Trying my patience


Well-known Member
Was checking fields on my 4 wheeler and went to check on my old vacant house and what do I see. 3 kids with airsoft guns crusing around the yard. I know all 3 as they go to school and play football with my oldest son. I chewed them out and sent them on thier way. I called the first kids foster dad, left a message, don't know #2's number but the wife does and called the mom, # 3, the instigater of the bunch is a product of divorce and mom and pop don't give a darn what he does anyway. I'm thinking of calling the ball coach and explain they were tresspassing. I played for him back in the day and I'm sure he'd have a "extra special" practice for them. The first kid is one of those going with the flow and the second is teatering, and the third I'm afraid will probably be in jail by 19 years old.
Coaches have a bond with even those tough kids. I teach grade school and have been in similar positions. I was unsure whether I should do something like that on those occasions and did anyway. The parents were always glad I had and the coach can provide continued support. He likely sees the kid more regularly than anyone else. They may hate it, but doing this gives those kids the feeling that someone cares and that others care what happens to them. Call.
An old vacant house? Why such anger? If they wern't doing anything but trespassing just tell them to stay away.If they did it again maybe i would call the law .Why make enimies of them and cause them a lot of trouble for just trespassing at an abandoned house?They might want to get even.
(quoted from post at 16:52:25 08/09/12) An old vacant house? Why such anger? If they wern't doing anything but trespassing just tell them to stay away.If they did it again maybe i would call the law .Why make enimies of them and cause them a lot of trouble for just trespassing at an abandoned house?They might want to get even.
ell, it's my old farmstead and I have lots of things around there. I have vehicles, equiptment,etc, slowly fixing up the place for one of my boys to live in when they start farming.
it's my old farmstead and I have lots of things around there
It's your property and should be respected as yours.
Someone needs to teach that lesson.
Messing with kids that age is like wrestling with a pig in mud. The pig enjoys it and you just get muddy. The best way to deal with them is to politely ask them to leave and not make it fun for them to mess with you. If that doesn't work, take it to the next level. Otherwise, you get the reputation as the mean old man. Then the kids will get their friends and keep on messing with you. Their parents will most likely get bent out of shape about you threatening their "angels", and you have MORE problems. Best route is to POLITELY ask them to stay away until they come back a second time. Then let the police handle it. Trust me on this...I've BTDT, and fought the same battle. I learned the hard way. Swallow your pride and avoid a fight you cannot win. This is a different age than when we grew up.
You said your peace "I chewed them out and sent them on their way" be done with it nothing was stolen or damaged, I would wing it for now.
One step too far, Do something to improve his life not just add another burden. Talk to a Social Worker if you hold those views.
Growing up back in the day we wouldn't have even thought about trespassing. Big lack of
discipline with the kids today.

I went the passive, did nothing, route in a similar scenario and the little hoodlums took me as
being afraid. It escalated to the point I took their parents to court and won.

Pursue it now. Call the parents, be civil and simply ask them not to do it again. Call the
coach, call the sheriff's department and ask the deputy assigned to your area to meet at your
place and introduce yourself. Explain the situation. Do all the passive and easy things

If the kids escalate it declare war, legally, ie: set up camera's catch them in the act etc. Go to
court and get a restraining order.
(quoted from post at 18:56:07 08/09/12) Growing up back in the day we wouldn't have even thought about trespassing. Big lack of
discipline with the kids today.

I went the passive, did nothing, route in a similar scenario and the little hoodlums took me as
being afraid. It escalated to the point I took their parents to court and won.

Pursue it now. Call the parents, be civil and simply ask them not to do it again. Call the
coach, call the sheriff's department and ask the deputy assigned to your area to meet at your
place and introduce yourself. Explain the situation. Do all the passive and easy things

If the kids escalate it declare war, legally, ie: set up camera's catch them in the act etc. Go to
court and get a restraining order.
I don't think a war is going to break out, the parents were contacted and I let them know what happend. I was firm with them when I gave them a scalding but I don't think it was too far. Hopefully enough to get some respect so it never happens again. Many kids today have no respect for others. I know the coach and he taught me and coached me and I know he'd rather disipline them than have me call the cops and he has 3 of his players off the team for violation of team rules but I'm not going to tell him about it. Nothing was hurt but that is besides the point. There is a difference between right and wrong.
Go talk to whatever LEO is going to be involved when the kids people call the law because something happened ASAP. Tell him/her what has happened and who was involved.

Had a similar situation last summer when school let out, involved my yard dog (stray that came up, started eating with the others, and knows what I expect out of him for food and lodging). He hasn"t bit but doesn"t like being antagonized. Headache all last summer, junk started again, I went to him (LEO) first, troubles went away.

