Sign of the times?


Well-known Member
I took this picture on HWY 1 just north of Hoopeston, IL.
It reminded me of Alan Jackson's song "Little Man".
Here's the song and video on you tube if you want a reminder. Alan Jackson

What do you mean the "Little Man" ?

Back in the day, you were living large if you could afford a wire
crib. It was even better if it had the steep pitch roof like the
one pictured.

Does anyone remember tying a couple pieces of baling twine
around the bottom of your pant legs before going in to shovel
out the corn ?

Rats, mice, and black snakes- Ohh, the stories that crib could
tell !
Thanks for posting and Alan Jackson's link. If you think about it, maybe in a way the amish aren't so dumb. I think we who grew up half a century ago had it better growing up on small farms than today's kids that are displaced into mega "progressive" schools and cities. And the old folks are being displaced too.
This will be the first year that my crib has stayed empty since it was built. Corn is just too valuable to feed to calves this year.

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