

Well-known Member
Anyone continuing to cultivate with it so dry- or are you saving on time/fuel? No rain forcasted for at least ten days here (Kearney MO).
Dad always believed you would save moisture by cultivating shallow.The loose dirt mulched the ground and covered the big cracks,others around here will tell you the same thing. Don't know if tha same applies to your area. I haven't seen hardly a single cultivator used in the previous years but several were used this year.
Assume you're talking about row-crop cultivation; was always taught/practiced/believed that there was one reason....and one reason cultivate: to control vegetation.
The only thing that folks around here still cultivate in the row is tobacco. Untill this past week most folks around here had not had any rain since tobacco was set. Buddy of mine told me his brother in law was cultivating tobacco last week, told him I'd shoot a man if I caught him in my patch with a plow. If we get more rain I will try to toss some soil up around mine this weekend or next week.

As for reasons to cultivate crops and climates vary. For tobacco plowing it a few days after a mudding rain will help the ground air out and keep it from wilting down, baccer don't like have'n wet feet. Tossing soil up around the plants helps it stand to an august thunder storm with wind and if the ground is hilled up around the plant if you have a big rain water don't stand right at the base of the plant. And like other crops it keeps the crab grass and morning glories down that chemicals missed.

Here in central Ky. we cultivate shallow in dry weather to seal the cracks that form as the ground dries. I have found weeds grow even in dry weather.
Some cultivating done around here this year to control voluteer corn otherwise no one uses a cultivator except to ridge for flood irrigation.
AS others have said,; when it was needing rain pretty bad, we would shallow "plow"/cultivate tobacco, broke the crust, acted to conserve moisture, always looked better the next day, buttt tobacco is a weed and as long as one end is in the ground it will survive almost any dry conditions. With other crops, "your results may vary"
cultivating does save on moisture loss.when its dry like now,plants and things pull moisture from the subsoil,and breaking up the top of the soil shallowly,stop it from evaporating in to the atmosphere. You can test this very simply,just cultivate a few rows,and see if it makes a difference on your place.

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