You gotta laugh!


Well-known Member
This keeps getting posted in multiple CL ads around our area for $6900.00


Any takers? :wink:
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. :)
I've seen quite a few out there like that myself.
They get flagged pretty quickly.
saw that post last week in Colorado c-list,,,fifteen minutes after posted, poof, i flagged it gone,,can"t stand those a-hola"s that try to scam,,always trying to sell cars/trucks for range of $2500-4500 for a 2005+- models...surprise-----you can always tell scammers, no phone number, address of state, says they are a dealer,,,lol
forgot to mention, some time i [e-mail to a friend] send [their name] back to them on both lines,sender and
Maybe it is true and there Really is a Deere machine like that for $6900..........Of course it is sooooo hot that you will burn your fingers on it.
He is just trying to fence, I mean sell it for a low price.
Yup, see ads like that around here too. Usually the seller is a divorcee trying to unload her ex-husband's stuff. Sure.

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