Tomato Plants With No Tomatoes

I've got a dozen tomato plants growing outside my office in an urban area (Atlanta). They are in decent soil and are thick and green with foliage, watered every other day, and they are full of flowers, but not a single tomato. It's been like this for a few weeks. It's as though there are no pollenators around. I never see any. Any suggestions?
This was the worst year for my tomatoes due to the drought. I may get a few later on if we get some more rain. My wife has Earth boxes and she has nice tomatoes, but she keeps filling the bottom of the Earth boxes. Water bill is going to be high. Hal

sounds like a deficiency, ( calcium ? ) good green growth means the nitrogen is good, but I believe epsom salts will make them flower. I can't remember all of what each garden vegetable plant needs, have to look it up, do a search, you'll get all kinds of info.
What brand of tomato plant? I think I get more fruit on the plants with "Jet Star". Also, I like to get tomatoes planted early enought to get fruit set before extremely hot weather. I do not believe they polinate & put on fruit well in hot weather.
There is one variety I know of called Heatwave that was deveoped in Florida and is designed to set fruit in the hot weather. As far as I know, many varieties will bloom but not set fruit until the nights are cooler.
heat! leave them be. They likely will be ok when it cools off some and you wont be able to keep up. Did the same here last year.
If it is a plant of "indeterminate" size... you should pull off the "sucker" branches (if determinate plant - do not remove suckers). If you google it, you will find some links to good videos done by greenhouse owners that explain it in detail. Otherwise it seems the plants put more effort into growing versus producing fruit.
Too much fertilizer and or the heat is sunburning the blooms.

I over fertilized one year thinking more has got to be better. Plants were gorgeous, very green and grew huge. I use 18" diameter X 5' cages built out of concrete wire mesh. Plants got to be over 8' tall and 4' around. Picture perfect with the exception of no tomatoes.

I plant around the 1st week of March here in Houston and by the mid June the heat stops production.
It's normal. I have been growing maters in the Savannah area for a few years. If I plant them in late APril etc they may give a few in late May or June but once the daily 90 plus degree stuff hits, they just grow vines with no blossoms. In late September when it cools to 80's and less in the day they come back and I have nice fall tomatoes and have had them up until frost gets them in December.

I do have an heirloom variety called Austin Red Pear that I planted so it gets only late afternoon sun, it is still bearing for me now.

My eggplant is going crazy right now, I dug my red potatoes in late June and planted beans right behind them and they are coming up good.
Had some like that my self and for a long time not tomato's and now they are showing signs that they will produce well. I have many plants that I put in at different times of the spring and the late ones are the ones that are just starting to have green one on them
Same problem here- I put a bunch of goat manure on this spring- too much, I think. Everything is just going crazy, and I've never seen such a mass of tomato vines, and lots of blossoms, but nothing setting. Corn is the darkest green, and thickest stalks, I've ever seen.

Sure can't be the heat, here- only had a few days over 80, mostly in the 70's.

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