My personal record is about 12 years with a Victornox and then I loaned it to an Airman on clean up day, some how he broke the spring. I am currently carrying a German army issue Victornox that's been in my pocket about 10 years. I bought two of them when at Lowry AFB, lost one with in about 3 years after I started carrying it, carried this one for a while then got a Victornox lock blade that I broke myself, went back to this one about 10 or maybe 12 years ago, I guess it's probably my record knife now..
If I carry it I lose it in 6 months. I now carry one about 4 or 5 months then change to another. I have a drawer full of knives that I have found in houses I tear down. Last year I was scrapping out a truck cab with a sleeper three knives came falling out one was a Parker and another was a Buck still in the sheath and the last was a Pakistan.
ive carried one or another since i was about 8, i remember getting a swat from dad for taking it to school back then to show my friend, lol i keep loosing them or they get broken, i still have several, from good old ones to cheap modern junk that i wont even carry
Son was 6 years old 41 years ago.He spent some of his traping money to buy me a Case pocket knife. I still carry it.
I have a Gerber 2 1/4" metal folder I keep on my keyring. I simply throw my keys in the basket at metal detection stations and they never seem to see it. I've been doing this for about 5 years.
1 that I have I have only had since Dec 25th yep got it for Christmas. The other one I have had a for a few years. Now if I was to carry all the ones I have and some I have had for a decade or 3 but any how if I was to carry them all I would need a few extra pockets so I could carry them
Ive been carrying a pocket knife for 39 years.
The picture I posted is an Imperial Frontier folding knife.My father gave it to me on my 15th b-day,carried it up till 10 years ago,kinda large to be carrying 5" closed 8 1/2" opened.
I carried it in a Schrade leather pouch cause it was to big for your pocket,you can see where the stitches came out and I fixed it with a bolt & nut on the belt loop. I carry a Buck Prince now days in my pocket.


Pete Black's comment reminded me: how many of you had to drop a favorite knife in the slot-top barrel at boot camp reception station? I had to give up a Case stockman I'd carried for years. No returns.
I have a Schrade Night Hawk SP1 that I've had since I was in High School so that makes it 14 plus years that it's been in my pocket.

It's been pretty much everywhere. I really need to retire it as the blade is getting worn from sharpening it so many times.

I never understood why folks carried around big, heavy knives. They're a pain to have in your pocket and 99% of the stuff I'm going to tackle with a pocket knife doesn't need a blade longer then 1 3/4".

My grandfather used to carry Barlows, he went though a ton of them, we're still finding them.

I got a new old timer three blade on my 16th birthday from my folks. Carried it until I was 45 and lost it on my place. Found it a year later laying in the hay patch open. Surprised I didn't find it with rear tractor tire. All rusted up so I just put it away. Now my grandkids buy me one every christmas and I need one every year.
Always get lost. Always another one. Navy gave us boy scout knife they referred to as "jack knife" in 1965. Probably own 100 knives at 'least. Always carry one. First gifted to me at 4 years old. Still have it. Called pen knife very tiny. One memorable loss was large Case barlow that was tossed down a rabbit hole when apprehended by law officer and I though that would be advisable before going to station, which didn't happen however. Was riding motorcycle with no endorsement. Officer asked me why don't you have it? I said the line was too long. Used to get endorsement just for asking, years ago. Dave
I still have a no name, timeworn 3 blade knife that was given to me by the old man who lived across the road from us, when I was about 8. He was like a grandfather to me, and I remember him giving it to me, fished from an old coffee can in his farm shop...standing between the old "Indian Head" vice, and the front end of his C Farmall....I can still hear his voice, saying "Whatever you do, don't cut yourself....If your mom finds out where you got this, she'll tan my hide"
I haven't carried this for years, but keep in in an assortment of stuff that means a lot to me. That has been 32+ years back, and I remember it like yesterday....sort of a rite of passage, I guess.

If God ever made a better man than Earl, I haven't met him yet!

As for everyday carry, I was always partial to the Camillus Lev-R-Lock, but they tend to break after a few years, and now they are out of business, so switched over to Victorinox for everyday carry. People always tease me about that big Swisschamp, but it sure has come in handy!
Received one of the new Gerber spring assist opening folders for a gift a few years ago. It has a clip on it and you carry it vertically in your front pocket. Even at 4" closed you swear sometimes you don't even have it, but then there it is, high and tight.
I've carried a Case since 7th grade which is 1975. It got stolen from my gym locker. Imagine a pocket knife at school now!! I got another right away and carried it untill 04. Now don't laugh, My wife and I went to see Prez Bush (the second one) in his re-election campaign visit to our town. We stood in line forever with thousands of people and as I neared the door I realized i had my knife. This was post 9-11 and I freaked out. A city cop was parked up front so I gave it to him so I didn't lose my spot in line. I found out later that usher's at the stadium had confiscated so many knives that they made them availabe at the nnalert headquarters but mine had gone to a local cop. I since found an exact replacement on ebay. oh well.

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