Shopaholic,Thrifty or Good $$ management?


Well-known Member
I have always bought extra (favored meat,coffee,saw blades ect) if price is much lower than I can expect before I will need the item again.
I bid on some motor oil recently expecting to drop our because it was more than I would use in the next 2 or 3 years. To my suprise I got it for about ten cents on the dollar. Ok I thinks,I will be able to sell what I don't need for half price and make money plus stocking up for a few years. Two people approced me after the auction wanting to give my money back on a few gallons. I offered to sell a few gallons for double what I had paid. Neither would have any part of paying more than I had. Over the next few weeks I began to think I might have to use it up on hog scratching posts. I finaly sold what I didn't want and now have a question. How many of you would pass on $7 per gallon if it wasn't time to change oil in anything for Rotella,Delvac,castrol Gtx if it was a brand you liked and correct viscositie. It has me thinking the world changed while I wasn't paying attention.
I have been in that position before and I just paid $16 for 5 quarts of Penzoil in a big jug at a store this past weekend. I would buy oil at $7 per gallon just to stock up. (cause the price isnt coming down......ever)
Last year I was at my local grocery store and Campbells chunky soup was on sale 4 for $5, I bought 20 cans. (Ya gotta eat...Right?)
If these fellas wanted the oil for the same price you paid then they should have bought it....Or did they show up late to the party/auction?
Finding good deals and taking action on them deals is a good thing, and thrifty.
What happend to you has happened to me before at an auction.
I was surprised that some of them didn't ask to TAKE LESS than you paid, "because you have a lot"
They don't want to bid,don't want to buy but expect to get the stuff cheap.
I bought about 50 cases of oil that I use a couple years ago at a good deal(not as good as yours) and its gone up in value a whole lot more than
about anything else I could have put my money into thats for sure.At 10 cents on the Dollar I'd
buy all I could get,its better than money in the bank.For some reason those that BS and don't pay attention at auctions think that people that do pay attention owe them a bargain.I bought 10 new load binders for $5 each that were in a barrel same binder TSC sell for over $50 several BSers got mad when I asked them $25 for one even though they'd pay $50+ for exactly the same thing at TSC.If I found a 20 dollar bill lying on the ground I sure wouldn't sell it cheap just because I got it for nothing.
Ifffffff I can find a bargain price, and ifffffffff Im confident I will need and use the product within a reasonable time, and ifffffffff I have the storage room, and iffffffffffff theres no problem with shelf life SURE ID GLADLY STOCK UP its a wise invertment

John T
People are strange, you buy the whole lot and they want you to break even on the amount they need.
The guy up the road is selling his tractor for $2300 could be worth that price, mind you he never did a thing to it since he bought it from my brother for $1000 a couple of years ago, he didn't even use it. He was bullsh*t at me and my brother when i told him one day my brother was at the RIGHT place and time and bought it for $100 strange guy.
I also try to stock up anytime I see things at a good buy. The Local Pamida store is going out of business. I think Costco bought the whole chain. Pamida had a sale going on for just about everything in the store. I bought all of their canned vegetables. It worked out to be about 20 cents per can. This was all Demonte too. I now have enough to last us for several years but canned goods have a very long shelf life. So it just helps keep the cost of living down.

The sad thing is many of the younger generation seems to have lost this ability to be fugal. I have them come and look at things an they don't even know to haggle on things they purchase. They have boughten so much of their stuff at the big chains stores they don't know how to bargain. I see them at auctions looking lost on how to bid. Makes me wonder what their parents teach them. My first wife could make wire out of pennies. She helped teach the kids to watch every penny they spend.
When I try to buy ahead of time I forget I had it and buy more later, thus negating my savings and having too much clutter!

Any auction I've ever been to that had NEW motor oil always had a storm of bidding on the oil and it always ended up selling for more than retail price at the local farm store.
Good dollar management if you have the cash. I bought $400 of Quaker State synthetic 5W20 when it was on sale at Menards last year. Paid I believe $2.79/quart. Last time I looked it was over $5.00/quart. Intend to use all of it in the 2011 Ford Ranger purchased last year. Bought an equivalent amount of Castrol GTX 5W20 for her Ford Focus several years ago (2006?) at less than a $1/quart. Only use it in that car. Pathetic interest on any savings so better spent on sale items.
I feel much better after hearing what all you said. As you probly guessed,the oil alone wasn't perplexing me. Honestly,I had started to wonder if the way I approch daily financial decisions is viewed by sane individuals similar to the guy who spends $50k on a nuclar shelter and stocks it with animal and human embryos because he's convinced he will be the next Noah. The most common issue I have problems with is credit cards. I carry two but havn't been clipped for interest on either one in years. I often gift newly weds and graduates a book of amortization and interest tables. Thanks folks and btw,the profit margin on that oil isn't typical for me. Blind hogs do find acorns once in a blue moon.
Most likely those guys did not want the hassle of buying such a large quantity at one time. If you wanted part of the load but not all of it, they would have been helping you out, as well as getting a good deal too. I offered a scrap dealer a dollar for a broken hitch part at an auction and he accepted it. At the same auction a person was hoping to buy his Grandfathers old outboard motor. There were still about 15 left and the winner bidder took them all, and would not sell it to him. Don't be upset by other peoples behavior at auctions.

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