OT Andy Griffith passes away

Tramway Guy

Well-known Member
Sorry to hear the news today of his passing.

He was a talented actor and accomplished in many other ways, including just as a decent human being.

He will be missed.
One of my favorite actors. Sheriff Taylor's time period and tactics is what I wish America was today. I also admired Andy's life away from the screen. None of the Hollywood crap that we hear today every time we turn on our tv just to try and watch the weather on the news. Just an all around good guy. Men like him are few and far between these days.
I always enjoyed his show and also what it represented. It was to my dismay, however, when he came out in strong support for the current occupant of the White House. I'm still scratching my head over that. I also heard at the time he left his original show (there were two, actually, with his name on it) he was offered a chance to run in his home state for some office. He didn't take it. He was a diamond in my book until I heard of his support for Mr. Zero. Some of the luster came off the diamond, but his show and what IT represents lives on. Mike
enjoyed the shows, grew up in that era, now him and Barney can play checkers again while Aunt Bea brings them lemon-aid///
There's a book you can get at your local libray "Lessons learned from the Andy Griffith Show" - a very good read - should be required for all schools.
I enjoyed both Andy's and Don's work on that show and other things they did in their careers to entertain people, without the hollywood (holly weird to me)hoopla and scandal.

Its the wrong place for politics here, as we have seen so many times LOL !!!,so I have to keep myself in check about our current president too, like or dislike. In all honesty I never know, decidedly what the heck to make of any of them, past or present, personally, I just never have enough real information to even consider it.

I did however, like so many before me, regardless of who was in office, swear in at a MEPS station one fine spring day as I recall to serve our country, and acknowledge the person in that office as my boss whether I liked him or not.

My point is don't let his political views tarnish your image of him, his actions and what he did in his life are what really count. Also, not trying to lecture by any means, I just think Andy was bigger than any political beliefs late in his life.
Sad thing is, to some people, if a person's "politics" are wrong, then they're a no-good piece of scum who are a blight on mankind. And since Andy Griffith came out in support of the "wrong" politician, then he fell into that category, in their eyes.

For me, when I think of Andy Griffith, I don't think about politics, unless someone else mentions it first. And in MY opinion, that's how we should think of ALL of our fellow Americans...as human beings first. Unfortunately, in they eyes of some folks, that makes me some sort of "commie lieburral," or something of that sort, instead of the John Wayne "wannabe" I "oughtabe," in their eyes.

I feel sorry for them; on a day like today, they must have mixed emotions. After all, the man who was such an icon, Andy Griffith, has passed away; but on the other hand, he was a fan of the man they think is gonna single-handedly destroy America...so they're probably conflicted over whether they should be sad or not.

Personally, I share the sense of loss that the OTHER folks do over the passing of an American icon, Andy Griffith.
He was a talented actor, but I don't think that made him qualified to tell me what to do or what I should buy, believe or support. That's my hang-up on any abundant especially abundant actors. On the positive side I think he was a man of faith lived and displayed that faith and was a positive role model for many. I have a lot more respect for actors that keep their political opinions to them selves like Tom Hanks, or actors like Gary Sinese, Bob Hope or Danny Thomas that used or are using their fame and fortune to help/support those that need our help or support.
I figured what I said might elicit comments such as this. I am one of the biggest fans of the Andy Griffith Show and what it (and he) represented. My comments just meant that some of his public stands just seemed out of character for me. Spray some dope on the hornet's nest and let it be. Mike
Do you suppose.....just suppose.......that we are confusing Andy Griffith with Andy Taylor? I really liked and admired what Shurf Taylor stood for; I know almost nothing about Andy Griffith, except that he was a movie and TV star/comedian.........in other words, a celebrity.
Mr.Griffith I'm sure wouldn't hold your political views against you. He would treat everyone the same. That's that generation. And his political views came from where he lived, what he saw and how he was raised. Ralph Stanley is in that same order. If many of you lived in this area you might have a different view also. The 2 mentioned are great men and both have my highest respect for what they did for a living and how they treated folks through their lives. Mr. Stanley is still alive. They both had the guts to stand up and say what they thought when it may not have been popular. They do have that right you know. Entertainers but also great Americans too. I admire them both. Mr. Griffith will be missed greatly. He and his wife were very close. This will be a very hard time for her now.
Billy from NY brought up a good point,When I took my oath to become a American solider,I agreed to accept and support the President of the United states.I didnt vote for him and probally wont again but the best man will win,and its our duty to support and not to belittle a person who is tring to do a job that none of us would have any idea of.Andy was a great actor and Im sure a good man.Each show taught us good morals.There is a lot of his fans suffering from his loss,Along with his family,they dont need to hear everyones opinion at this time.Wether its a President,actor or just a average person we all need to show our respect and honor through these hard times

I enjoyed Andy Griffith's professional career. The only issue I could see with him was his personal life and his public persona where not real close together. He was married three times and was divorced twice. His political leanings where at contrast with the life style he portrayed in most of his shows. All in all though more people like him in the acting field would make for a much better quality of entertainment for us all.

May he rest in peace!!! He at least gave a generation of people a place to dream of living in some day. He could have been also just portraying the thousands of little towns across this great land that had that type of life style in the 1940s and 1950s.
I enjoyed Taylor's show and was very proud when he stood up in support of the president external_linkcare. Many self centered weak mind people like mike alyward will slop at the trough of a known drug user linbaugh and swallow any info given to him then spout to off at others trying to make them look bad because they dont agree with beck or linbaugh.

People like mike alyward were the same ilk that made up hitlers brown shirts. Then brown shirts went out in the public to chastise anyone disagreeing with hilter or linbaugh.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is a bit odd that his family had him buried before his body was cold? I think it was something on teh order of 5 hours after being pronounced dead, that he was already in the ground.

It just makes me wonder what the reason could possibly be. Osama Bin Laden was dead longer than that before he was buried. It just doesn't seem very respectful to me.

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