It is too quiet around here!


My four year old grandson has been staying with us
for the past couple of months. He normally lives
with his mom and dad in Yakima, Washington. That
little guy has kept me busy while he has been here.
They left about an two hours ago to head back west.
Man, it is so quiet here. Kinda sad. I guess I
should catch up on some chores now!
You"ve got the reverse of my quiet! My daughter graduated from college May 12th, came home for 10 days and headed back to work on her Waster"s degree! Had quiet for a while and weekend before last, the bad storm that hit nothern Va and came south knocked power out around Lynchburg (VA.), so she"s back home again! Her room"s above ours and she"s not the quietest young lady around! I"ll miss her when she heads back in August!
I have had that situation too! They can all be noisy but I will take that any day. You are right I always miss my older ones when they leave too.
Just enjoy that Grandson ta least you get to see him . Haven"t seen mine since he was 8 he is 27 now. His mothers & his choice not ours. Is the only Grandchild we have.

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