It would be great if we could expect the respect for others that was put into young people 35 - 40 years ago but it ain"t going to be there in most cases. I work with high school age in the church and they have little to no respect for themselves much less others, when you see their parents its a wonder the kid made it to the point thay did.

Involve the law, high probability they are going to be involved at some point, you talking to them first is a BIG stress reducer when the time comes. Just my two cents, and yes, I am active with youth in the community.
The first thing to recognize is that kids that age---especially boys---are just stupid. I draw on my own experiences for that observation. That conviction was re-confirmed for me last night: I was coming home after dark and turned down a short street that is a connector between two through roads. Two boys, about 12 or 13, were in the middle of the street, sitting cross-legged on the double yellow, just talking to each other and enjoying their incredible coolness. I almost didn't see them. I did stop and expressed my opinion that they needed to re-think their plan, or words to that effect.
(quoted from post at 16:52:25 08/09/12) An old vacant house? Why such anger? If they wern't doing anything but trespassing just tell them to stay away.If they did it again maybe i would call the law .Why make enimies of them and cause them a lot of trouble for just trespassing at an abandoned house?They might want to get even.

If you don't respect yourself and your property, it's one thing... But to tell someone else that they shouldn't respect theirs is pretty ballsy, wouldn't ya say?????

Next visit may be the one to clean him out or burn the place down.... And liability if one of em gets hurt while on his place??????
You must not remember your own youth. They sure couldn't do much damage with airsoft guns. You've just given them one more reason to hate grown-ups.
If you had called my father. He would have torn my butt up and then Momma would have had her turn at me. I was told never go on someones land without permission.

I am 62 and still will not go on someones land without telling them.Rules are rules.Kids need to learn them.
Maybe its just a thing down there, but up here, if kids don't break
anything, put the fences back and behave, its considered ok to
wander around on peoples property. Can you honestly say as a kid
you never explored an abandoned house or half collapsed barn?

Now on the other hand, kids breaking windows or kicking doors in
is cause for a butt whooping or whatever you're allowed to do for
punishment these days.
I have read a lot of back and forth on this, but one thing is missing... should one of those boys have gotten hurt old Husker would have been on the hook for medical bills and then some in today"s sue happy world.
(quoted from post at 06:17:16 08/10/12) I have read a lot of back and forth on this, but one thing is missing... should one of those boys have gotten hurt old Husker would have been on the hook for medical bills and then some in today"s sue happy world.

along with dealing with whatever was damaged while the kid was gettin hurt....

Kinda makes ya wonder if the folks that are sayin to turn the other cheek have anything of value to loose.... To each their own.... I'll go right on runnin poop takers off my pastures til kingdom come....
You're dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.

There is no way to win here. You can't "respect yourself and your property" because they'll just take it away from you one way or another. They'll steal it, destroy it, or hire a lawyer.

You can't sit there with a shotgun 24/7. If you sit there with a shotgun, you get thrown in jail for "menacing." God forbid you USE the shotgun, or even lay a finger on them.
Is the property properly posted with "No Trespassing" signs?

Inform the local law about the situation, others likely have the same problem too. Parents pay more attention to a policeman at the front door than a neighbor on the phone.
(quoted from post at 08:43:11 08/10/12) Is the property properly posted with "No Trespassing" signs?

Inform the local law about the situation, others likely have the same problem too. Parents pay more attention to a policeman at the front door than a neighbor on the phone.
No signs. I figure the place is just a target if you post. I've had hunters that will shoot the signs on some ground and have found they'll leave it alone better if it's not posted. The place is less than a 1/4 mile from my house and I can see it pretty good from my easy chair. It's not the first time I've ran people off. It's not like the place is totally abandond. Maybe I need to rent it out again but that was no more than a headache.
Huskar I do not agree with the coach (leave him out of it) Next state laws will vary but here you could have a paper served on them and parents. If it happens a gain they can be fined. I would post it if it were mine. But i know some areas that does not go over well!!!
(quoted from post at 06:17:16 08/10/12) I have read a lot of back and forth on this, but one thing is missing[b:dbb0a13c25]... should one of those boys have gotten hurt old Husker would have been on the hook for medical bills and then some in today"s sue happy world[/b:dbb0a13c25].
That is something that still eludes me.
How in the world can someone sue and win for getting hurt on a property that He/she/they weren't to be on in the first tresspassing
Do you post "No Trespassing" signs in the windows of your house to keep strangers from walking in?

I don't either.
If they weren't breaking things, Just playing in you vacant house yard, Give them a cold soft drink and ask them to help you watch the place, Kids on you side is better than kids against you.

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