Tax Deduction for an atv.


Not really tractor related but a lot of people here have atvs or 4 wheelers on the farm so I thought this might fit. I also own a Farmall M with a Dual 250 loader. But my son is an electrician and a foreman for the company he works for but on his new project which is a large manufacturing plant for a box store which is over 1200 feet long. His company doesn't provide an atv to haul stuff so I am wondering if he can buy one and write it off of his taxes. Mostly for work use.
Check with a tax accountant to be sure but I think he has to declair a % of how much is work and play.

Everyone tries their damndest to get outta payin taxes then the same ones cry cause stuff gets cut..................
The big thing to consider is the liability involved.If he puts it on the project he'll have to have insurance.In Illinois it's a law.One way around that is to sell it to the contractor for a agreed amount and buy it back when the job is complete.To make it a legal write off would be to get the contractor to sign a lease.Thru the years I leased trucks and tractors on several projects but always carried my own insurance just to be on the safe side.Good Luck.
If it's necessary then his employer should provide it, and it would be a business expense for him. Is your son driving a company truck now? A lot of companies have side-by-sides for getting around a large complex. Some people use bicycles!
Yea like some guy awhile back living in some Socialist European enclave with sky high taxes was trying to buy a chainsaw here in the states and have it shipped to him to avoid the high taxes in the country he was living in.
Without more knowledge of his tax situation; that question is unanswerable. BUT his accountant should be able to answer it in about 10 seconds. please check with that person! the accountant also should be able to provide an answer on how to handle the situation to the best for both parties.
(quoted from post at 14:18:35 09/13/12) Yea like some guy awhile back living in some Socialist European enclave with sky high taxes was trying to buy a chainsaw here in the states and have it shipped to him to avoid the high taxes in the country he was living in.

Now that there is funny :lol: :lol: :lol: I think he got ya there Dave :shock: :shock: :shock:

Probly deductable if he's self employed, probly not if he's an employee. But as said only an accountant can aswer for sure.
LOL, I remember that story too. Matter of fact I think I have his business card around here somewhere. Now where in the heck did I put that card. It"s got to be here somewhere. Oh wait, I found it!

Everybody would like to write off their toys as a tax deduction. I say "go for it", since I'm not the one who has to explain to an IRS auditor why his toy is a legitimate tax deduction.

If he is an "independent contractor" and gets a 1099, he has a shot at it. If his pay is reported on a W-2 he would be nuts to even try. He'd have to write it off as an unreimbursed employee expense, and something that big is going to attract attention. As a contractor, he can depreciate it out and it's unlikely to attract the notice of the IRS.

Of course, this advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.
A fellow I know boards horses.He bought a John Deere that has a pick up box .He uses it to clean box stalls.He claimed agricultural exemption on the sales tax state said no,he took the state to court and beat them.
As a certified non-accountant -

I'd say if he's an employee - non compensated expenses ARE deductible - but to be safe, he'd have to log the time he uses the atv on the job.

The only part that would be deductible is the part he uses on the job. Call it a 5 year depreciation and figure out what each day of use costs.

Similar to nonreimbursed car expenses. The IRS allows $.xx per mile driven - NOT the cost of the car.

I think the government's going to raise an eyebrow if he tries to say the atv is 100% for work only. Corporations typically don't have their employees buy expensive assets FOR them. That might even raise some IRS eyebrows against his employer.

Something tells me said ATV is probably not stored permanently onsite at the job location either.

The people at the IRS are no differnt than us - and WE all think the same thing - it's more about having an atv for fun than having an atv for work. He COULD use a bicycle.

So I say just deduct the work related part. I think that would slide under the IRS radar with no problem, and it would be the honest thing to do.
(quoted from post at 14:18:35 09/13/12) Yea like some guy awhile back living in some Socialist European enclave with sky high taxes was trying to buy a chainsaw here in the states and have it shipped to him to avoid the high taxes in the country he was living in.

Wasn't the taxes dipshit...... just the price itself..... Sales tax is high here, but I don't have to pay it. Usually do but can skip it if I want to go thru the hassle.......
I can't write of anything on my taxes....
(quoted from post at 17:10:07 09/13/12) If the company buys it, I would assume he can depreciate the asset.

If the company buys it from him, then he would have to pay tax on the income from the sale. :cry:
(quoted from post at 17:50:51 09/14/12) Don't European countries have a VAT that makes
things espensive.

germany is 19% but it's camouflaged.... All marked prices are including tax..
Never know what will be expensive or cheap (compared to the States)....

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