May have bigger animal to gun for now


Well-known Member
Yesterday a friend who deer hunts on my place moved his game cam. We checked out the pictures it took and found 2 pictures of what appears to be a big cat as in mountain lion. Conservation has copy's of them now to check it out to see if it is a lion. Bad thing is this cam was set up right next to one of the deer stands so the cat maybe a tad bit close when we are hunting out there.
Sounds like the cat is on the trail of the deer just like you are old. Was it yellow? Where I grew up there were some black ones roaming. No one wanted to admit it, but some livestock got killed. That came to be pretty hard evidence.
Here in TN we just have bear, mountain lion, wild boar, and snakes. Not much to worry about. When them mountain lion scream at night it will wake you up. Fortunately happens only about once a tear but you would think Bigfoot is just outside the window.
Hey Old. I saw one the last week of Aug about 7 pm in the eve. There is a road that is a short cut for me that goes just east of the Springfield airport and thats where I saw him. He ran in out in the road, stopped and took a look at me then ran back across the field he came from. I first thought he was a bob cat but he had that big thick tail. He was not all that big and his coat looked a little on the sickly side. That was right in the middle of all that 100+degree stuff.
That would raise the hairs on your neck, sneaky buggers wait and pounce, you would hope like bears, unless fed or interfered with, they really want nothing to do with humans. Problem is with this kind of terrain or at least here, if one of those was hiding and stalking, you may not see it until too late. Be interesting to hear what Conservations says, heard a lot of rumor about them here and NYS DEC covering their existence up, of course the common person will never get the truth about it. First time I saw a bobcat, thought that was big, cannot imagine dealing with one of these.
Well where this one was caught on camera is less then 20 yards from the deer stand so figure it this way. Your out walking to this stand at say 5:30am in the dark, This is up a steep hill side which is covered in trees and brush. Only light you have is a smallish little flashlight that has a AAA battery in it, so yep may be a tad bit frightful going up there this deer season
When graduated from grammar school back in 53 my brother myself and a friend went camping on the river below us. The next morning we woke up to looking at big I mean big cat tracks that went all around us. He stopped right by my head and took a good look. Good thing I was asleep he then went down to the river got a drink and went back to the hills behind us.
I wanted to stay another night but my friend was to scared to so we went home. Growing up in mountain lion country can give a lot of tales to tell.
I could right a good book on them.
Yep big yellow cat. Looks like is was sitting there and its head would have been say 3 or so foot from the ground so yep not a cat I want to play with
Conservation will tell you it's just a big yellow dog. They don't seem to want to admit that there are big cats around, even though you have proof.
Ummmmmm......wrong thing to do. A few of us knew our buddy put up a new game camera. We had a gorilla costume.... wellllll
You better hope they don't believe you because if they do they'll probably declare the piece of land off limits for hunting or anything else to protect the rare species.No joke its happened before.
Ya I wish I could post them but they are on my wife's lap top since I can not do the pictures on this computer. She did have to zoom in a bit to see them well and not sure it would let it be done on here either
Yep. There were trail cam pics take'n about a mile from here four or five years ago of a black bear just as plain as any pic of a bear you have ever seen. Every one from the KY Dept of Fish and Wildlife who looked at the pic just shruged their shoulders and said it looked like a black dog to them, just like they are trained to say.

These have impressive illumination, for something you hold in your hand, absolutely eliminates me from going up and getting a lantern if I have to track a deer or at least initially find the trail no snow or leaves, need more light. I've had it happen during archery 2x, both good hits, but they went 150 or so yards into a marsh, thick like a carpet with young elm, usually dry enough to walk, but its hundreds of yards in all directions. Had I one of these I'd have got to it before the coyotes, I had refrained from taking late evening shots, won't any more with an extra set of batteries. Seems they went up a little now, you can mount to some firearms too, not sure if there are any U.S. made, if not, there needs to be, these would not be good news for mag-lite unless they made a version. It seems their current model LED's are apparently a lot less then one of these, which are alleged to be 1600 ? All I know is its bright, have to make a repair on a tractor at night, real handy tool to make it easier.
yes, their out there. We had one in the neighbors yard, just a couple miles away. It was in the yard early in the morning, spent the day in a tall bean field across the road, then was back in the yard that night. We have found tracks in our yard after a rain, also ;ots of good adult farm cats suddenly gone.
Trail cam cats.
I hope it doesn't turn out like the guy who ran into traffic with the Bigfoot costume on. After the fact there were several jokes about SaSquashed......
My dad lived in Southwest Michigan for about 10 years before he passed, there was a rumor about a big cat in the area, any time someone saw it they would tell the DNR and they'd disavow any knowledge and claim it was something else. This worked well for a few years until someone hit one of the big cats with a truck, with the body in hand they had a time denying that their were big cats in the area. There was also rumors of a big cat roaming when I lived in Jackson County Michigan in 1984. The DNR took a different approach and blamed Ted Nugent saying one of his got loose.

