Local energy costs in your part of the country


Well-known Member
South Western Ontario
Electricity is 13 cents off peak, 20 cents mid peak and 23.4 peak. Averages out to 17 cents.
87 gasoline $4.80/US gallon.
Road diesel has dropped to $4.49/US gallon.
Aviation 100LL $6.69/US gallon.
Jet A-1 $5.44/US gallon.
LP delivered farm prices, taxes all in $1.44/US gallon, up to $2.72 residential low volume. $4.03/gallon for 100lb tanks delivered and picked up from cottages.
Natural gas per 1000cu ft $5.75 to $6.63.

Electricity 7 cents all but June July August, then 13 REMC

LP gas just signed up for guaranteed winter fill at $1.29 but paid $1.59 I think for summers fill

Gas had been mid $3.oo range but like $3.99 the last few days THANKS TREE HUGGERS AND ANTI DRILLING POLICIES OF external_link

John T reporting here
Yes but Buickanddeere is in Canada so he has today off! He gets to take Thanksgiving early too. Folks listening in on this conversation, the current group in Washington wants for us what Canada has for energy prices, please ask yourself where is the benefit for me?
Electricity averaged out to 15.49 cents with taxes and BS fees. Majority was off peak @6.5 cents + fees and taxes.
Gas(87) is 4.58-4.65/US gal.
Last farm fuel delivered to the farm was 0.837 + tax about a month ago.
Last I saw road diesel it was 4.27/gal
Don't use propane or other fuels so not sure on that.
Owen Sound/Collingwood, Ontario
You ask wheres the benefit for you (I ask the same lol and I bet we agree) ?????? but the militant vegetarians and tree huggers and radical environmentalist and Sierra Club gang along with AlGore and Hanoi Jane Fonda and Michael Moore and Rosie ODonnell and Barbra Streisand see things different WHATS IN IT FOR THE SPOTTED OWL AND SNAIL DARTER AND BLIND FISH!!!!

LOL with tongue in cheek

Ol John T and all

In southern NH electricity $.19, including all charges. Fuel this morning was $3.66, but most stations are higher.
I'ts worse than you think- Al Gore appears to be a distant cousin of mine. I live up here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. The dominate economy here used to be mining and lumber. You go through many of the cities in Northern Wisconsin and the Western Upper Peninsula and you see what where once viable cities, now half the buildings are empty. Some of this is driven by changes in timber harvesting, some by the decline of Wisconsin Paper mills (too much environmental regulation and what the environmental people haven't been able to do the unions did) Popular lawn sign is "Stop the whining and start the mining"
Wrong about the paper mills! The one I retired from just announced (after an explosion and fire on memorial day) That it will not repair and restart. I has not made any profit for some time and shut down two older machines last Dec. The reason is because lack of demand for paper, not environmental or cheap imports. We are all on here instead of reading magazines and writing letters, right! Another 259 out of work, not because of the EPA or the president, because of you and me!
Stated rate for Public Utility District electricity in my part of western Washington is 4.91 cents per Kw, ends up being a hair under 6 cents with all the fees and taxes added in. Would be a little lower, yet, but we have to buy a certain percentage of "green" power. Most of ours is hydroelectric, which is the most renewable of all, but by Obammy's definition, is not Green.

Gas is $3,59, road diesel $3.99
(quoted from post at 09:08:16 08/06/12) SOUTHERN INDIANA

Electricity 7 cents all but June July August, then 13 REMC

LP gas just signed up for guaranteed winter fill at $1.29 but paid $1.59 I think for summers fill

Gas had been mid $3.oo range but like $3.99 the last few days THANKS TREE HUGGERS AND ANTI DRILLING POLICIES OF external_link

John T reporting here


If Romney is elected and after 3 1/2 years energy prices are not lower are you going thank him on here like you did the tree huggers and the anti drilling policies of external_link?

Let me add some fact to the emotion of this post. THERE HAVE BEEN MORE OIL AND GAS WELLS DRILLED UNDER external_link THAN GB I, BILL CLINTON, and GBII COMBINED. HE IS NOT "ANTI DRILLING" Stop watching Fox News.
As for the comment on Wisconsin paper mills most of them up this way made Toilet paper, that hasn't been replaced by the computer. A lot of that production has been moved both off shore and to the Southern states, seems we aren't exporting as much TP as we used to. In some of the other papers their has been a decline but food service, sanitary and packing are all strong, just not strong here anymore.
start watching Fox news and you might learn something .Been going down hill fast the last 3 & 1/2 years
(quoted from post at 15:05:58 08/06/12) start watching Fox news and you might learn something .Been going down hill fast the last 3 & 1/2 years

Really, Ricc what is that I should learn? I gave facts and you have to reply with some smartass response.

Here is the website with the information. Again deal with facts not emotion or made up crap from Faux news.


The reason there have been more total wells drilled is due to the booms in North Dakota and the Northeast, the vast majority of these wells have been drilled on private land, that is the reason ZERO could not stop them from being drilled. If and when the US ever gets a President and Congress who will not knuckle under to fringe groups and the Main Stream Media we will shortly thereafter be energy independent and gasoline will be around $1.50 per gallon.
2 of our local papers have stopped printing in the last year, everything is going online. A 3rd has cut back quite a bit, they are having somebody else print the paper, I figure another year or so, it will cease printing.
(quoted from post at 15:40:24 08/06/12) The reason there have been more total wells drilled is due to the booms in North Dakota and the Northeast, the vast majority of these wells have been drilled on private land, that is the reason ZERO could not stop them from being drilled. If and when the US ever gets a President and Congress who will not knuckle under to fringe groups and the Main Stream Media we will shortly thereafter be energy independent and gasoline will be around $1.50 per gallon.

Gas is never going to be 1.50 per gallon again, I do not care who is elected President and you know that. So, where did external_link stop drilling? The Gulf of Mexico? Have you looked at the number of drilling rigs that are now operating in the Gulf of Mexico? I can tell it is more than when George Bush II was President. Why don't you deal with facts instead of emotion. I get that you guys do not like external_link, but he is not the "Anti Drilling" President.

Yes, I will be voting for external_link, because I do not like the other slime running for President.
davemk: YOUR information on the Gulf of Mexico is not even close to being correct. I have three Army buddies that all are deep water rig rough neck welders. There is not 10% of the drilling being done now as there was. It is Cuba and Mexico drilling not the USA.

The private drilling is the only thing saving us from total foreign oil. The current tree huggers are happy to complain with full bellies and "Dad's" money. The people out here in the real world understand that high energy cost kill any economy.
Might do so people well to check out the verbals being committed on this European Tour.
British org with the Olympics.
Jerusalem capital of Israel, just upset every Arab in the world, and I think some deregatory remark about the Palestinians.
If that's your choice, start your boot camp training now.
Just because he organised the WO in Utah, that makes him an ENO.. E know everything.
You are now living the GWB legacy, do you want it to continue.???????
Your the one dealing from emotion, typical nnalert, and yes, gas will be $1.50 again, what was it in 2009? Oil is a commodity, more supply equals lower price, look at natural gas.
Ain't been to town for a while so don't know what fuel is go'n for. Ain't called to get my LP tank filled in a while but last I checked LP was $2 a gallon for 300 gallons.

Had to look my electric rate. $.077469. Never understood peak and non peak, my rate is the same every time the meter spends, day or night, summer or winter.

After the Gulf oil spill there was a moratorium put on drilling. The courts said that the moratorium had to be lifted so it was, they just are not issuing any new permits. It has the same affect as continuing the moratorium.

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