Lost one of my helpers today!!!! He will be here limited now


Well-known Member
My second youngest grand son started school today. He was here all of the time. He really loves to "help" out. Some times so much you just want to throttle him. LOL

Picture of him ready to go!!! It was all he could talk about all weekend. He even got up early Sat. and put his school cloths on. Said he was going to school. Was mad when we told him he did not go until Monday. LOL

My son took him to school The grand son tried to following him out twice. So I am wondering how this first day is really going to go.
Yep, he'll be so busy, he won't have much chance to miss you. You on the other hand, are going to think about him not being around, all day.

Thanks for the post Grandpa, hang in there, the weekend will be here soon.

The real funny thing is his little brother. He will be four in Nov. HE raised cane as he wanted to go too. He wanted a back pack and all. My son said he had a real fight when he and the DIL where getting school stuff for the older one.

I had to take the younger one with me to do chores this morning. He was real mad at not going to school too. LOL I bet that will change when he has to go.
I wish them both well wherever they go. The schools are such here that I couldn't in good conscience send, advise, or allow a grandchild to go there.
There is a deprived, empty nest grandma here that would give an arm to have a child here, all day if necessary, and do home school.
I have 4 boys ages 10, 8, 6, 4. The 6 year old is excited about school starting wed. The 4 year old is sad he can't go. The 10 and 8 are telling them they're nuts and wish they could stay home!!. Amazing what we get excited about when it's still novelty and everyone else gets to but we don't.
my son went off to college last week. He can do a serious amount of work and I wasn't ready to see him go. I needed another 10 years or so. Time does fly.
The pictures are adorable. I have two son 5 and 8. The 5 year old is roaring ready to go on Wednesday when school starts. His brother is telling him he is crazy. I just hope his remains excited, and encouraged about school. I always dispised it and would do anything, including running a tractor all day to stay out.
Cute kids! Together, I'll bet they are a handful. Kinda takes me back to when my youngest started school. She will be 40 next month.

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