Saw a small one run across the road in front of me one night about3 years ago. Neighbors on the next ridge have heard one and seen big tracks. One rainy evening last week wife and I heard one behind the house. Too dark and rainy to drive down to to the edge of the woods to check on it.

Well old-
If you lived in rural New york State as I do, and if you have seen these big cats a couple of times as I have (wife saw one too), and if there have been pictures of one in the newspaper, and if you try to ask questions of the authorities about it, they'll just say that there is no breeding population in NYS.

But then one day I cornered an ENCON officer i know and he said if the the Dept. of Env. Cons. says that they are here, then the whole deal tilts towards an Endangered Species fiasco and that involves a lot of red tape and $$$$$$.
You shoot this thing, and the next armadillo that pees you off you will kill with a sharp stick, cause your state won't ever let you near a firearm again, no joke.
The guys on here in New York know what I am talking about. I had 2 run ins at my ol place out there, the first thing the DEC says is they don't exist, the second thing they say, is what ever you do, don't shoot it.
This was years ago, so if there is no collar assume there is a biometric chip under the skin. So forwarned is forarmed with these guys....

Boy....... You better rethink that little .410 and .22 and/or start aimin a little better :shock:

Lived in the boonies near Newburg when Stationed at FLW... Would see big cat tracks around a couple ponds on the place and would hear screamin and squalin that'd raise the hair on your neck. I had never seen a big cat to know the difference, but the old lady we were looking after said they were bobcat.
I know a guy that lived a couple miles north of Hanover, MI(southeast of Jackson). Last summer he saw one behind his house, walking the edge of the cornfield by the woods. Supposedly DNR told him he was free to shoot it.

BIlly, DoubleN, I saw one between Long Lake and Blue Mtn Lake one night. No doubt at all what it was. Never said anything for fear of ridicule. My wife saw one not a mile from out farm up hear near Black Lake. They are around, but not in big numbers.

There is no mistaking the difference between a Mountain Lion and Bobcat when you get a good look.
Thats like reporting a UFO, there has just been too many reports of them not to consider it reality even if small populations spread out.

I've heard of them over in the Catskills too, northern end, same terrain to the east here, who really knows, but something to keep an eye out for.

An awesome creature, but I'm sure the first things that come to mind is personal safety and ones livestock. If one of those ever got in around here, with the deer populations, you wonder what would happen, would they take, keep the deer in check, wipe em out or what. + all the rabbits, 'chucks and other smaller mammals, certainly lots of prey around for them.

Bobcat had always been in the mountains, like the berkshires or over by the VT/Mass border, but like 6 years ago, during archery and I did not get a photo of it, a healthy bobcat was stealthily and very cautiously walking the edge of the corn and would jump or stop at literally nothing, was on edge, never saw me, could not believe what I was seeing, a cat 40-50 lbs.
410 and 22 are around the house/garden guns. As for my aim taking a 10 point buck at 60 yards with my 44mag isn't all that bad a shot now is it. And yes I had a witness to the shot and it was in fact a heart lung shot to boot. When I deer hunt I carry the 44mag plus a Russian SKS That has a scope on it. When I bow hunt due to my should and back problems I use a cross bow and I also carry the 44mag just in case. As few years ago I was sitting on a stand and two days in a row I had a bob cat walk right under the stand and that was enough to tell me to carry the 44
(quoted from post at 05:25:41 09/08/12)

Bobcat had always been in the mountains, like the berkshires or over by the VT/Mass border, but like 6 years ago, during archery and I did not get a photo of it, a healthy bobcat was stealthily and very cautiously walking the edge of the corn and would jump or stop at literally nothing, was on edge, never saw me, could not believe what I was seeing, a cat 40-50 lbs.

It might look like a 50 lbs cat Billy, but more likely it was a lot closer to 20-25 lbs. The largest on record is 52 lbs, alleged contenders usually end up in the 35 lbs class, They look huge until the scale comes out.
I'm carrying all the time now, between the over population of bears and the coyotes, I think it's become necessary. Plus in the past 2 weeks 4 different people have seen a panther in my area. 3 of those people work at a 300+ acre camp that I live next to. I wonder what the South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources, who deny that we have panthers, is going to say if a camper gets attacked. I asked a game warden about the animals being in our area. His opinion is that it's probably a pet that someone either got tired of or couldn't take care of anymore and they brought it up here in the foothills of The Blue Ridge and released it. I also heard that a staff member of a different kids camp about 10 miles from here kept seeing a big cat and practiced the S-S-S method of handling dangerous critters. I believe they are out there despite the SCDNR denials.

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